⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Telegraph Sport understands that the majority of the first-team squad have now had enough of Sanchez and the saga regarding his future. They believe he has no desire to be at Arsenal and has been allowed to get away with putting himself ahead of the team for far too long.
Sauced from the Telegraph.
At this point, do a deal for Alexis/Sterling. Or go in for Mahrez

Arsenal ain’t winning the league as they stand with Wengers tactics.

Keep Ox, run Ox/Sterling at the wings, Laca up front, Mesut behind him.

Find a Santi replacement, keep Mustafi, replace Per/find a replacement to phase him out

**** Lemar, that ain’t happening. Give that dream up. Window ends in 2 days. Make realistic moves that can actually happen.

Logic doesn't work at arsenal bruh. Any fan can run that club better.

On the other hand happy for Villa with the callup. Bet he scores on his return.

OG meme
As if this whole window hasn't been crazy enough, these last two days of the transfer market are sure to produce something wild
Sauced from the Telegraph.

I interpret this one of two ways.
1. Its true
2. Arsenal is putting this out so they can go back and say "see we had to sell him he was becoming a lockeroom cancer" depends on how pessimistic you are about Arsenal and the situation.
rafinha needs to go somewhere...hes a solid player who has an eye for goal
it will be interesting to see how conte rotates his squad...it seems all last minute and he's never had to rotate this squad before.

players like pedro need consistent minutes
rafinha needs to go somewhere...hes a solid player who has an eye for goal
it will be interesting to see how conte rotates his squad...it seems all last minute and he's never had to rotate this squad before.

players like pedro need consistent minutes
Pedro seems to be Conte's favorite winger . He always finds a place for him on the squad. the majority of players Chelsea are looking to by last min are just going to be rotation players to give guys like Hazard, Pedro, and Kante rest before a CL match
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