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You'd think Leeds are part of the top 6 of how they cover Bielsa on Telemundo. I get that it's Bielsa but damn :lol:
I know his antics turn a lot of folks off but I'll always mess with Lannisterinho the player for being one of the few stars in the game still trying to uphold that joga bonito heritage in an era dominated by pin point detail oriented tactics, analytics and technique which causes everyone to play a lot more cautiously and take less risks.

One of the few poets left in the game :pimp:, I'll give it a watch. Wonder how they'll present his family life/sister relationship :lol:
Leeds and Everton should both be in the market for a goalkeeper. The keeper is off the line and somehow Dallas missed stopping the shot. Madness.
I turn away, turn back and it's 3-0

Leeds should get all the help they need now that the 49ers own 'em now. The real question is Bielsa gonna stay.
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These English commentators are sucking off City right now. Leeds is in Shambles. They've loss a number of gmes dude to injuries and having a questionable keeper. To act like City isn't doing what the other clubs did to Leeds prior (the only difference being is city has more firing power) is disengenous.
These English commentators are sucking off City right now. Leeds is in Shambles. They've loss a number of gmes dude to injuries and having a questionable keeper. To act like City isn't doing what the other clubs did to Leeds prior (the only difference being is city has more firing power) is disengenous.
I would like to retract this statement. :lol: It is now 6-0 and there's 16 minutes left in the game.
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