10/23 WWE Vengeance PPV - Del Rio vs Cena Last Man Stndng, Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth, Henry vs Show p19


Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling
Are you kidding me? 4W I'm starting to think you're afraid of women with some %$+ and mass. Someone would have to be a scrawny 5'5 155 to not see the appeal of the Beth, Natty, and Kaitlyn body types. *shrugs*

Keep the teeny boppers. I'll take a fit women.

don't talk to the messiah of attractive females like that, lobo.

dude only knows quality females whether they be a generic looking barbie dolls dying a slow death of aggressive anorexia or grotesquely charming ogres with man-like features.

don't hate on the man congratulate him with some pics that he can quote with smoking hat smileys.





Spoiler [+]
Naomi's pretty nice though...and got dat mass!







WWE News & Notes [emoji]174[/emoji]
Latest on WWE Network

Internally, they are telling people they want the WWE Network up and rolling by April so they can debut it as part of the WrestleMania publicity machine. People are shocked at it coming that soon. There will be a very aggressive marketing campaign to go long with the network opening. Because one of the big problems right now with the network is getting cable systems to clear it, WWE is doing a survey and trying to use the results as pressure, asking its fan base if they are willing to change their cable provider if their provider doesn’t offer them the network. In this week’s version of the network, the idea is that the “B
Just watched sting v hogan at BFG on YouTube. I marked out like a little kid when he hulked up. It was like Starcade '96 all over again. It just lacked Bret hart restarting the match.
GotHolesInMySocks trying so hard, bless his heart:
- Word going around is that JNSQ will be given a gimmick where he walks out to the arena with his testicles in a can, similar to how Paul Bearer would carry the urn for the Undertaker.
Ha! Another weak attempt to get yourself over and undermine my success.
I could use that gimmick and still run with it.
My balls have been coming out of your mouth so much I'm tempted to give you an engagement ring...you know...to make you an honest woman.
I'll be a real uncle to your nephew.
GotHolesInMySocks wrote:
so now i'm hearing backstage that jnsq and lobo are crying about how im going to screw one of them over since i'm the special ref. at their match at the NTRaw super go home show.

i have a score to settle with both of u so i really am not going to play favorites.

jnsq, i would worry about your opponent at NTSeries being outside though.

Why would we cry?
Our match is not only the biggest draw of the night, the only match that matters...hell, the only match the fans care to see.
Lobo and I are going to go out there and compete like the top players in this imagination business that we are.
We'll show all the boys in the rafters and Toine what it's like to be at the top of this pretend industry.
We don't need hacks like GHIMS or his sister, GHIMShoes, cluttering this match.
We're going to give it our all, and you're giving this match for free.
We can't wait.
Impact Spoilers for Oct 27
Spoiler [+]
*Taped for Xplosion: Madison Rayne def. Brooke Tessmacher
*Taped for Xplosion: Gunner def. Kazarian via pinfall holding the ropes
*Taped for Xplosion: Eric Young def. Rob Terry

TNA Impact Wrestling - Airing October 27

*Impact opens with new TNA Worlds Heavyweight Champion James Storm (with new theme music) coming to the ring. He talks about his dad and how he wishes he was here to see this. Fortune comes out and congratulate Storm. Storm says Roode was screwed so he wants to give him a title shot but Samoa Joe interrupts. Joe complains about Storm giving title shots to his friends instead of real competition. Sting comes out and announces tonight's main event will be Bobby Roode vs Samoa Joe for the #1 contendership.

*Rob Van Dam def. Christopher Daniels via DQ

*Eric Bischoff comes to the ring and calls out Garrett Bischoff. Eric talks about their history and everything he's done for Garrett. Eric wants an apology from Garrett later tonight.

*Backstage Ric Flair bullies Garrett Bischoff and tells him he better go apologize to Eric tonight or else..

*In-ring promo with Karen Jarrett, Madison Rayne, & Gail Kim. Gail says she doesn't have to explain her actions to the fans because she does whatever she wants.

*Gail Kim def. Tara

*Eric Young def. Robbie E to retain the Television championship. Afterwards, Robbie E & Rob Terry beat down Young. After that, Young gets the mic and announces that next week at the tapings in Macon, GA, he is bringing in Ronnie from Jersey Shore to combat Robbie E & Rob Terry.

*Jeff Jarrett calls out Jeff Hardy. Hardy comes out but before he gets to the ring is ambushed from behind by Bully Ray. This turns into a match between Hardy and Ray.

*Jeff Hardy def. Bully Ray after the Swanton Bomb

*Eric Bischoff comes out waiting for his apology. Garrett Bischoff comes to the ring followed by Ric Flair. Flair demands that Garrett apologize but he won't. Flair freaks out at Garrett leading to Garrett getting fired up and hitting Flair. Flair & Bischoff end up beating down Garrett.

*Bobby Roode def. Samoa Joe in a #1 contenders match. Roode will get his shot at Storm at the tapings next week in Macon, GA
Damn i still haven't brought my ticket to survivor series... best i found was one for $600 t.v side three rows from the ring. I'll be buying my ticket last minute......side note I'm down to go to bounce and get a couple of drinks before. 4wrestling wrestlemania XXVIII summit

4w J Wringle,

There is only one more spot for the NTRaw spot. One more man to add to the greatest force the NTWE has ever seen in it's 1 month history. 4wrestling, Hombrelobo, Toine, and TennHouse2. The dream team is almost complete, there's only one more thing to do.

You don't add a has-been Alex Ryder wannabe like Mister916.
You don't add JNSQ, he's already lost to his own personal vendetta against our head booker.
You don't add Hymen_man while he still needs to finish fat camp
You don't add GHIMS who'd just create 3 more foot themed copies of himself and takeover team Raw.

No, what you do is reunite the greatest young tag team this industry has ever seen. TheDeekHouse2.


Contract negotiations are set and all we need is your approval.

4wrestling.. Recruit the real reason that NTDown is trembling in their boots. Recruit the #8 overall worker in this company. Recruit the most-must-see-NTWE superstar in history... TheDEEK.

I trust you will make the right decision come Sunday.

JNSQ, seems like u forgot how we dont tolerate homophobic slurs here in the NTWE.

u will be fined an undisclosed amount.

also, u will state a public apology to me and to the rest of the NTWE for those distasteful comments.

u have until friday, 11:59 pm et.

should u not state an apology, u will be suspended and will not take part in NTSeries.
GotHolesInMySocks apparently turning down our engagement:
JNSQ, seems like u forgot how we dont tolerate homophobic slurs here in the NTWE.

u will be fined an undisclosed amount.

also, u will state a public apology to me and to the rest of the NTWE for those distasteful comments.

u have until friday, 11:59 pm et.

should u not state an apology, u will be suspended and will not take part in NTSeries.

Homophobic slur?
Where did I say a homophobic slur?
Do you not mention my testicles every chance you get? Yes.
Do I feel a responsibility to your devotion? Yes, indeed.
I'm over here trying to take this life journey with you, babe, and you respond like this.
I know how tough it can be for a strong, independent woman in this business, so depend on me darling.
You can count on me.
As far as apologies go, I'm sorry I love too much.

I'll see you later, GotHolesInMyStockings!
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