⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Arsenal are better off selling Sanchez to another club outside the league. Idiots waited until the last minute to sell to a rival.
lol wut? ox in the middle?
does he know his best attribute is his speed and he cant just sprint around full speed in the middle of the park

is this even reliable information anymore? this is ridiculous
Arsenal fans are delusional. Should've sold to Bayern and PSG when they had the chance. Instead you sell directly to a league rival. I've never see a more poorly ran club.
I'm Chilean and support arsenal but for some reason I've never messed with Sanchez that hard. Idk why. He's a beast too. If he goes to Man U/Chelsea/Liverpool then it's officially **** em :lol:. Any where else idc
Arsenal fans are delusional. Should've sold to Bayern and PSG when they had the chance. Instead you sell directly to a league rival. I've never see a more poorly ran club.
Word its mind boggling especially after what already happened with RVP

Bayern was apparently seriously interested earlier in the summer too,would've asked for Costa + cash if I was Arsene
Real talk we need to replace Elneny, Coquelin with 2 big skrong world class CDMs
Surprised he hasn't gone for Krychowiak yet. We were interested last season and PSG def need to sell. Depending on if Alexis and Ox leave and we get money I can see us swooping in for Krychowiak/Draxler. This would be the smartest move and it would avoid us selling Alexis to Epl rivals. But again, no one has any brains at the club.

Bayern was apparently seriously interested earlier in the summer too,would've asked for Costa + cash if I was Arsene
Costa is a cancer no one wants that guy. He only fits in at atletico
my mom is in england right now and my dad will join her soon. They got tickets to England vs Slovakia on the 4th. Qualifiers. A game at Wembley.... I'm very jealous
At this point, do a deal for Alexis/Sterling. Or go in for Mahrez

Arsenal ain’t winning the league as they stand with Wengers tactics.

Keep Ox, run Ox/Sterling at the wings, Laca up front, Mesut behind him.

Find a Santi replacement, keep Mustafi, replace Per/find a replacement to phase him out

**** Lemar, that ain’t happening. Give that dream up. Window ends in 2 days. Make realistic moves that can actually happen.
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