🦉The Official Drake Thread6️⃣ - Drake & PND Album Fall 2024

I don't understand these clowns who keep coming on to bash Drake; if you don't like him that's your choice but what's the point to clutter this thread? If I don't like an artist I don't go in the thread...pretty simple

Besides Rico x Hood said Kid Cudi is more versatile :lol:

Because he is more versatile and has a far superior body of work.
I don't understand these clowns who keep coming on to bash Drake; if you don't like him that's your choice but what's the point to clutter this thread? If I don't like an artist I don't go in the thread...pretty simple

Besides Rico x Hood said Kid Cudi is more versatile

Because he is more versatile and has a far superior body of work.
:lol: Kid Cudi is awful, one of the worst rappers to get on EVER.
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What I've realized about a lot of NT dudes is you only like dudes that people already like. So the hate for Cudi is understandable. But Indicud is a damn great album as well as MOTM I & II. H
What I've realized about a lot of NT dudes is you only like dudes that people already like. So the hate for Cudi is understandable. But Indicud is a damn great album as well as MOTM I & II. H
I've always hated Kid Cudi though, from the jump, and he doesnt even apply since he has an NT cult following.
I don't understand these clowns who keep coming on to bash Drake; if you don't like him that's your choice but what's the point to clutter this thread? If I don't like an artist I don't go in the thread...pretty simple

Besides Rico x Hood said Kid Cudi is more versatile

Because he is more versatile and has a far superior body of work.
:lol: Kid Cudi is awful, one of the worst rappers to get on EVER.

Wait, Kid Cudi is a rapper?
Fair enough. From a yamb perspective I'm not sure what the dude thought he was going to accomplish with that.

I think he meant to send her a selfie, which is still a no yambs getting *** thing to do; but had the video on by accident.

What are you guys talking about?


They're really talking about this on the news and having interviews for this **** :smh:
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Dudes taking selfies? The emasculation continues and thus nothing was the same.

What? So now it's gay for a dude to take picture of himself? Y'all ****** need to calm down :lol:

EDIT: just saw that starbuck drake ****... yeah that was wild gay :x
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No love for Cudi? 

You all know he produces his own beats? This did is in his own lane  & personally I'd rather listen to a full Cudi Album than Drake TBH.
Taking selfies is mad feminine. Men should not do it...ever.

Yeah, I would never call it gay or anything stupid like that, but taking selfies is lame as ****. In what frame of mind would a dude have to be in for him to sit down and take pictures of his face from different angles, much less to upload them online? :smh:

Naw. Leave that to the birds.
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No love for Cudi? :smh:

You all know he produces his own beats? This did is in his own lane  & personally I'd rather listen to a full Cudi Album than Drake TBH.

These cats just don know. I guess since he's not on Top 40 radio and mainstream they can't respect is music. It's a shame.
I've been a big Cudi fan since before his debut album, but I'm not even understanding why he keeps getting mentioned in here. They're in two different lanes and I don't listen to one expecting to get the same product or strengths as I would from the other.
I initially mentioned Cudi a couple pages back to compare Cudi's singing ability to Drake's (I feel Cudi sounds better). An all the hate came and I had to defend the Cud.
If I don't like an artist I don't go in the thread...pretty simple

pretty much how i have always used NT, if i am not interested in the topic of the thread, i keep moving.

why go back and forth with a person over something you don't even like?

you get upset, they get upset, it's stupid.

whether you like Drake or not, his music, his image... end of day he's a young brotha getting it and not hurting no one to get it. more power to him and others in my generation doing the same, period.

i feel like there should be two threads for everything, one for the lovers and one for the haters. cause good times go south a lot in these threads. i know people are not always going to be on the same page, that's life but more positivity is needed.

its like we come on nt for the simple fact we all enjoy the shoes, we pretty much have the same interests, and we just beat each other up over our opinions, when we are really all on the same team to begin with.
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