'12 Bulls

^K.C.'s ok in my book. He just follows the company line and he's pretty conservative in his reporting. I'd honestly rather have someone like him rather than say....Broussard.

He was on Tribune Live again today and again the topic of JRich came up.  He didn't think he'd get the Bulls to the top...but I was thinking well who the #+%# do YOU think will get us to the top then?  Of course he played it safe and just agreed that Afflalo was a better fit.
Originally Posted by CAto312

^K.C.'s ok in my book. He just follows the company line and he's pretty conservative in his reporting. I'd honestly rather have someone like him rather than say....Broussard.

Man  I was just about to edit my post and say I guess having someone like K.C who doesn't report %$*$, well because we aren't really on %$*$ when it comes to making big moves, then 'ol ***-a-jaws Broussard who just blurts out random %$*$ saying we're involved in everything and everybody when in actuality we aren't.....people like him that *+*# with my blood pressure when it comes to our beloved 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Everyone's so in love with Aaron without seeing him get his own buckets... I don't understand it.

Guess everybody is just envisioning him being that guy to knock down shots when Pooh is doubled. 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

What about someone creating some offense themselves???

Don't think we use  NEED some of that?
We were a shot creator away next to Pooh away from taking Miami deep in that ECF 
Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Everyone's so in love with Aaron without seeing him get his own buckets... I don't understand it.

Guess everybody is just envisioning him being that guy to knock down shots when Pooh is doubled. 

I never understood the fascination with Afflalo either. A shot creator who can shoot or vice versa is what the team needs. I wanted JR Smith because he can do both....just gotta make him buy into the system. But he's imprisoned in China for a while...lol.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

On a side note, do any of my fellow Chicagoans have an easy in for the XI's ?

what size are you? Im getting mines at my brother's store and it's guaranteed not to be a super long wait
I am guaranteed a pair...between my cuz FNL, my old FNL, my guy (store manager) FNL and a couple of of other spots, I will have a pair...if I don't, then it wasn't meant to be and I did have them both times prior to this
Originally Posted by sthebest

Originally Posted by arstyle27

On a side note, do any of my fellow Chicagoans have an easy in for the XI's ?

what size are you? Im getting mines at my brother's store and it's guaranteed not to be a super long wait
Size 13 fam. Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise,  Im trying online or the mall
Arstyle, most of the athletes foot stores sell them early. That might be your best route to getting them troublefree. My usual AF has been begging their rep for the past month for these because of an infraction earlier in the year.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

On a side note, do any of my fellow Chicagoans have an easy in for the XI's ?

if i don't have to go over the road that week then yes and i will hook up my fellow bulls fans.
SO here we are again talking about SGs...what about the odd man out in our starting lineup? Boozer (13.5), Deng (12.3) and Noah (10) now make 10+ million a year. Rose is in the final year of rookie deal but will get the big deal next yr. I really cant see us paying $40 mill to Booz, Noah and Deng along and then paying Rose $14-17 million next yr.

Right now we are about 2mill over the salary cap and 10 mill under the luxury tax. Next yr we are going into the luxury tax one way or the other.

IMO, JR has never looked to pay unless it was his other team. The Bulls have been a cash cow for two decades, especially when they put lousy teams out for the first half of last decade. It seems like he picks the profits up at the UC and then sends them over to the cell.
I honestly don't know if we should bring in J.R. Smith, that guy is a complete nut job.
There's too much instability with him, he will either conform and become a good fit or just continue to be reckless and completely destroy our team (I doubt Thibs will even let him, but you cant risk it).
With any major gamble you have to weigh the pros and cons and if that's the case, the cons outweigh the pros.

I'm not completely sold on Affalo either, but I would've preferred someone like O.J. or Courtney Lee.

Originally Posted by arstyle27

On a side note, do any of my fellow Chicagoans have an easy in for the XI's ?
I would also appreciate a hook up and would repay the favor.
Originally Posted by SLP Product

I honestly don't know if we should bring in J.R. Smith, that guy is a complete nut job.
There's too much instability with him, he will either conform and become a good fit or just continue to be reckless and completely destroy our team (I doubt Thibs will even let him, but you cant risk it).
With any major gamble you have to weigh the pros and cons and if that's the case, the cons outweigh the pros.

I'm not completely sold on Affalo either, but I would've preferred someone like O.J. or Courtney Lee.


So you want a low risk low reward... We've been over this, every possible canidate has major downsides to their fit.

O.J's is the exact same size as Pooh and has struggled to get his shot against bigger two guards add to it that he plays poor defense and will be expecting a bigger contract given his name.

Courtney has real good size and plays great defense but he's never averaged more than 8.5 pts while starting and we've never seen him create his own offense, futhermore he's struggling to even get minutes on a Houston Rockets team. What does that say to you?

Now I'm not saying that JR is the end all be all, because maturity & character wise there are some questions... but from a talent stand point he answers all of our needs from that position, and with the right coach who will actually get in his @%# who knows what he can/will be.
C'mon Cake, I know you know better...

Low risk does not equal low reward.
Were looking for players to fit into our system.

We got Pooh as our 1st and Booz as our 2nd option (I give it another full season before I say that he is not) which makes a good inside-outside combo.
We desperately  need a 2 guard because it was a glaring deficiency, especially when Pooh got doubled, kicked out to open players and they weren't hitting.
Now just for a minute replace Bogans or Brewer with either Mayo or Lee and I can honestly say people would not risk doubling down on Rose as much.

