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I guess that explains why Roman was trying to sell asap the other week, dude must be sick not being able to have any say in what happens now and some prick like woody johnson taking over

The UK government is setting a dangerous precedent. If you look deep enough, you can find any dirt on these billionaires. None of their hands are clean. Roman was arguably the best owner in all of sports. His passion and love for Chelsea turned them into a worldwide brand. Chelsea will never have an owner like that again.

I feel terrible for all of their fans who were there pre-2003. They don't deserve it and neither do the people working at the club.
When I first started playing fifa I “supported” Man U but once I actually started watching games I was drawn to arsenal and now I’m here for life
I’m also a low key Madrid fan, it’s the South American in me, I can’t help it :lol:
I looked up other Russian oligarchs and Alex Lebedev owns the British newspapers the evening standard and The Independent. So definitely making an example outta Roman. I haven’t looked at the status of those newspapers but I’m not seeing sanctions over there
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