🦉The Official Drake Thread6️⃣ - Drake & PND Album Fall 2024

Still blasting this album heavy nothing come close not pusha not dom not dc3 nothing

This is wack.

like you do this with Jay's music as well. There is too much music out there to listen that many times that soon.

i mean do you, but thats pretty lame (imo of course)

edit: im not even tryin to be mean, but do you fell uncomfortable having someone hear you bumping the same song over and over?
I am in no way shape or form offended and you are not the first person to ask this question.

To put it simply if someone puts out something that I really like I don't really want to listen to much else for an extended period usually a month or so. I'll listen to a song or album in between but I'm going back to that project for my day to day listening pleasure during that period. I've listened to Pusha T's album twice, and I like it, it just came out the wrong time for me.

I've listened to MCHG in its entirely over 120 times and that's really low balling it because I'm only taking into account the ipod play counts. Not many people get it, and if they had to be around me all day would get pissed off cause I've already listened to NWTS two times this morning whilst stuck in traffic and I'm gonna do the same thing when I leave work today. I did the same thing yesterday and will probably do it tomorrow.

It hasn't gotten old to me yet
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I can respect it being that I remember not getting this much music back to back a few years ago. You would pick up a CD off of the strength of the singles/being a fan and really digest that album for a few weeks at least. I usually play a good album a lot too, but my numbers are in the 20's for Nothing Was the Same except for Connect and Come Thru.

If there was a play count back then, each of 50's first three albums would be in the hundreds.
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How do you even know that dude hurt his knee?

I feel like we're on different pages here my dude.

Like 3 years ago, Drake tore his ACL balling. Then a few weeks after that, he was performing with Wayne on-stage and started skipping, and busted his ***.

It was a pretty big joke for a few weeks since the video of him dying on stage was everywhere.


There was a huge lulz thread in General with tons of photoshops and everything.

I remember besides going in on Drake dudes posted **** bout Drake explaining why he went down like that.
How do you even know that dude hurt his knee?
I feel like we're on different pages here my dude.

Like 3 years ago, Drake tore his ACL balling. Then a few weeks after that, he was performing with Wayne on-stage and started skipping, and busted his ***.

It was a pretty big joke for a few weeks since the video of him dying on stage was everywhere.

There was a huge lulz thread in General with tons of photoshops and everything.

I remember besides going in on Drake dudes posted **** bout Drake explaining why he went down like that.
This is wack.

like you do this with Jay's music as well. There is too much music out there to listen that many times that soon.

i mean do you, but thats pretty lame (imo of course)

edit: im not even tryin to be mean, but do you fell uncomfortable having someone hear you bumping the same song over and over?


how low is your self-esteem bro? :rofl:

you feel lame when people hear you listen to the same song?

how old are you?

how do you possibly care how many times another man listens to a song?

i get on Antidope because 2 rappers he says suck happen to be my 2 favorite rappers ever (Pac and 3000)

but really? how you gone tell another man he's wack for listening to an album he likes over and over?

kinda makes you seem like the lame if you fear the judgement of other people if they hear you play a

song over and over.
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Yeah, the longer I have the album the more I play it.

Honestly, this isn't the best rap album of 2013. If I was asked to like analyze and critique this album, it comes off as a bit shallow, and in most of the songs the themes that are explored in the records are explored in the same way throughout the album. From Time sounds like Further Thing, which Sounds like Connect, Which Sounds like Come Thru, Which sounds like Wu Tang Forever, etc. they all deal with the same issues content wise, which is why if I was a "Critique" I probably wouldn't rate it THAT high.

However, because i'm not a critic, I can just listen to the music and hear it for what it is. Drake does what he does, and does it very well. He makes great songs and great records, even if it's redundant in nature. He has his niche. He makes records about the same few topics, but has found a way for the music to still feel refreshing and new, and as long as he keeps doing that, he's good with me. I love NWTS.

i like you man :pimp: :pimp: #repped
i like you man :pimp: :pimp: #repped

That's dawg, preciate' that.

