09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

[h2]Manny Pacquiao Would Beat Anyone Under 160 Pounds[/h2]
Posted May 03, 2009 12:45PM By Michael David Smith (RSS feed)

Filed Under: HBO
On Saturday afternoon, I told someone that I thought Floyd Mayweather Jr. would beat Manny Pacquiao, if the fight between the world's two best boxers finally materializes. After watching Pacquiao destroy Ricky Hatton on Saturday night, I no longer think that.

In fact, I now think this: Pacquiao, the little man who started his professional boxing career in the Philippines fighting at 106 pounds, would beat any boxer at any weight class under 160. Yes, you read that right: Pacquiao would have to move all the way up to middleweight before I'd bet against him.http://

The way Pacquiao just tore through Hatton Saturday night was nothing short of breathtaking. Hatton is a good boxer -- he was the world junior welterweight champion, and when he fought the undefeated Mayweather, he managed to win a couple of rounds before finally succombing in the 10th. But against Pacquiao, Hatton never knew what hit him, falling twice in the first round before getting knocked cold in the second.

Similarly, Pacquiao and Mayweather both fought Oscar De La Hoya, and while Mayweather beat De La Hoya by split decision, Pacquiao destroyed De La Hoya for nine rounds before making him quit on his stool. I have a hard time seeing how anyone who watched the last two fights for both Mayweather and Pacquiao could deny that Pacquiao is the better boxer.

In fact, Pacquiao is so great that I think he could move up another 15 pounds or so and beat the best junior middleweights in the world, Vernon Forrest and Paul Williams. Obviously, Pacquiao's strength and reach disadvantage would cause him problems against those opponents, but he's just so fast and so smooth a puncher that I think he'd move in and out, connect with flurries of punches and frustrate either Forrest or Williams.

Obviously, size does matter in boxing -- that's why there are weight classes. At some point, the 5-foot-6, 138-pound Pacquiao would be unable to keep winning if he kept moving up in weight class, and I think that point is at 160 pounds: The middleweight champion of the world, Kelly Pavlik, is 6-foot-2 and 160 pounds and would probably be able to use his reach, his power and his strong jab to beat Pacquiao.

But put the best pound-for-pound boxer in the ring with any opponent smaller than Pavlik, and my money is on Pacman.

Link: http://boxing.fanhouse.co...anyone-under-160-pounds/


Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by dyzzle

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

do you guys ever notice this dude in Pacquiao fights looking all tough trying to get in the camera during fight intros and interviews?




eavesdropping on mayweather lol

yo that's my uncle
you serious bro? lol... i dont' mean any disrespect. Its just i see him everywhere
Saw him in the background of a TYSON interview too

He's part of Team Pacquiao. One of his business managers. I think he was a frustrated actor. Check out Team Pacquaio on youtube. Hope you speak tagalog.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

[h2]Manny Pacquiao Would Beat Anyone Under 160 Pounds[/h2]
Posted May 03, 2009 12:45PM By Michael David Smith (RSS feed)

Filed Under: HBO
On Saturday afternoon, I told someone that I thought Floyd Mayweather Jr. would beat Manny Pacquiao, if the fight between the world's two best boxers finally materializes. After watching Pacquiao destroy Ricky Hatton on Saturday night, I no longer think that.

In fact, I now think this: Pacquiao, the little man who started his professional boxing career in the Philippines fighting at 106 pounds, would beat any boxer at any weight class under 160. Yes, you read that right: Pacquiao would have to move all the way up to middleweight before I'd bet against him.http://

The way Pacquiao just tore through Hatton Saturday night was nothing short of breathtaking. Hatton is a good boxer -- he was the world junior welterweight champion, and when he fought the undefeated Mayweather, he managed to win a couple of rounds before finally succombing in the 10th. But against Pacquiao, Hatton never knew what hit him, falling twice in the first round before getting knocked cold in the second.

Similarly, Pacquiao and Mayweather both fought Oscar De La Hoya, and while Mayweather beat De La Hoya by split decision, Pacquiao destroyed De La Hoya for nine rounds before making him quit on his stool. I have a hard time seeing how anyone who watched the last two fights for both Mayweather and Pacquiao could deny that Pacquiao is the better boxer.

