09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!


*that MSU brawl musta been somethin' serious....they were takin no names in that dorm...just swinging on cats
^ i was wondering what the deal with that guard staying in his stance the whole way thru was...
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by 18key

Dunlap out indefinitely.
Florida coach Urban Meyer announced after practice Tuesday evening that Dunlap has been suspended indefinitely from the team and will not play for the No. 1 Gators against No. 2 Alabama in the SEC championship game Saturday in Atlanta's Georgia Dome.
Urban gets my respect on this one.

As to Dunlap possibly ruining his team's chances at a National Championship...

$%!%*%* ******ed.

He didn't ruin any chances imo. Cunningham is an understated beast and Trattou should be able to fill in Dunlap's shoes decently. The onlything I'm worried about is that Florida's line isnt as scary as it was with Dunlap on it, so Bama might be attacking it more.
^ You just contradicted yourself bud and your post reeks of borderline homerism. How does the MVP of last years MNC being out NOT hurt their chances inanyway?
VT is the worst possible matchup for us. We can shut them down with our D but it wont matter with all the special teams TDs we're gonna give up
Borderline homerism, how? Contradiction where? And one player doesnt make the team. There's a reason Florida's defense is #1 overall, and Dunlap isjust one piece of the puzzle. Of course it hurts their chances of making it into the NCG, but it doesnt ruin the chances completely.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

After visiting the Trojans this past weekend, UCLA is now out of the running and two schools -- USC and Oklahoma -- remain for the talented athlete.

"The UCLA players really disrespected me before the game," Jefferson said. "When they saw me, they were all cussing at me, telling me to never come around Westwood again and things like that. These were guys that I had hung out with before and it was a lot of the team. I guess I kind of see it since I was committed there and was wearing USC gear before their big game, but I still didn't appreciate it.

"I can't play with dudes like that, no way. I wasn't really sure about UCLA in recent weeks but I was still going to visit there but that's out. I still like the coaches, but when I told my mom what happened, she was upset too so they're out and I'm going to decide between USC and Oklahoma and they're dead even right now."
so what did he think was going to happen?

Tony came to the game neutral (in attire) and borrowed the sweater last minute cause the temperature dropped.

Stupid stuff aside, his heart was never with UCLA. His commitment was purely reactionary to the SC coaches cooling off of him. He was ticked at the time andjust wanted to commit to a school and be done with it.

He'll end up a Trojan if SC stops playing games. He's the best pure tackler in this class.
It is absolutely pathetic that FSU will be playing in a new years game this year..pathetic.

This ACC should not allow this to happen.

I hope they get killed by 30
guess he's been a silent since the USC and just now he's verballed.

Odd, to say the least.
Originally Posted by lowslows

Nix commited to ND tonight

$%%!%@ idiot
This means nothing. Who's he even gonna commit to? None of the current ND staff will prob even be there a month from now anyway.

We let him go. He didn't let us go.
For anyone that cares, this is the rundown of what is happening to the Michigan St football team. Funny how this doesn't get a mention until 2 weeks afterbut Michigan and 20 hours of practice time is front and center the second it gets mentioned.

1) On October 19, 2008 a group of Michigan State football players attack several people. Running back Glenn Winston beats in hockey player A.J. Sturges'head so badly, it hospitalizes Sturges, and effectively ends his playing career. Faced with felony chages, Winston accepts a plea deal for a misdemeanor, witha 180-day jail sentence beginning in April, 2009.

2) Winston STAYS ON SCHOLARSHIP AT MSU THROUGHOUT HIS PRISON TERM. Winston earns an early release by taking part in an inmate worker program, and... getthis... RETURNS TO NOT ONLY THE TEAM, BUT ALSO THE PRACTICE FIELD THAT VERY AFTERNOON. He woke up in jail, and practiced college football on the same day.

3) Upon learning this, Sturges, a fellow MSU student-athlete, issues an angry response seen here:


You'll notice that Sturges says how disappointed he is in the department's decision and his fear that this will lead to future occurances of the sametype of attack. MSU's response is something along the lines of "we didn't learn anything new from Sturges statement." And Coach Dantoniomakes sure to point out that he has to support Winston.

4) Winston DOES NOT MISS A GAME this season, until hurting his knee vs. Illinois in the sixth game, sidelining him for the year.

5) 90 minutes after a TEAM BANQUET, 10-15 members of the football team, including Winston, kid attack a group of students in a DORM in a coordinated action...apparently in retaliation for a fight the night before. Some players were wearing ski masks. The student they are looking for isn't there so random assaultcommences, and both male and female students are battered. Some are hospitalized. Recap here:


6) MSU immediately kicks Winston and defensive back Roderick Jenrette -- two prior offenders -- off the team, but only for a "violation of teamrules," implying a level of knowledge of who was involved. (Incidentally, Jenrette was previously suspended by the team for the entire 2008 season for anundisclosed "personal matter.")

