09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Jay... ESPN throwin around Calhoun from Air Force?
Yea, Hamilton was in denver early in the day

thats why theres speculation that maybe this was known and Hamilton was making plans to find someone else.

Tenn does their interviews and such in a neutral locale so i dunno if thats the real story.

someone is reporting Muschamp with a presser tomorrow in texas, if thats true than he is not taking the UTk job. cus he'd be on a plane to UTk for formalannouncement
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE
Lane and his entire entourage are GRADE A SCUMBAGS.� I've never seen a coach who was so about "ME" in my entire life.� This %+$* isabsolutely disgusting.

Gunna, I think this might be a blessing in disguise for you in the long haul.� Props on not getting too pissed about the situation
because I know I would be.
blessing in disguise for Tennessee??? CLK got the excitement back, put the program back in the right direction...and now y'all don't have to deal withthis clown and can get someone who wants to be there and can pick right up where he left off???
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by JayGunnA

someone is reporting Muschamp with a presser tomorrow in texas,
but what would there be to announce?

Probably to announce that he is going to stay and take over for Mack.

blessing in disguise for Tennessee??? CLK got the excitement back, put the program back in the right direction...and now y'all don't have to deal with this clown and can get someone who wants to be there and can pick right up where he left off???

What's your take on this?

You know since UK swooped Calipari from Memphis right before it got slapped with sanctions.
but i thought that was already announced, right? they don't hold pressers for that sorta thing, do they? i mean, right now? i don't remember onewhen Joker was named HCIW at UK. maybe i'm wrong.

and my take on what? not sure what you're asking...
Muschamp has been working under the HCIW tag for a year already... So that wouldn't be it...

I dunno, but it'll be interesting to see what happens in the morning... This whole thing has turned the CFB world on its head.
You are trying way too hard to defend Lane Kiffin and your program. After Hours has also been WAY ahead of the news compared to you regarding SC.

I honestly don't think Bax will end up at Michigan but you are acting like he already said he is EE'ing again to SC.
(I said that report was from before the CLK hiring at the very beginning of my post, why the hell are you trying to call me out on it?). Soyou're basically telling me he is gonna cancel ALL visits and sign up with Lane and Co. tomorrow?
...If so, I guess I'm dead wrong and this kid is stupid to not look around atleast a little bit.

And Rich Rod leaving for Michigan isn't that comparable to Lane with Tennessee and USC (ESPECIALLY with the way Lane is showing how shady he really isregarding these players/recruits treating them like objects
). WVU is not anelite job or program. Tennessee is.

P.S.: I have NO hate for USC as an institution or their football program like you said Michigan fans do regarding "kicking our ##+$% in the RoseBowl."
With Lane at the helm, things could obviously change.
If Muschamp doesn't take that UT job he might just wait for that Georgia job to open if Richt slips in what seems to be a "must win" year forthem.

Mack just got that 5 mil I don't see him leaving that any time soon and I don't see Muschamp waiting that long either.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

You are trying way too hard to defend Lane Kiffin and your program. After Hours has also been WAY ahead of the news compared to you regarding SC.

I honestly don't think Bax will end up at Michigan but you are acting like he already said he is EE'ing again to SC.
(I said that report was from before the CLK hiring at the very beginning of my post, why the hell are you trying to call me out on it?). So you're basically telling me he is gonna cancel ALL visits and sign up with Lane and Co. tomorrow?
...If so, I guess I'm dead wrong and this kid is stupid to not look around at least a little bit.

And Rich Rod leaving for Michigan isn't that comparable to Lane with Tennessee and USC (ESPECIALLY with the way Lane is showing how shady he really is regarding these players/recruits treating them like objects
). WVU is not an elite job or program. Tennessee is.

P.S.: I have NO hate for USC as an institution or their football program like you said Michigan fans do regarding "kicking our ##+$% in the Rose Bowl."
With Lane at the helm, things could obviously change.


I'm not trying to defend Lane in any way or form, read what I wrote.

I'm simply saying don't throw rocks if you own a glass house, like everyone seems to be doing. Again, tell me where I defended Lane in any way. Please point it out.

As far as breaking news, check the times of each post. Although with three threads in regards to this whole saga, sometimes I didn't post in thisparticular thread, but ehhhh. after hOurs post some stuff before me and vice versa, no big deal, we have similar sources.

I'm not saying that Baxter is going to be an EE, simply that he has always wanted to be a Trojan, that is no secret. He took visits to other schools likeany other recruit, but his heart was always at SC. That is the reason why he was so pissed off when Pete Carroll bolted to the NFL, he wanted to be coached byPete.

