*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

My boy just texted me and said he saw on sports center than later on they are gonna speak to someone close to Kobe and that Kobe is gonna demand a trade.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Onoez! The sky is falling!

Some of y'all are only fans so long as we're championship contenders every year, anyways. So if we go through a few years where we're not Finals contenders… or even WCF contenders… … or even PLAYOFF contenders… … … at least the herd will be thinned out a little.

Not saying I want that at all. Just saying, that would be my silver lining to the raincloud.

the optimism is strong in you

ive been secretly hoping the lakers fade into obsecurity for that very reason for a lil while now

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

My boy just texted me and said he saw on sports center than later on they are gonna speak to someone close to Kobe and that Kobe is gonna demand a trade.

Stephen A stirring up mess.
Drama. Laker Basketball is officially back. 
 This is why the Clippers will never surpass us in LA. The front page of sports in LA will forever be concerning the Lakers and the Hollywood drama. 
Jesus Christ people.  Kobe just said today people are sleeping on them, they have 3 dominant players on the court, Kobe/Pau/Bynum.  And you think he wants to be traded? 
  Kobe is focused on winning and doing work.  He ain't happy about Lamar, but 7 days ago he thought he had Chris Paul to play with, they just had a set back is all.  Calm the hell down. 

I like Artest to the bench, and Barnes starting.  That will help solidify the bench a lil bit, he can take on the Lamar role.  Something alone the lines of Pau/Artest/Kapono/Kobe/Blake in spots.  That could work out a lil bit.  Need to see how Brown handles his rotations though, I'm so used to Jackson, may take a bit to see what Brown is up too. 
S M F H @ the panic going on right now. This SAS talk about Kobe demanding a trade reminds me of the TO stories they used to manufacture
Who the hell is he gonna demand to be traded to? No teams out there could give up what would be needed to acquire him while still retaining enough to be as competitive as the Lakers are right now.

Also, I highly doubt Kobe would demand a trade just because of recent events. They made a move to get CP3 and Stern axed it; that's not the Lakers' fault and I doubt he blames them for it. Yea he was probably mad to see Lamar leave for nothing but that's not near enough to freaking demand a trade

Also why is everyone acting like losing Lamar makes us a lottery team all of a sudden? I don't feel like doing the math to equivocate the games to a 66 game season, but even with Fisher's old *%% at the point this team would be a 50 win team minimum in a standard season if Bynum stays healthy for most of the year. Does it look like a championship team to me? No, but neither did the Mavericks to anybody before the year began last year. Maybe Blake and Artest play a lot better without the Triangle, maybe Bynum finally stays healthy and becomes the defensive force he was after the all star break last year. We just don't know; give them a freaking chance before you cry about it being the end of the world.

We still have one of the top 10 players OF ALL TIME on our team. And he's got one of the most skilled PF ever and a top 3 center to help him out. Yea we have some holes. Yea we seem old. But it could be a lot worse. IMO we'll be a 4 seed at the very worst and once we make it to the playoffs I'll take my chances with Kobe and a lineup full of guys who've won two titles. It seems like some of y'all have zero perspective; this isn't near as bad as winning 34 games like we did in 04 or having Smush, Kwame Brown, Chris Mihm, Luke Walton, and Brian Cook getting heavy minutes. 
I'm bummed about Lamar but I'm excited to see how some of our role players step up in our new offense. I can see Steve blake having an up year.

10 more days
Like I said, no way Kobe would demand a trade. If he did it would be AFTER this season and it would only be because of Jim Buss.

Besides that, there's no way.

It's just disappointing seeing good teams get better and our team taking an even bigger step back.

To make things worse, we traded one of our best players to a team that swept us. It's just tough to accept.
Calm the hell down.

Just wanted to re-iterate this. I doubt we're done making moves.

Can we at least allow management time to adjust our personnel? I think they've earned that.
Just for fun, Kobe folks panicking about Kobe asking for a trade, find me a squad that can pay him 27 million dollars and still pay another 11 guys good enough for him to win without being so far into the luxury tax that their payroll approaches 100 mil.  And then, add 2 more seasons to that total, the length of Kobe's current deal. 

You can't find one?  Neither can Kobe, and he's smarter than you.  So buy a damn clue. 

I'm startin the next rumor, @#$% this. 

My sources tell me via text message thru FB email notifications that I recieve on my droid thru Twitter, that Derek Fisher demands max contract.  Tune to ESPN in a minute to get the latest. 

That rumor is the same as the other one ya'll.  Get some perspective. 
Travis Outlaw just got waived...think he could be a good pickup? Can he even be picked up? And whats the deal with Troy Murphy?
I'm startin the next rumor, @#$% this. 

My sources tell me via text message thru FB email notifications that I recieve on my droid thru Twitter, that Derek Fisher demands max contract.  Tune to ESPN in a minute to get the latest. 

That rumor is the same as the other one ya'll.  Get some perspective. 
What?! Has this dude lost his mind? Opening-day starter AND demanding a max contract!?!
Spoiler [+]
See what I did there? That's another thing that ESPN (and the like) does to you guys: take a little bit of truth and mix it with something that is COMPLETELY made up… and you guys go all in, because there was a little bit of truth.
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