OJ actually played really well in the playoffs for the Grizz this past season, which leads me to believe he's growing and starting to find his role (which is not that of a 1st option).
Lee played really well when he was in Orlando, but has struggled to fit into Adelman's system.

While I do agree that Smith got talent and would most definitlely cause all types of problems for opposing teams, I can't overlook the fact that he has a propensity for chucking up shots or taking ill advised shots in crucial moments.
Not only that but all the baggage that comes along with him. Are we ready to sacrifice our team chemistry.
If he had actually dominated overseas in the CBA I would actually be more sold on him...but we all know he's still up to his knucklehead ways.

At the end of the day I will support any move Gar/Pax make as long as I don't have to see Bogans.
I get everything you're saying besides the fact that JR isn't over there dominating, thats just it... he is over there killing, he just had 32,6, & 8 in his last outting.

As far as his shot selection, how much of that do we attribute to his coach allowing him to do that? I mean its not like George Karl is the worlds greatest coach or even a disciplinarian. I actually think he's a below average coach all things considered. I have faith that Thibs would be able to motivate him while keeping him in line if given the chance.

But like you said I chemistry is a tricky thing and what do I know. I just see the talent.
Cake Mayo is a bad defender on 2's he can d up PG's though. Even still he has trouble creating his own shot. But if it came down to giving the amnesty to Watson and getting Mayo I would be down, cause then you could still start Brewer or Bogans. Have Mayo come in at 6 minutes in the first quarter. Finish the first quarter, switch to PG for spot duty and prob still be able to afford a legit backup pg. I still want another shooter outside of whatever SG we get anyway. Korver might be the guy who needs to get the amnesty....

Why not use it on Boozer? If Dwight makes it to FA, then in theory we would be able to sign him, and go into luxury tax using bird exemption to keep Rose. But you would have to wait til the off season to even have a shot, as signing Rose before July would be a disaster cap wise. That's even with a cap hold for Rose. But assume your waiting til the off season to sign Rose July specifically, and after you amnestied Boozer, and signed Dwight. Cant do it unless you have the new cap in place either.
Ok Dwight is a pipe dream at this point, but we saw what 30 games of Joakim and Carlos together? It still makes more sense to play the season out with an upgrade at SG to identify the weakness.... We still don't know if the problem is the offense, the lack of play maker outside of Rose, Boozer himself, or the combination of Boozer, and Noah. W/O Boozer we still have to replace him, and Taj wasnt the replacement at the end of the Miami series. Its better finanically to keep Boozer in place unless there is a clear upgrade out there. You have the trade chip money wise, and if we dont win a title we cut ties, and either try and get Howard, or let a team that has someone they want to part with make a deal.
I'll be honest, I think Boozer comes back strong this season. He had a solid month where he was putting up 20-10. Then he got that turf to and wasnt the same the rest of the year. The Bulls will add a veteran 2 guard, I have no doubts. And Jerry already said that he will pay any luxury tax. Although, with the new CBA that could be more than it wouldve been under the old agreement.

And keep me posted about those XI's guys. Thoroughly appreciated.
I hope so man , I was never too keen on Boozer to begin with(I always wanted Riensdorf do go hard after STAT during the last free agency) then he came out and broke his hand by "tripping over a table " or some B.S story and he was just straight garbaaaaage in the playoffs, I'd almost rather amnesty him get a solid 2 gaurd with the money and play Omer , Noah , and Taj at the 5 and 6
How the new CBA affects the Bulls:

By Chad Ford and John Hollinger

How it helps: Not much. The designated player rule means it's now almost impossible that Derrick Rose will leave … especially when Rose will qualify for a rare contract that allows him to earn 30 percent of the cap instead of the normal 25 percent for rookies. But who are we kidding? Rose, who grew up in Chicago, wasn't going anywhere.

If the Bulls were to re-sign Keith Bogans, a 2012 free agent, after the upcoming season, they could still use the new "apron" rule that allows them to use their full midlevel exception even though it would put them over the luxury-tax threshold.

How it hurts: The Bulls will mostly be all smiles, but the truth is the new designated player rule actually hurt the Bulls. Yes, it virtually guarantees they lock up Rose, but it will come at a much higher cost. Under the old rules Rose was would earn a starting salary of $13.6 million. Under the new ones, his salary will come in at around $16.3M. Over the life of the deal Chicago will owe Rose an extra $15 million.

For a team that already has three big contracts on the books (Carlos Boozer, Joakim Noah and Luol Deng), the extra cash for Rose will make it that much tougher for the Bulls to stay out of the luxury tax starting in 2012-13. Owner Jerry Reinsdorf has never paid the tax before; will he be willing to do it now?

Immediate impact (this season): A lot, actually. The Bulls will sign Rose to a max extension this fall. That's a given. The question is whether they'll use their midlevel exception. The team really needs an upgrade at the 2 and there will likely be a number of veteran options available, including Vince Carter (assuming the Suns don't pick up his option), Jason Richardson and Jamal Crawford. Signing any of them will likely put them over the luxury tax both this season and for seasons to come.

Long-term impact (future seasons): The new, more punitive luxury tax doesn't kick in until 2013, but when it does, the Bulls should be well over the threshold. Reinsdorf isn't James Dolan. He runs a pretty frugal ship. The Bulls should be a great test case of whether the tougher rules on spending really do deter big-market teams from outspending small-market clubs.
We're going to end up in the luxury tax PERIOD! Amnesty Booz, sign D Howard and hell, they can stick me at the 2 guard and we will run it for as long is Jerry will pay. I'll play for the minimum too
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