In fact, Pacquiao is so great that I think he could move up another 15 pounds or so and beat the best junior middleweights in the world, Vernon Forrest and Paul Williams. Obviously, Pacquiao's strength and reach disadvantage would cause him problems against those opponents, but he's just so fast and so smooth a puncher that I think he'd move in and out, connect with flurries of punches and frustrate either Forrest or Williams.

Obviously, size does matter in boxing -- that's why there are weight classes. At some point, the 5-foot-6, 138-pound Pacquiao would be unable to keep winning if he kept moving up in weight class, and I think that point is at 160 pounds: The middleweight champion of the world, Kelly Pavlik, is 6-foot-2 and 160 pounds and would probably be able to use his reach, his power and his strong jab to beat Pacquiao.

But put the best pound-for-pound boxer in the ring with any opponent smaller than Pavlik, and my money is on Pacman.

Link: http://boxing.fanhouse.co...anyone-under-160-pounds/
Yeah okay

lets break down this foolishness.
Similarly, Pacquiao and Mayweather both fought Oscar De La Hoya, and while Mayweather beat De La Hoya by split decision, Pacquiao destroyed De La Hoya for nine rounds before making him quit on his stool.

the two fighters styles are completely different.
Mayweather went UP in weight to fight Oscar at his settled in weight.
Oscar was alot closer to old Oscar than when he fought Pacman, dont believe it, go watch stevie forbes literally break Oscars jaw in the fight leading toPacman.
either way,
I have a hard time seeing how anyone who watched the last two fights for both Mayweather and Pacquiao could deny that Pacquiao is the better boxer.
Hatton is a good boxer -- he was the world junior welterweight champion, and when he fought the undefeated Mayweather, he managed to win a couple of rounds before finally succombing in the 10th. But against Pacquiao, Hatton never knew what hit him, falling twice in the first round before getting knocked cold in the second.

playing connect the dots with boxing is PRETTY STUPID.

Pacquiao is so great that I think he could move up another 15 pounds or so and beat the best junior middleweights in the world, Vernon Forrest and Paul Williams. Obviously, Pacquiao's strength and reach disadvantage would cause him problems against those opponents, but he's just so fast and so smooth a puncher that I think he'd move in and out, connect with flurries of punches and frustrate either Forrest or Williams.

1st he says this then he says ...

At some point, the 5-foot-6, 138-pound Pacquiao would be unable to keep winning if he kept moving up in weight class, and I think that point is at 160 pounds: The middleweight champion of the world, Kelly Pavlik, is 6-foot-2 and 160 pounds and would probably be able to use his reach, his power and his strong jab to beat Pacquiao.

Paul WIlliams is 6'2 as well, so either he doesnt know *%@* or he's pretending to know *%@*

But put the best pound-for-pound boxer in the ring with any opponent smaller than Pavlik, and my money is on Pacman.

this weekend brought out the best and worst in Boxing I see.

at some of the responses

My dad used to say "sometimes when you open your mouth the fool jumps out" the person who wrote this article is in la la land...
anybody especially michael smith, thinks that pacquiao can beat anybody from 160 down is on drugs...
YA, that's a silly stretch. Paul Williams would destroy Manny as easily as Manny destroyed Hatton. Just Too big, and he is also a punching marvel.

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by dyzzle

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

do you guys ever notice this dude in Pacquiao fights looking all tough trying to get in the camera during fight intros and interviews?

eavesdropping on mayweather lol

yo that's my uncle
you serious bro? lol... i dont' mean any disrespect. Its just i see him everywhere
Saw him in the background of a TYSON interview too
yeah i'm serious.
not a blood relative tho. famconnect to manny
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


i hope this doesnt happen

manny would get killed
I remember reading somewhere that it "isn't boxing that's dying, its boxing journalism".

After seeing that article, I wholeheartedly agree.
and lets clarify, that was not a shot at Manny Ive got SOOO much respect for him, Imma fan. but I just refuse to let anyone just tell me any ol' thing.

that would be like me sayin Punisher can go up and whup BHop, Adamek and Chad Dawson.

again, what Pacman and Paul Williams are doing is INCREDIBLE, but lets not get outrageous with it.

to me, these two are the biggest stars inside the ring that the sport has, the hype isnot necessary
Cmon now Pacquiao beat Paul Williams

Edit: Maybe......

