⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Shaq gonna be great one day :pimp: Hope he makes an appearance at the World Cup Jr.

Also, of course South Korea gets drawn against the defending champs, Mexico and the Children of Zlatan :smh: Sonaldo deserves better than this.
Pipita draws first blood for the Old Lady... He got yolked finishing that ball in the box too.

Dat counter...
I mean he has a point lol both Pep and Redmond explained what happened the whole situation wasn’t a big deal people where tryin to make a controversy when there really wasn’t one

Not a big deal but the encounter did rub me the wrong way. Tells Redderz he should’ve attacked more knowing damn well that’s not his call :lol:

Him and Klopp throw fits when teams don’t play into their hands. Great manager, pretentious ****
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I'll be in France during the start of the Cup, so depending on if the cards fall just right, I might take in a game after that trip ends.

Main concerns: being an American in Russia.
ive read its a lot safer and "more english" than most ppl think
Napoli just couldn't find a way through wow Juve where solid. First lost in the league.

Not a big deal but the encounter did rub me the wrong way. Tells Redderz he should’ve attacked more knowing damn well that’s not his call :lol:

Him and Klopp through fits when teams don’t play into their hands. Great manager, pretentious ****

He was complimenting him but he was saying attack more cause he know's what Redmond was capable of Pep and Redmond had a laugh about it, it was tongue and cheek he wasn't really asking him to disobey his managers orders. He further clarified today that the defensive stuff wasn't his problem he always says he respects how others play the game. It was just the time wasting from kickoff that got under his skin which will get under anyones skin tbh There's a difference between playing defensive and wasting time from kick off.
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Ready for the NT derby tomorrow :pimp: :pimp: .. one of my favorite games of the season

Just getting over a stomach virus so I missed the whooping we put on Huddersfield on Wednesday. Took a nap at 1:30 and woke up at 6 :emoji_thinking:
What group did the USMNT land in?


To answer the previous pages question; yes I am going to Russia. No if ands or buts about it. I have the funds for it. Whether alone or my bro or someone. My personal debate is how long.

Prolly minimum two weeks and do I land a few days before opening game or not because I generally do love history and military history and I want to see statue park, Kremlin and all that. Moscow, St. Petersburg etc etc

Also to find myself a wife to bring back
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