10 Frightening Conspiracy Theories

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Jun 10, 2007
Interesting article for NT's resident theorists andskeptics alike.

Some highlights include:

The 9/11 Cover-Up


Conspiracy theories surrounding the attack on the twin towers on September 11 2001 essentially allege that the U.S. government was, to some degree, 'in onit'. They either looked the other way while the 'terrorist' plan was executed or were behind it. Their motives were to use the attacks as a pretextto justify the pre-planned invasion of foreign countries and to excuse the draconian curtailment of domestic civil liberties (both of which happened). Criticssay it is simply absurd to suppose an American government would consider allowing its citizens to be killed and lie about it. In 1962 there was activeconsideration of a plan (Operation Northwoods) to inflict civilian casualties on America with hijacked aircraft to dupe the public into supporting the invasionof Cuba. Sound familiar? More recently members of the Bush administration considered using 'false-flag' attacks on U.S. troops to justify invadingIran. So the idea that killing US citizens and lying about it is totally unthinkable to some in government is sadly not true. But is that what happened on9/11? Or is it just a crazy 'conspiracy theory'?

The CIA and AIDS


The CIA is a dark and deadly organization. Some think they are the courageous defenders of 'freedom and democracy' overseas. Others call them thebiggest terrorist organization on the planet. One of the very many conspiracy theories that swirl around them like fog is that they were responsible for AIDS.It has been suggested that it was created in CIA labs and that the government deliberately injected gay men with the virus during 1978 hepatitis-B experimentsin New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. That may seem far-fetched and without any sane motive, but of course it is a fact that the CIA engaged in illegalexperiments where they administered LSD to unwitting Americans without their consent so its easy to see why people regard them with suspicion. Incidentally,most members of the scientific community believe the virus jumped from monkeys to humans but the conspiracy theorists are far from convinced.

The New World Order

There are many conspiracy theories floating around that involve 'secret societies' but the main ones can be pulled together under the umbrella title of'the new world order', a power-hungry global elite who seek to rule the planet via a police-state, one-world government. Secret societies such as theIlluminati and The Bilderberg Group are the tools through which this power elite work. The theory goes that perhaps less than 3,000 of the worlds top figuresin commerce, politics and finance are the puppet-masters pulling the strings and this is really the ultimate conspiracy theory from which so many othersspring. The recent banking collapse, for example, or the imposition of draconian police-state powers under 'anti-terrorist' laws can be seen asnecessary steps towards the global police state that will be the 'new world order'. Is it happening ? I guess it all depends how you interpret things.

besides the giant lizards rule the world

rest could be true
I believe about 2/3

I believe the aids one isn't totally true but there is something fishy.
Originally Posted by jordan5

I believe the 911

Yeahhhhhh... I'm not touching this

And word? Giant Lizards rule the world?
How do you guys take therest of the article seriously when it starts off like that? I do think the moon landing was a hoax though...
Originally Posted by LittlePeteWrigley

The New World Order

There are many conspiracy theories floating around that involve 'secret societies' but the main ones can be pulled together under the umbrella title of 'the new world order', a power-hungry global elite who seek to rule the planet via a police-state, one-world government. Secret societies such as the Illuminati and The Bilderberg Group are the tools through which this power elite work. The theory goes that perhaps less than 3,000 of the worlds top figures in commerce, politics and finance are the puppet-masters pulling the strings and this is really the ultimate conspiracy theory from which so many others spring. The recent banking collapse, for example, or the imposition of draconian police-state powers under 'anti-terrorist' laws can be seen as necessary steps towards the global police state that will be the 'new world order'. Is it happening ? I guess it all depends how you interpret things.
That's a complete joke
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by jordan5

I believe the 911

Yeahhhhhh... I'm not touching this

And word? Giant Lizards rule the world?
How do you guys take the rest of the article seriously when it starts off like that? I do think the moon landing was a hoax though...
I could see if the theories came from the guy who wrote the article, but they didn't. He justcompiled a list.
9/11, Conspiracy
Kennedy Assassination, Conspiracy
Moon Landing, Conspiracy
Giant Lizards, stupid but would explain a few things
Illuminati, Conspiracy
Marilyn Monroe, not sure
Roswell, Conspiracy
Diana, not sure
Holocaust, I believe it happened
CIA, always a conspiracy when they are mentioned
IMO Aliens did crash at Roswell or w.e and I also think the moon landing was a hoax. Interesting thread though.
The Roswell conspiracy has very good info backing up claims that they indeed crashed there. Lots of first hand, eye-witnesses, ex government officials havemade documentaries stating so.
There's no doubt in my mind that AIDS is man made. I think there is some truth in most conspiracy theories, way to many coincidences for me.
just read all of them...interesting. I was not aware of the marilyn monroe stuff tho...
I think the moon landing was real, and i'll tell you why.

The only reason we were trying to get on the moon was because the Russians had launched Sputnik. That was an embarrassment to America as we were supposed to benumber 1 and had been painting the communist USSR as a bunch of bread eating communists when they were taking their best and brightests and putting them towork on advancing technology past the U.S. There was no point in reaching the moon but to do the next space thing, since Russia had already done the first. TheRussians knew this, and were already trying to discredit everything else they were doing.

If the moon landing were fake, the USSR would have been all over it and would have exposed it immediately. You got to remember that this happened in the middleof the Cold War.
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