It's like, If I'm asked to be objective, then I can do that. However, since we are nothing more than fans, then we don't have to be that. Like I said, his content is redundant, but he has a way of keeping the same content refreshing.

Kind of like, if you were to ask me who the best players in the NBA were, I would say KD, Lebron, etc.

If you asked me who I watch the most, and who's my favorite, I would say O.J. Mayo without question. I feel like often people confuse the two, and aren't capable of separating the two objectively.
Drake is a walking joke. I can't wait until his "era" is over. :smh: :smh:

Is this your opinion on his music or?

Cause take that out of the equation I'm having a hard time trying to understand why he's a walking joke? The man handles his business and takes care of his people/region.

This is coming from someone who thinks drake has mad feminine tendencies and thought NWTS was extremely underwhelming.
Is it really that hard to ignore him though? All the aritists that I dont like dont even show up on my radar.
I don't understand these clowns who keep coming on to bash Drake; if you don't like him that's your choice but what's the point to clutter this thread? If I don't like an artist I don't go in the thread...pretty simple

Besides Rico x Hood said Kid Cudi is more versatile :lol:
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Still blasting this album heavy nothing come close not pusha not dom not dc3 nothing

This is wack.

like you do this with Jay's music as well. There is too much music out there to listen that many times that soon.

i mean do you, but thats pretty lame (imo of course)

edit: im not even tryin to be mean, but do you fell uncomfortable having someone hear you bumping the same song over and over?
I am in no way shape or form offended and you are not the first person to ask this question.

To put it simply if someone puts out something that I really like I don't really want to listen to much else for an extended period usually a month or so. I'll listen to a song or album in between but I'm going back to that project for my day to day listening pleasure during that period. I've listened to Pusha T's album twice, and I like it, it just came out the wrong time for me.

I've listened to MCHG in its entirely over 120 times and that's really low balling it because I'm only taking into account the ipod play counts. Not many people get it, and if they had to be around me all day would get pissed off cause I've already listened to NWTS two times this morning whilst stuck in traffic and I'm gonna do the same thing when I leave work today. I did the same thing yesterday and will probably do it tomorrow.

It hasn't gotten old to me yet

i did this when i was younger with the MMLP/Dynasty album...Bone thugs when i was younger, but i didnt have access to downloading music /buyin albums etc.

Again, no harm. appreciate the response.
This is wack.

like you do this with Jay's music as well. There is too much music out there to listen that many times that soon.

i mean do you, but thats pretty lame (imo of course)

edit: im not even tryin to be mean, but do you fell uncomfortable having someone hear you bumping the same song over and over?


how low is your self-esteem bro? :rofl:

you feel lame when people hear you listen to the same song?

how old are you?

how do you possibly care how many times another man listens to a song?

i get on Antidope because 2 rappers he says suck happen to be my 2 favorite rappers ever (Pac and 3000)

but really? how you gone tell another man he's wack for listening to an album he likes over and over?

kinda makes you seem like the lame if you fear the judgement of other people if they hear you play a

song over and over.

He aint take it that way so why are you.

If you listen to your music in the car loud, others will hear it. you at work playin music, listenin to the same ish, i would say something like "pick another cd"

so i asked does he feel a certain.

My self-esteem is great. Along with my self-image. I am still striving to obtain my ideal-self. :D
Outside dude of looking mad awkward, what's the joke? Pardon my ignorance.

There's not much to get, it's corny as hell and Drake is only involved because of the song from what I can tell. Free promotion for Hold On, We're Going Home though so I'm not even mad :lol:
There's not much to get, it's corny as hell and Drake is only involved because of the song from what I can tell. Free promotion for Hold On, We're Going Home though so I'm not even mad :lol:

Fair enough. From a yamb perspective I'm not sure what the dude thought he was going to accomplish with that.
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