'12 Bulls

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by grusumm18

um no
it was the ruckus in the locker room that had him on tilt

Cause damn that's really soft now. I mean a team can't celebrate in thier own locker room? Plus aren't the pacers the 1st team to hand y'all its first home loss?
Rose better get use to it cause the bulls are now the hunted.

you sound stuipd fam the damn pacers were yelling & screaming in the locker room like they swept us in the damn finals ... the mvp said he & the team made a mental note & cant wait to play them again ........SYDAD.... go troll the season thread.... talking about george hill is gonna put the pacers over the top against us...FOHWTBSF he cant even guard jhonny shots
I don't understand how wanting retaliation on a team that was overly dramatic with the Celebrating = Soft....

If Mike said this back in '96, He would have been praised and labeled as a good leader...Not Labeled as soft
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I don't understand how wanting retaliation on a team that was overly dramatic with the Celebrating = Soft....

If Mike said this back in '96, He would have been praised and labeled as a good leader...Not Labeled as soft
Was gonna say this.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I don't understand how wanting retaliation on a team that was overly dramatic with the Celebrating = Soft....

If Mike said this back in '96, He would have been praised and labeled as a good leader...Not Labeled as soft
But they did it in the visiting locker room. Not on the court. Like I said a team can't be happy for giving the Bulls their 1st home loss of the season?

I would understand if the pacers pulled a dancing BRON on the bulls. But they didn't.

Yeah i went overboard with the soft comment. My bad.
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I don't understand how wanting retaliation on a team that was overly dramatic with the Celebrating = Soft....

If Mike said this back in '96, He would have been praised and labeled as a good leader...Not Labeled as soft
But they did it in the visiting locker room. Not on the court. Like I said a team can't be happy for giving the Bulls their 1st home loss of the season?

I would understand if the pacers pulled a dancing BRON on the bulls. But they didn't.

Yeah i went overboard with the soft comment. My bad.

Rose Aint telling these dudes NOT to celebrate... He's Just letting these dudes know that the Celebrating will be short lived and he's gonna KILL them the next time they meet....Mind of a competitive Winner...

Thats it, Thats all...
He's a Spur fan guys, he doesn't really know the game all that well. 

We're havin a discussion about Tim Duncan in the Laker thread right now, come on thru.......

Originally Posted by CP1708

he doesn't really know the game all that well. 
yeah i can tell......
please keep him there .....him & the one hawks fan keep em both plz
Originally Posted by CP1708

He's a Spur fan guys, he doesn't really know the game all that well. 

We're havin a discussion about Tim Duncan in the Laker thread right now, come on thru.......


And Thats Why I Love You G!
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by primetime21

wait these bums really celebrated like they won a playoff series? 

Nah Derrick SOFT....I mean Rose was heated over a simple hug between 2 of the pacers player.
I just saw the replay on ATH. Not that serious to be mad about. But hey I guess Rose KNOWS they can be beat by this pacer team. So as the leader Rose has to step up next time.`
Stick to trolling Lakers fans, champ.
No. No.
 We have enough trolls on our thread as it is. Honestly though, what's the deal with this doo kid? He posts more in other team's thread than his own team. He's not a troll, dude's just annoying. Let's get him outta here. We got your backs Bulls Believers. 
Good win tonight...I'm just hoping we can weather this injury storm.

Hope to see some of you at Joes to watch the Bulls/Heat game Sunday
Hopefully Rip will be back Sunday, we are going to need him with Lou out. Just gotta continue to weather the injuries and be ready to roll playoff time

Sunday should be fun though
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Nah Derrick SOFT....I mean Rose was heated over a simple hug between 2 of the pacers player.
I just saw the replay on ATH. Not that serious to be mad about. But hey I guess Rose KNOWS they can be beat by this pacer team. So as the leader Rose has to step up next time.`
Stick to trolling Lakers fans, champ.
No. No.
 We have enough trolls on our thread as it is. Honestly though, what's the deal with this doo kid? He posts more in other team's thread than his own team. He's not a troll, dude's just annoying. Let's get him outta here. We got your backs Bulls Believers. 

There's a Spurs thread?

good game last night....got hammered at the bar celebrating

It was good to see Noah putting up numbers like he used to.
Both him and Booz played well, 15 -16 and 20 -13 respectively.
Now we just need to keep doing this consistently and get everyone back healthy.
I only saw the fourth quarter of last night's game but the Bulls looked terrible.  Noah still looks out of shape, like he struggles to do almost everything.  His numbers were good last night but he still looked sluggish to me and the Bucks interior (minus injured Bogut) is nothing to write home about.  Boozer still vacillates between soft/indecisive and solid.  It was obvious that Rose's toe is still bothering him - he played well but his rhythm wasn't what it usually is and he was a step (maybe two) slow on defense.

I'm still very optimistic about the season but Noah and Boozer have to step up and the Bulls have to get healthy.

Will be tuning in tomorrow for a Bulls victory in Miami
Missing Deng out on the perimeter is killing them. That first line of defense, when healthy, keeps a lot of players from turning the corner and driving. With Deng out these last couple games against better competition, guys have been turning the corner and driven into the lane with ease. Noah and Boozer are slow to react. That's why Taj is so important to the second unit, because he has the lateral quickness for effective help defense to stop those quicker wing players. Deng is the type of defender who cuts it off at the arc. Without those two, those driving lanes are opening up a little more.

Deng and Taj at full strength is probably worth a ten point swing in favor of the Bulls, hence giving up 95 and 100 points the last two games, and having to just outscore the other team.
Havent visited this thread in too long been busy at work and of course Im on call tomorrow too. Cant believe im going to miss that game. Put in 107 hours this past week.
Looking at Leon Powe ar Joel Pryzbilla.... Wouldn't mind either... If Powe is healthy he is the man I want since he can score down low very effectively.... I would rather Deng take a month off and see how it heals.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Havent visited this thread in too long been busy at work and of course Im on call tomorrow too. Cant believe im going to miss that game. Put in 107 hours this past week.
where you work?

gonna miss most of the game. hate the sunday afternoon games, they gotta move the prime games to primetime
Originally Posted by therenegade23

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Havent visited this thread in too long been busy at work and of course Im on call tomorrow too. Cant believe im going to miss that game. Put in 107 hours this past week.
where you work?

gonna miss most of the game. hate the sunday afternoon games, they gotta move the prime games to primetime
But Sunday games have never been in prime time though.
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