1,700 Workers Laid Off via Conference Call

Originally Posted by 21 World B Free 21

13 weeks severence is pretty good these days and firing in December is pretty standard at least in my industry (YE bonuses and other benefits that the company is charged for in the new year that don't immediately end if an employee is terminated).

Yea its brutal but the company doesn't have much better options for mass layoffs. Do you start calling in people 1 by 1? Do you announce it and then slowly weed people out? How long does either of those take? How long does it take for word to get out that layoffs are happeneing on the first day? How many days do employees have to sit at their  desks in fear, probably not working, wondering if they are gonna get called in. How many good employees that weren't getting fired strt looking for jobs and potential leave.

No, you get management to talk to each worker. Are you really defending the corporation for doing this?

Originally Posted by 21 World B Free 21

13 weeks severence is pretty good these days and firing in December is pretty standard at least in my industry (YE bonuses and other benefits that the company is charged for in the new year that don't immediately end if an employee is terminated).

Yea its brutal but the company doesn't have much better options for mass layoffs. Do you start calling in people 1 by 1? Do you announce it and then slowly weed people out? How long does either of those take? How long does it take for word to get out that layoffs are happeneing on the first day? How many days do employees have to sit at their  desks in fear, probably not working, wondering if they are gonna get called in. How many good employees that weren't getting fired strt looking for jobs and potential leave.

No, you get management to talk to each worker. Are you really defending the corporation for doing this?

As I said the process of firing 1700 people in any way isn't easy? Would you feel better as a worker if your co worker next to you went into a 1 on 1 meeting on monday, came back and cleaned out his desk. Then that process continued right around you over multiple days. How destructive would that process be for the workers, the company and the confidential information of the company?

When you are firing this many people there are a lot of risks/infeasabilities to announcing it to each worker individually. Granted, they need to do more for these people than just have a conference call and they should have follow up calls/workshops with managers/HR to go over rights/options etc.
As I said the process of firing 1700 people in any way isn't easy? Would you feel better as a worker if your co worker next to you went into a 1 on 1 meeting on monday, came back and cleaned out his desk. Then that process continued right around you over multiple days. How destructive would that process be for the workers, the company and the confidential information of the company?

When you are firing this many people there are a lot of risks/infeasabilities to announcing it to each worker individually. Granted, they need to do more for these people than just have a conference call and they should have follow up calls/workshops with managers/HR to go over rights/options etc.
they laid off a GOOD amount of ppl who been at my job for years right after the xmas bonus.....................when i mean years i mean 10, 15+
they laid off a GOOD amount of ppl who been at my job for years right after the xmas bonus.....................when i mean years i mean 10, 15+
blows guevos, my wife got the zapato in the nalgas about a month ago. really sucks cause they are taking her job to India.
blows guevos, my wife got the zapato in the nalgas about a month ago. really sucks cause they are taking her job to India.
I probably have gone mad and smashed everything in my sight. If you gonna fire me atleast do it face to face. 
I probably have gone mad and smashed everything in my sight. If you gonna fire me atleast do it face to face. 
happens all the time, but layoffs before year end are common because they'd have to payout a bonus to somebody they didn't want to keep if they kept them into the following year
happens all the time, but layoffs before year end are common because they'd have to payout a bonus to somebody they didn't want to keep if they kept them into the following year
I knew a couple of people who work for the company, sad indeed
I was working for a pharma company earlier this year. Everyone received an email to report to a specific room in a specific buildings. I was one of those in the big room and 40% of the company (including me) got laid off that day. I have no faith in biotech companies, they continue to lay people off because no one wants to invest in this economy
I was working for a pharma company earlier this year. Everyone received an email to report to a specific room in a specific buildings. I was one of those in the big room and 40% of the company (including me) got laid off that day. I have no faith in biotech companies, they continue to lay people off because no one wants to invest in this economy
Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

Question for the critics: what would you have the company do?

Do things the RIGHT way. I was laid off in May...and it wasn't anything as inhumane as this...and that was from AT&T, a company with 70,000 employees.

It's bad enough you laid them off, but to take away their dignity as well? It's a slap in the face. Companies are so concerned w/their bottom line, they dont care HOW they treat people....but, will spend millions to try & clear their tarnished reputations in PR smears such as this.
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