⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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Rockets standing their ground tonight. I would need HOU$TON HOU$TON or someone who watched to comment but it looks like they had to try to lose to Minnesota last night.
My ex loved that stupid tree in Rockefeller center man... Every year we would go see it. Deal with the traffic, the mass of people, one year it was snowing and snow in NYC just turns everywhere to a muddy mess... Every year for the same tree so we could take the SAME PICTURE in front of said tree.

Used to get me so tight man...
My aunt used to take me every year when I was a little kid
Last time I did it was like 10 years ago with a girl I used to mess with so I feel you on this
I got zero desire to ever do it again. Maybe for my kids, idk, they don't exist yet :lol:
storm2006 storm2006 should take his little man sometime though. Lor father-son bonding moment :pimp:
Nobody will care about this but I was curious how historically bad A. Pokusevski is (OKC Thunder). He is 7 feet tall and has a 29.2% FG %.

Basically he’s on pace to have the worst shooting season since the 40s and 50s when shooting sub 30% was normal

That list is all 40s and 50s dudes, with Nikoloz Tskitishvili’s 2002-03 season mixed in - he shot 29.26%.

So this bum on OKC is that type of historic bad....

As far as current players, Gary Harris in 2014-25 had the worst shooting season at .3041 clip, #229 worst in nba history
My aunt used to take me every year when I was a little kid
Last time I did it was like 10 years ago with a girl I used to mess with so I feel you on this
I got zero desire to ever do it again. Maybe for my kids, idk, they don't exist yet :lol:
storm2006 storm2006 should take his little man sometime though. Lor father-son bonding moment :pimp:

:rofl: But forreal, every year one of my exes and I would do a nice, early dinner on a Sunday then go see the tree. It was meh to me but like both you and antidope antidope said, you kind of just have to shut up and go then after a few times it becomes a tradition and can't NOT do it.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: at sweetjames.com
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