⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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Just two pages after HE posted about the creator of Silk Road getting double life + 40 years for putting a hit out on someone, my guy put out a detailed classified for the whereabouts of a yamb :rofl:
Last name is Andrew* guys, not Andrews. I'm paying out 1 2012 bitcoin for any useful information. She might has on 7yr old orange Air Force 1 lows.

My grandma has a mango tree in her yard in Jamaica. None of the fruit is safe especially if it the branch extends into the yard.

My parents had a big mango tree in the front yard, it was a wrap when that started to bear.

Joint use to get raided with the quickness. :lol:

It took a hurricane coming through and completely uprooting the tree for it to stop.
It is fun to share stories from the island, but sadder news, brahs, keep the people of St. Vincent in your thoughts. The volcano on the island is expecteded to erupt. Evacuations happening now.

When it does, it will make most of the island uninhabitable.

Tens of thousands, of mainly black folk, gonna have the only place the ever-called home wiped out, completely, with no way to rebuild. Burnt and buried under ash

Only memories like we shared today to hold onto. Got a couple of homies that will never see the neighborhoods they grew up in again. Spoke to one today and mans broke down on the phone :frown:
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We're arguing about something in my group chat while we're off topic.. Who is worse? West Indians who don't pork, or West Indians who don't like soup.

If you don't like soup something is wrong with you period.
Soup. Way too many variants of soup. So if you don't eat meat, there is a veggie and ital options available.
Damn, the pandemic turned Americans into West Indians

In St Lucia, no fruit is safe. You got a nice soursop or mango in your yard you been keeping your eye on, best believe your neighbor has been too. And is planning their heist

I still remember my grandmother catching our neighborhood raiding our avocado tree at 4am in the morning. She wasn't that upset, since ole boy was also her doctor.
Yep, my grandmother and pops had my jumping fences as soon as they saw I could climb up a mango tree.

My dad one time boosted me over the fence of the Prime minister's residence to steal passion fruit

My grandmother one time spent weeks planning a heist of our neighbor's pumpkin patch. I was sloppy and got spotted though. They came to the house to complain and while I hid in my room, I could hear her outside cussing them out saying how dare they accuse me. Meanwhile, she got some pumpkin soup on the fire cookin. :lol:

They got us back during plum season though
My mother has a hilarious story about the time her older cousins took her to steal sugar cane in the middle of the night when she was like 6 or 7 :lol: It ends with them being chased back to the truck by a man with a machete :rofl:

She's asked me to steal HERE, IN AMERICA, IN THE BRONX.
I'm like "Mummy, I can't do that, you tryna get me killed?"
"If yuh can reach it from da fence yuh can tek it. Those are the rules"
"AMERICANS DON'T KNOW THESE RULES! I'm not going over that fence for some fruit!"
She gonna chups at me

Maam I am your ONLY son, value me more please?

All of these stories bring back memories. But some people take it seriously back home. If you come from more rural parts where growing food is your main source of income, some people ain't having that. Definitely raided a few trees during mango season. East Indian and Julie mangos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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