You're right, West Virginia isn't an elite program. However, it is a major program in a BCS conference and WVU could've run that conference foryears. Plus, Rich Rod was an alum and that relationship didn't end on good terms. It's not Michigan, but the loyalty argument is still in place.
Norm Chow is returning to USC to join new Trojans head coach Lane Kiffin. ESPN's Shelley Smith is reporting that a deal to bring Chow back to USC as offensive coordinator is being finalized. He spent 4 years as offensive coordinator under Pete Carroll. Chow leaves UCLA, where he held the same position, after just one season.
Just posting a source for you Matt Barkley.

LOS ANGELES[font=&quot]-Lane Kiffin, the one-time USC offensive coordinator who then became the head coach of the Oakland Raiders and at Tennessee, has been named the Trojans' head football coach, USC athletic director Mike Garrett announced today (Jan. 12).
Joining Kiffin's staff as assistants will be Ed Orgeron and Monte Kiffin. Both were on the Tennessee staff in 2009.
Orgeron, one of college football's top recruiters and defensive line coaches, previously served 7 seasons at USC before becoming Mississippi's head coach and then an assistant with the New Orleans Saints. Monte Kiffin, Lane's father, is a longtime NFL and collegiate coach known for his defensive prowess.
"We are really excited to welcome Lane Kiffin back to USC," said Garrett. "I was able to watch him closely when he was an assistant with us and what I saw was a bright, creative young coach who I thought would make an excellent head coach here if the opportunity ever arose. I'm confident he and his staff will keep USC football performing at the high level that we expect.
"Lane brings a lot to the table. He has a coaching background both in the pros and in the best collegiate conferences. He has a great command of the X's and O's. He is familiar with the Trojan landscape and will be a great representative of our university. He keeps the game fun. And, very importantly, he has proven to be one of the finest recruiters anywhere.
"Lane has surrounded himself with others of similar talent. I can't tell you how delighted we are to have Ed Orgeron back on staff and to have Monte Kiffin join us. They are some of the pre-eminent coaches in the game. Ed did a marvelous job during his previous time at USC and we all know that Monte is a defensive guru. I know Lane will fill out his staff with other outstanding assistants like them, ones who Trojan players and fans will really like."
Kiffin replaces Pete Carroll, who resigned on Monday (Jan. 10) after 9 seasons at USC to accept the head coaching job with the NFL's Seattle Seahawks.

No confirmation on Chow, Dat Nguyen or Tim Davis.


Word is Dillon Baxter cancelled his visit to Oregon.
Iron Man, sorry for coming off like that.
...I just got a little heatedwith that jab at Michigan fans "hating SC because you kick our !%%%# in the Rose Bowl". Most Michigan fans honestly don't worry/sweat about SCtoo much (like you said it's not a rivalry). If anything, Petey stealing RoJo and Nick Perry out of our backyard is what got us pissed.
That is the reason why he was so pissed off when Pete Carroll bolted to the NFL, he wanted to be coached by Pete.
Which was my point. Pete isn't there anymore. And CLK just pulled basically the SAME move Pete pulled.

You're right, West Virginia isn't an elite program. However, it is a major program in a BCS conference and WVU could've run that conference for years. Plus, Rich Rod was an alum and that relationship didn't end on good terms. It's not Michigan, but the loyalty argument is still in place.

It's a "major" program right now because of what Rich Rod built that place up to be. Sure, they might have been able to run thatconference, but basically EVERY coach wants a shot at getting to the top/coaching for an elite program. Michigan provides all that and more compared to WVU. It didn't end well because of a bunch of their redneck fans sending him and his family death wishes and #%%@.
...So what if he's an alum? You know how many coaches aren't coaching at theiralma maters because they can get/got a much better gig? The "loyalty" thing is not the same IMO regarding these scenarios. Rich Rod ain't goinganywhere (on his own terms at least
). There is nowhere that wouldmake sense to bounce to. They would all be lateral moves and/or stepping down a notch.

But yeah you're right about Lane getting his dream job (he ain't going anywhere anytime soon).
VQ: Mutliple players told me on the record, and you earlier referenced recruiting, but multiple players told me on the record that coach (Ed) Orgeron had already been calling the guys who are early enrollees and already on campus but not started class yet. He's already been calling those guys. Were you aware that coach Orgeron was already calling those commitments and what is your take on that?

LK: I'm not aware of that happening except for what I have heard from players when I walked into the team room. I do not have direct knowledge of that happening. I have not done that, nor would I do that. So that would surprise me that that happened but I did hear the rumor that that happened.

VQ: What did you say to the players?

LK: Thanked them for their time and effort and what they've done. Really wish them the best of luck, and I know that we've come a long ways and improved as a team and Tennessee is going to be great forever. It's not about Lane Kiffin or any one of those players. Tennessee is a place that will always be great.