BTW Where the hell is he on the Fight Night Roster. Wheres Marquez and Mayweather
Originally Posted by Ace3han

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by dyzzle

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

do you guys ever notice this dude in Pacquiao fights looking all tough trying to get in the camera during fight intros and interviews?




eavesdropping on mayweather lol

yo that's my uncle
you serious bro? lol... i dont' mean any disrespect. Its just i see him everywhere
Saw him in the background of a TYSON interview too

He's part of Team Pacquiao. One of his business managers. I think he was a frustrated actor. Check out Team Pacquaio on youtube. Hope you speak tagalog.

he is pacman's PR Manager. A frustrated actor... He is the one responsible for all of Pacman's endorsers... that's why you see him walking aroundin team pacquaio shirt's with all the brands/logos hahaha
stoneyjax wrote:
Sweet Pea Whitaker

Yessir, but no Punisher, DLH, BHOP, Marquez, or Money May
. The article said more with downloadable content so hopefullythey'll be a part of that.
I read that dumb article and knew Gunna would break that +#!! down andlaugh that notion of Pac beating Williams off. I don't know what the hell some people think before they write +#!! down. Like did he read that articleafter he wrote it and thought he did a good job or wrote something meaningful?

And where's Punisher on the game roster? I was looking forward to *$%@+%% his !#$ up with Abraham
Thank god Manny put away Hatton, hopefully for good. I thought Pretty Boy already did that, but I guess Hatton was too thick-headed to realize he's notthat good. Now the media can stop jocking this overrated piece of trash. Anyone that thought Hatton had a chance is an idiot. I can't believe Teddy Atlaspredicted a Hatton victory...Teddy's my dude and all, but c'mon...
Man, even if I wasn't from Augusta I would still vouch for Paul Williams over Pacquiao if that fight happened this Saturday. Like people have already saidin this thread, PacMan is still too small (as strong as he is) and should stick to fighting guys in his class for now, and slowly move up the classes, if hechooses to do so.

I'm predicting he's going to run through a bunch of chumps like Clottey and Quartey before he even thinks about fighting Cotto or Mosley later thisyear, nevermind Mayweather...
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Man, even if I wasn't from Augusta I would still vouch for Paul Williams over Pacquiao if that fight happened this Saturday. Like people have already said in this thread, PacMan is still too small (as strong as he is) and should stick to fighting guys in his class for now, and slowly move up the classes, if he chooses to do so.

I'm predicting he's going to run through a bunch of chumps like Clottey and Quartey before he even thinks about fighting Cotto or Mosley later this year, nevermind Mayweather...

That would be the logical path for Pacman. That's not what will play out in reality IMO. With how fluid everything is if PB can get past Marquez, next upwill be the PB/Pac fight. I don't even know if Cotto/Pac will actually happen as that would be a huge risk for Pac. If Pac were to lose that tough bout,all momentum for Pac/PB goes down the drain.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

run through a bunch of chumps like Clottey

Come, again?


I had a Family Guy flashback and was cracking up.

I read through the official thread...I might as well have huffed paint for an hour would have lost the same amount of brain cells. Some of these people onhere man I don't know
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Man, even if I wasn't from Augusta I would still vouch for Paul Williams over Pacquiao if that fight happened this Saturday. Like people have already said in this thread, PacMan is still too small (as strong as he is) and should stick to fighting guys in his class for now, and slowly move up the classes, if he chooses to do so.

I'm predicting he's going to run through a bunch of chumps like Clottey and Quartey before he even thinks about fighting Cotto or Mosley later this year, nevermind Mayweather...

You watch boxing?
LESfamilia wrote:
Man, even if I wasn't from Augusta I would still vouch for Paul Williams over Pacquiao if that fight happened this Saturday. Like people have already said in this thread, PacMan is still too small (as strong as he is) and should stick to fighting guys in his class for now, and slowly move up the classes, if he chooses to do so.

I'm predicting he's going to run through a bunch of chumps like Clottey and Quartey before he even thinks about fighting Cotto or Mosley later this year, nevermind Mayweather...

Dag, you got some tough standards if you think these guys are chumps. You care to explain?
I know we spoke about this about 100 pages ago, but how many of you queens are in NYC?

If Cotto and Pac really do end up fighting in November and it's around my birthday I may get hooked up with some tickets to the Garden.
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