'12 Bulls

Originally Posted by therenegade23

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Havent visited this thread in too long been busy at work and of course Im on call tomorrow too. Cant believe im going to miss that game. Put in 107 hours this past week.
where you work?

I will watch this game regardless, because I watch every game.

I just won't take much stock in it. We are very hurt and if the Heat win so be it. We won all three games in the regular season last year and it didn't get us where we wanted.

I'm just hoping the FO realizes we need to make a move for a solid 2/3 combo player to either come off the bench or start. RIP may not be healthy all year and neither is Deng. I've been wanting a guy like that for awhile. We have plenty of 1/2 guards but no one that can help us at SF. Running Deng into the ground is not an option anymore.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Looking at Leon Powe ar Joel Pryzbilla.... Wouldn't mind either... If Powe is healthy he is the man I want since he can score down low very effectively.... I would rather Deng take a month off and see how it heals.

if powe going to play some SF? not sure why we are looking at another big at this point
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Newbs24

Looking at Leon Powe ar Joel Pryzbilla.... Wouldn't mind either... If Powe is healthy he is the man I want since he can score down low very effectively.... I would rather Deng take a month off and see how it heals.

if powe going to play some SF? not sure why we are looking at another big at this point
I agree. Taj will be find soon. Yes Boozer is due for an injury, but we still haven't seen the Noah Asik lineup from last year. I'm not as worried about bigs.
Yesssss! Got my 16oz millers on chill, bulls warm up and house shoes on. Best seat in the house!
**** the heat, **** Lebron, **** Wade, **** Bosh, **** the refs. Ive never seen a front running team quite like this. its hilarious to me. Can't wait for skip to sh** on lebron and missing key free throws...AGAIN. The refs...what can you say...calling late phantom fouls, inadvertent whistles. Can't wait to play these women when we're at full strength. With all that said we still had a chance to win it and didnt.  Lebron with the audacity to say..."As a competitor you want to play against the best."  or you can join forces with them. AND if that lebron "stay in HIGH SCHOOL" commercial comes on again im gonna throw my remote at the tv. Go somewhere with your George Jefferson walk at the end of that commercial.
^You got a lot of hate in your heart, you better lose it, otherwise you'll end up another *#$*+ like your father
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

**** the heat, **** Lebron, **** Wade, **** Bosh, **** the refs. Ive never seen a front running team quite like this. its hilarious to me. Can't wait for skip to sh** on lebron and missing key free throws...AGAIN. The refs...what can you say...calling late phantom fouls, inadvertent whistles. Can't wait to play these women when we're at full strength. With all that said we still had a chance to win it and didnt.  Lebron with the audacity to say..."As a competitor you want to play against the best."  or you can join forces with them. AND if that lebron "stay in HIGH SCHOOL" commercial comes on again im gonna throw my remote at the tv. Go somewhere with your George Jefferson walk at the end of that commercial.
Tough loss today but the Bulls played well in harsh conditions, considering we're injured and played in one of the hardest road environments in the NBA.

And I hate Lebron with a passion...I've never seen a more arrogant s.o.b in my life. Dude has a natural look of undeserved self-righteousness. I really REALLY want D. Rose to get a ring before he does. If this happens, Lebron will finally be taken down the several pegs that he needs.
^^ I'm a big time hater. Your storied franchise and multiple championships has me hating so much it's crazy. I wish my franchise had a once in a lIfetime player that choked in all the games that really mattered and played amazing in all the games that didn't. I am a hater.
ehhh just a regular season game... would've loved to have gotten the W but doesn't mean much in the long run considering we swept them in the regular season only to lose 4 straight in the playoffs when it counted so I'm not too upset about it.

I'd like to see what we can do with them at full strength considering they were playing at full strength and we lost by 4. Silver Lining of some sort
Good game, sloppy finish.

I can't wait for the other meetings and they are destined to meet in the ECF.

But...if JR Smith can somehow be had, buys into the system, and is willing to come off the bench....
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

ehhh just a regular season game... would've loved to have gotten the W but doesn't mean much in the long run considering we swept them in the regular season only to lose 4 straight in the playoffs when it counted so I'm not too upset about it.

I'd like to see what we can do with them at full strength considering they were playing at full strength and we lost by 4. Silver Lining of some sort


@ that gif
Originally Posted by CAto312

Good game, sloppy finish.

I can't wait for the other meetings and they are destined to meet in the ECF.

But...if JR Smith can somehow be had, buys into the system, and is willing to come off the bench....

What would we do with Ronnie and Rip? I like the way Ronnie is playing this year and he deserves time. But having 4 guys to throw at Bron and Wade would be
How you think we should divide the minutes if we get him?
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