[h1]Volunteer Sources Say Kiffin Never Embraced Tennessee[/h1]
1/12/2010 9:11 PM ET By Clay Travis


In February of 2009, just a few months after Lane Kiffin's tenure began at the University of Tennessee, Vols senior center Josh McNeil walked into the Neyland-Thompson sports complex on the university campus. He paused alongside the Vols 1998 national championship trophy and shook his head in disbelief.

"They'd replaced our highlight video from the past season with Reggie Bush, Matt Leinart, and Dwayne Jarrett from USC. I was like, 'Man, I know we were 5-7 last year, but this is Tennessee. Right beside our national title trophy? Come on, man.'"

Walking up the stairs, McNeil, a 6-foot-4 280 pound offensive lineman, says that all the televisions in the complex, at least 20, were tuned to still photos of stellar plays featuring USC athletes. In particular, McNeil paused in front of one photo of Reggie Bush diving into the end zone on a sunlit California field.

"I was thinking, 'Damn, Jamal Lewis went here. Travis Henry went here. It ain't like we never had any running backs of our own.'"

Within a day the pictures and video were down, but the message had been sent. A new era had dawned in Knoxville.

A few months later after witnessing what McNeil said he believed were affronts to the Tennessee tradition that upset him, the player confronted Kiffin. "Coach," he said, "I feel like you're intentionally not embracing UT's traditions."

Kiffin smirked. "Well, whatever Tennessee's been doing isn't working anymore, so we're coming up with something new. Get used to it."

When Kiffin said, "something new," he meant exactly what USC had already done before, McNeil told FanHouse. Multiple team sources confirmed McNeil's claims.

By Junior Day, March 2, 2009, Kiffin had his first crop of potential players, hundreds of then-high school juniors on Tennessee's campus.

The players were divided between offense and defense and placed in front of highlight videos that were designed to show them the Tennessee way of playing football.

As the offensive players sat down on the field, a video flashed on the screen with a word in bold:


McNeil watched. "I was thinking, maybe we're going to see Dan Williams block against Kentucky that got us into the SEC championship game (in 2007). That was a pretty huge play."

Instead a USC play featuring Reggie Bush opened the montage.

Another word flashed on the screen.


More USC highlights followed.

"All the way back to Carson Palmer," says McNeil. "I mean, really, Carson Palmer is explosive?"

At the end of the video, Lane Kiffin addressed the recruits.

"We're going to make this the USC of the South, and the USC of the East Coast," said Kiffin.

McNeil did not hide his disgust. "I was sitting right there and it broke my heart. I came to Tennessee because we were Tennessee, not because we were pretending to be somebody else."

McNeil paused.

"And you know what else? Out of all those clips there wasn't one Oakland Raider highlight. Not one. Now [the Oakland offense] is the same offense, you know? You ever think maybe it has something to do with the players?"

A drum begins slowly beating in the back of a Tennessee meeting room.

Ba-dum, ba-dum

Coach Ed Orgeron, UT's recruiting coordinator, steps to the front of the room.

"One heartbeat," he growls.

The drum beat gets louder and faster.

"I'm about to teach y'all our special team cheer," Coach Orgeron said to a gathering of Tennessee players.

Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum.

"We're going to be crazy about special teams here."

"Now when these two Bushwackers run through the door, you rip your shirts off and scream as loud as you can. One side of the room yell, 'ST,' and the other side yell, 'wild boys.'"

The doors burst open, and two graduate assistants on the football team, walking like the Bushwackers from the old WWE wrestling days, arms gesticulating awkwardly in front of them, begin madly stomping about the room.

Coach Orgeron screams, "What's the first thing you do before you get in a fight?"

No answer.

"You take your shirt off!" he screams.

Then Coach Orgeron rips off his shirt in front of the team.

The drumbeat is incessant, loud. Players stare at one another.

Coach Orgeron begins to lead the cheer.

"ST!" he screams.

"ST," the team responds.

"Wild boys!" Orgeron screams.

"Wild boys," the team responds.

"Damn, I felt like an idiot with my shirt off," McNeil says. "So did lots of the older guys."

But some of the younger players believed the chant was very cool, McNeil said. It fired them up.

At least it did until they realized that the "new chant" the UT coaching staff introduced to the players was a retread.

"It was a USC thing," McNeil says, "I took an official visit there. They used to say, 'SC', and the other side would say, 'wild boys.' They came to Tennessee and they changed SC to ST for special teams. How lame is that?"

Eventually the shirtless drills fade out.

"We didn't get as hyped up as they wanted us too, Everybody would just laugh," says McNeil, "We just all kind of thought it was weird."

That year for spring practice, Lane Kiffin instituted a new rule, profanity was permissible in the songs they would play as the players stretched.

