Originally Posted by
Fear The Ibis
Randy Shannon is not a good recruiter. I'm about to watch the game so i'm not even going to get into it. But people need to stop perpetuating that myth.
Only people I know who still believe he is are looking at things through orange and green glasses. Take a step back and look at things from an objective standpoint.
Yeah I'd like to believe he is and he's going to bring us back. But the reality is to be an elite team you need to sign elite players. When you're letting elite players in your own backyard go to other schools you're not going anywhere.
Miami fans can come up with all the excuses they want about the players we're signing and why we're not getting such and such etc.
Go read some of Manny Navaro's (UM beat writer) thoughts on our recruiting. Our read what Mike Bakas has to say. These are people who are close to the program and actually speak to the coaches and players we recruit on a regular basis. People who actually have a clue and have been following this program for years.
Q: With J12 having a rough stretch, hampered by injury no less and only 2 years left, why arent't we pursuing any top tier QBs? I don't see a shot at the NC next year, do you think we have what it takes for an ACC title?
A: I'll start with your last question. The ACC has and always be a conference for the taking. There are no powers in this conference. Georgia Tech should be the favorite next year -- especially if Jonathan Dwyer returns. North Carolina and Virginia Tech will once again be formidable and I expect Florida State to return to form. Does Miami have enough in the tank to beat all four and win the conference? I don't know. I also feel the same way about a national title. We have to see mega improvement from UM if 2010 is going to be their year. As for the QB situation, Miami tried to get some quarterbacks. They simply failed to get them. The U isn't what used to be. And sooner or later I hope UM coaches realize they have to work just as hard as coaches from other schools to nab recruits. You can't just have the attitude if you don't want to come to The U we don't want you. Only teams that win conference titles and national championships can have that attitude. But even still, ask Urban Meyer at Florida or Jim Tressell at Ohio State if they have that attitude. They don't. That's why they are still relevant in the college football landscape.