7) Police and university officials are rather mum during the investigation, which may seem normal if not for the State News (i.e. THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER)explicitly mentioning how differently this case is being treated from other dealings with the Police up there.


On a Tuesday night, at the end of business day, and before a night basketball game with North Carolina that MSU no doubt hopes will drown out attention (arematch of the 2009 NCAA Championship Game), the suspension of eight more players is announced. We hear nothing from MSU administration about their role infailing to deter these actions.

Originally Posted by 18key

Borderline homerism, how? Contradiction where? And one player doesnt make the team. There's a reason Florida's defense is #1 overall, and Dunlap is just one piece of the puzzle. Of course it hurts their chances of making it into the NCG, but it doesnt ruin the chances completely.
Your first sentence:

"He didn't ruin any chances imo. Cunningham is an understated beast and Trattou should be able to fill inDunlap's shoes decently."

Your second sentence:

"The only thing I'm worried about is that Florida's line isnt as scary as it was with Dunlap on it, so Bamamight be attacking it more."

How is that NOT a contradiction? If you don't see it, I can't help you.
The first sentence is called being a homer as well. There's a reason Gator fans are @@*++%$ pissed.

EDIT: And where did I ever say this ruins Florida's chances completely? I didn't...
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Mark Dantonio is a clown for letting a kid practice the same day after waking up behind bars. Are you serious?

Little Brother just lost almost their entire WR corp with that suspension.
(I know I shouldn't be laughing). SMH
I didn't post it to rub it in, but for all the people that are saying that Dantonio has this team under control and is on the right path, it isn'ttrue. The Winston thing is disgusting that he was let back that quick and did exactly what Struges was scared about. Winston had a history of this because hewent after Sturges a day after a scuffle with the same people. Kid was a loose cannon and was given reason by Dantonio to believe he had free reign to do whathe wanted. I don't care who was involved, you need to bounce the kids ASAP if you are the president of MSU. School looked trashy before this and now thisis just another couch on the fire.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

I didn't post it to rub it in, but for all the people that are saying that Dantonio has this team under control and is on the right path, it isn't true. The Winston thing is disgusting that he was let back that quick and did exactly what Struges was scared about. Winston had a history of this because he went after Sturges a day after a scuffle with the same people. Kid was a loose cannon and was given reason by Dantonio to believe he had free reign to do what he wanted. I don't care who was involved, you need to bounce the kids ASAP if you are the president of MSU. School looked trashy before this and now this is just another couch on the fire.

the thing is this happens a lot more than you realize, even at small schools. maybe not on the scale that this occurred (the number of innocent studentsattacked, as well as women) but student athletes in all sports get free passes for things normal students who aren't even on scholarship would be shown thedoor for. this story is disgusting but hardly an isolated incident.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by 18key

Borderline homerism, how? Contradiction where? And one player doesnt make the team. There's a reason Florida's defense is #1 overall, and Dunlap is just one piece of the puzzle. Of course it hurts their chances of making it into the NCG, but it doesnt ruin the chances completely.
Your first sentence:

"He didn't ruin any chances imo. Cunningham is an understated beast and Trattou should be able to fill in Dunlap's shoes decently."

Your second sentence:

"The only thing I'm worried about is that Florida's line isnt as scary as it was with Dunlap on it, so Bama might be attacking it more."

How is that NOT a contradiction? If you don't see it, I can't help you.
The first sentence is called being a homer as well. There's a reason Gator fans are @@*++%$ pissed.

EDIT: And where did I ever say this ruins Florida's chances completely? I didn't...
Eh I didn't mean to write it like that. I meant not as scary in how it looks. Like Dunlap is the most feared lineman on the team, so withouthim it doesnt look as scary.

Homerism? No. Like I said, one person doesnt make a team. So despite missing him for the game, I dont think he ruined the teams chance to make it into the NCG.If the Gators lose, it's on the team not Dunlap. My bad if I read your post wrong. My brain's fried after this past week and a half of school.
So are they really gonna put that bum #$# Fla st team on New Years Day ?

Just because of Bobby ?
^^ It's all good 18key.

Nako, I hear you but this particular instance is a bit deifferent IMO. This last attack (and the one that caused the most suspensions) was supposedly plannedduring MSU's year end football banquet. So as kids are recieving awards, 15-20 percent of the team is plotting on attacking a dorm (including some of theirbest players).

That is just disgusting to me and shows that Mark Dantonio has no control over his players.
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