As UT players got loose and children visiting practice ran along the sidelines, hardcore rap lyrics blared alongside Kid Rock anthems.

The current players had no issue with the cursing, some liked it.

But several former UT players were offended when they brought their young children to the practice and heard the music, according to team sources interviewed by FanHouse.

Kiffin didn't care.

"He told me that's how they did it at USC," McNeil says.

As the start of a new season neared, Kiffin and crew focused on their continuing makeover of the Vols.

It was time to practice their team chants.

Kiffin said, "When we're on national TV about to come out of the tunnel, we've got to make it look good."

The entire team lined up in the end zone as part of fall camp.

One side would yell, "It's war time," while another side said, "Let's take it outside."

Tennessee players embraced the new tradition. They believed it was theirs and theirs alone.

Until one of the players found it on YouTube. (A similar video can be found here)

Another USC chant.

This time verbatim.

As the season neared, a new controversy arose: Kiffin did not want to say General Neyland's Game Maxims. The tradition, in which the Volunteer players chant the seven maxims beginning with:
"Coach Kiffin cared about Tennessee traditions less than the worst Vol hater in the state in Alabama. That man's a snake."
- Josh McNeil, Former Vols Lineman
"One: The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win."

And ending with

"Seven: Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it there for sixty minutes."

The maxims trace back to the legendary General Neyland, the all-time winningest coach in Tennessee history and the man the stadium was named after.

Kiffin didn't like the maxims, didn't want to do them. For decades they'd been the final words uttered by every Tennessee player as he left the locker room and rushed onto the field.

Always the head coach led the chant.

No longer.

Kiffin brought in past players and had them lead the team in the chant instead.

Often he was in the coaches' locker room during the chanting. Later, in a departure that altered 70 years of Tennessee tradition, Kiffin didn't take the maxims with the team on the road.

Not a single coach ever said the maxims either, according to team sources.

For McNeil, this confirmed his worst suspicions. "Coach Kiffin cared about Tennessee traditions less than the worst Vol hater in the state of Alabama," he said. "That man's a snake."

But everything wasn't bad at Tennessee.

For instance, there was Lane's dad, Monte, the team's defensive coordinator.

"Monte was loved by everyone," says McNeil. "He was a great guy, a great football coach, but a better guy."

McNeil pauses for a moment, thinks.

"He and Lane had absolutely nothing in common."

Clay Travis is the author of three books. His latest, "On Rocky Top: A Front Row Seat to The End of an Era" chronicles the 2008 Tennessee football season and is on sale now and makes a great stocking stuffer. You have a stocking for Martin Luther King Day, right?
That was happening before Lane announced he was leaving though.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

2. BTW Florida is also telling him that he can come in and play QB....With Tebow leaving Meyer is dangling that open QB spot it seems here...

That Job is Brantleys, and Brantley's only. No way would Baxter come in and play QB.

Reminds me of when Urban told Snead that Tebow was coming in as a LB
Troy Calhoun is on his way to knoxville for an interview

Im With that!

NFL guy, won some games at Air Force.


Gimme Lance Thompson as DC and keep Kippy on staff.


Coach O was calling Early Enrollees with Tennessee supplied coaches celly...
Monte is backing away from O's actions rite now on the radio, just like CLK did yesterday...
Monte just committed a secondary violation already by mentioningJacques Smith's name on the radio
Coach O was calling Early Enrollees with Tennessee supplied coaches celly...
Monte is backing away from O's actions rite now on the radio, just like CLK did yesterday...

What were the reasons for the calls? They are already signed, sealed & deliverd to UT, correct?
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Coach O was calling Early Enrollees with Tennessee supplied coaches celly...
Monte is backing away from O's actions rite now on the radio, just like CLK did yesterday...

What were the reasons for the calls? They are already signed, sealed & deliverd to UT, correct?
nope, early enrollees dont sign LOI, the calls were to tell the kids Not to go to class Today, because once they go to class they are locked in tothat school. If they dont go, they can switch schools and come to USC with Coach O and CLK .
Originally Posted by dreClark

That was happening before Lane announced he was leaving though.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

2. BTW Florida is also telling him that he can come in and play QB....With Tebow leaving Meyer is dangling that open QB spot it seems here...

That Job is Brantleys, and Brantley's only. No way would Baxter come in and play QB.

Reminds me of when Urban told Snead that Tebow was coming in as a LB

Yeah Urban did that, but if some of these kids believe it, shame on them... You're not bringing in the all-time passing leader, at the time, in the stateof Florida to play LB, so way. Receiver maybe, not lb. Also, judging by Snead entering the draft this year, he ain't the brightest star in the sky. Thebeauty of what Meyer does is he says, "you CAN COME IN AND COMPETE for the position", but he doesn't guarantee it to them.
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