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Holy smokes on Chelsea. Shoulda boot out the champions too lol.. i kid
The whole club could be in huge danger depending on how it all plays out. A whole lotta ego is in play at this point.
Even though they both have basically limitless resources, the difference in competence between the Citeh and P$G projects is crazy.

One is all flash and little substance while the other made a concerted effort to building a football powerhouse by hiring proper football know-how at every level to compliment all of that money instead of focusing primarily on brand building and becoming trendy.

All of that doesn't necessarily need much investment and focus as it always comes organically as a natural byproduct of sustained success.

There's also a sense of everyone being on the same page/wave length on one side while internal club politics cause constant division and internal turmoil on the other side.

P$G last night and over the years, along with United unfortunately, have really hammered home just how much money doesn't necessarily translate into success on the pitch.

Football nous will always the big winner in the end, football nous + money (Citeh) is basically unstoppable :lol: :smh:

Gonna be fascinating to see if Newcastle manage to find that balance
Sighs, it stinks that it has to be today on Chelsea FC’s founding date.

The club will always find a way to bounce back from harsh situations they face

Rocking my Chelsea winter hat

Happy 117th Birthday, Chelsea Football Club

Up the Chels
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