Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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Sheesh im reading that KDB went in on pep. Said the gameplan wasn't right and didn't play to their strengths. Then they asked him if pep failed he said a titleless season is not enough
Juve need to offload all their mids not named Arthur and Bentancur and send the house for KDB or Aouar
Also if someone asked DOF Coupe “Yo you can have Gaby Jesus for any price on Wolves or Porto....how much you willing to pay”

I’d give you €3 million, TOPS. He is such a scrub man, plus he’s soooo predictable in the box.
He gave the bum Sterling a sitter to tie it 2-2 and he blew it...
City should have taken the ban - They would have been better off as opposed to the way they’ve gone out of the CL under Pep Guardiola.
City should have taken the ban - They would have been better off as opposed to the way they’ve gone out of the CL under Pep Guardiola.
Armada Armada would have been able to spin this loss better. "The team is still disheartened from the ban. The manager nor the players head is in the game. It's totally not fair. We let the Courts do their thing and they still were able to find corruption even though we paid people off and covered it up".
Sheesh im reading that KDB went in on pep. Said the gameplan wasn't right and didn't play to their strengths. Then they asked him if pep failed he said a titleless season is not enough
Just watched the full thing he didn't go in on any individuals or Pep and he never said anything about the gameplay and not playing to our strengths, just that we started slow and the we weren't good enough. Interview didn't even ask him if pep failed. Dudes on social media just sensationalizing stuff
Crazy how a Frenchman got them through last round and now a Frenchman bounces them from the Quarters :lol:
Let’s remember that pep is a fraud on and off the pitch. Fights for the little man for Catalan independence yet is a racist and a servant to the UAE’s sports-washing human rights abuses

honestly idc about pep just trying to pile on ruining jape’s weekend
I still can't fathom leaving Bernardo Silva and Foden off the pitch. I never want to see Gundogan in a City shirt again. I'm mad we let Sane leave for peanuts.

I won't be surprised if we're 3rd or 4th behind Liverpool, Chelsea and it pains me to say this but even maybe United next season. This season was a disgrace, couldnt even retire a club legend with a trophy :frown:
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