*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

I believe the Boston Celtics and Indiana Pacers were the other two teams involved in that alleged four-team deal for CP3.

I wonder what they were giving up and if its still available

Something tells me Rondo may have been involved.
Interesting note:

Jim buss made the move to trade LO to the mavs. Other owners/GM's were stunned because he didn't contact anybody else before the deal was made. 3 GM's on the east with cap confirmed they would have been interested but heard nothing....

SMH and Jim...he may be the reason this franchise fails in the future. He already cut all of the old staff. The tradtions seem to be going away. Reporters are saying the players don't even know whats going on any more. This is a damn shame!
Guess it's not a "family" feeling anymore in Laker land.

Jim Buss will run this franchise to the ground at this rate.
Yeah that kills me they make a horrible trade to the reigning champ who you almost have to see in the playoffs???
I thought LO was traded to DAL out of respect for Odom.

That was the only team on his wishlist that would have been able to give the LAL a TPE/ cap relief.

The respect claim goes out the window once you consider how Odom was traded in that vetoed CP3 deal.

I really can't tell what management is thinking anymore.
I wonder what Jim Buss and Kobe's relationship is like. Seems like he's probably out to make Kobe's life a living hell.

I know Kobe and Dr. Buss have a great relationship, but like Dr. Buss already said he's passed most of the decisions down to his son.
DuranLA Beto Duran
Kobe "not sure what the hell direction is...none my biz to get into it. They handle biz upstairs...don't take it personally"
Originally Posted by rtdix214

I just hate that trade fell through i would have loved to see kobe and cp3 hoop together

me too man.  i really just wanted to see somebody young, but really good, that could also command double teams, that could hopefully add some more years to kobes body. smh.  i dont even wanna think about how hard he's gonna have to play this year to even give us a chance at this moment.  i hope he got a warranty on that knee, he's gonna have to use the !*%# out of it.
Originally Posted by LosLakers24

Stephen A saying kobe will ask for a trade this season.

DuranLA Beto Duran 

Kobe why won't knock down GM door & demand moves "they've proven they can build team...don't expect this to be 2005"
Stephen A
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by LosLakers24

Stephen A saying kobe will ask for a trade this season.

DuranLA Beto Duran 

Kobe why won't knock down GM door & demand moves "they've proven they can build team...don't expect this to be 2005"
Stephen A

Kobe on management "expect them to be aggressive, build championship team and if that's case I'll stand out way"
I knew jim buss would ruin this franchise,
Wasnt their an article about how hes just trying
To cash in a much as he can? By cutting cost...
Kobe would play out this season before asking for a trade.

And if he does ask for a trade it will be because of Jim Buss.
Onoez! The sky is falling!

Some of y'all are only fans so long as we're championship contenders every year, anyways. So if we go through a few years where we're not Finals contenders… or even WCF contenders… … or even PLAYOFF contenders… … … at least the herd will be thinned out a little.

Not saying I want that at all. Just saying, that would be my silver lining to the raincloud.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Onoez! The sky is falling!

Some of y'all are only fans so long as we're championship contenders every year, anyways. So if we go through a few years where we're not Finals contenders… or even WCF contenders… … or even PLAYOFF contenders… … … at least the herd will be thinned out a little.

Not saying I want that at all. Just saying, that would be my silver lining to the raincloud.
Not the point...Kobe is getting older. If we can't compete now what's the plan for the future? You really counting on Bynum to lead us for the next 5+ yrs?

I would not be surprised if Kobe asks for a trade this season if the Lakers suck. It probably is what Jim Buss is trying to do anyways with all his ******ed trades.

I am pretty sure some other team would have taken Odom in exchange for a decent player. Odom's contract is attractive.
Onoez! The sky is falling!

Some of y'all are only fans so long as we're championship contenders every year, anyways. So if we go through a few years where we're not Finals contenders… or even WCF contenders… … or even PLAYOFF contenders… … … at least the herd will be thinned out a little.

Not saying I want that at all. Just saying, that would be my silver lining to the raincloud.
Not the point...Kobe is getting older. If we can't compete now what's the plan for the future? You really counting on Bynum to lead us for the next 5+ yrs?
I didn't say anything in my post about counting on Bynum to be our future, though.
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