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AJC College Sports Recruiting
Reuben Foster: NCAA investigators to meet with Auburn 5-star LB recruit

1:37 pm August 13, 2012, by Michael Carvell

5-star LB Reuben Foster, surrounded by family, will meet with NCAA investigators on Monday (247sports.com)

5-star LB Reuben Foster, surrounded by family, will meet with NCAA investigators on Monday (247sports.com)

Reuben Foster’s change of high schools and college commitment has led to a meeting with NCAA investigators on Monday afternoon, his mother confirmed to the AJC.

Foster, who is ranked as the nation’s No. 2 overall college football prospect, transferred from Troup High School to Alabama’s Auburn High School 40 miles away in mid-April.

Last month, the 5-star linebacker who is entering his senior season also announced his new college destination would be Auburn after being committed to rival Alabama for 12 months.

“They [the NCAA] are talking with Reuben and me,” Anita Paige said. “They want to make sure there was nothing illegal done to get us down here, or anything like that. They want to make sure there wasn’t a college booster involved.

“No, there was not a booster involved or anybody from the college involved. There was nothing illegal.”

Foster has said the reason he left Troup was because his coach, Charles Flowers, was fired after last season. His mother reiterated that on Monday, while also adding, “I picked Auburn High School for us because it’s a better school system for academics. Reuben only has one more year of high school, but it was my baby girl [Kayla, 12 years old] who I was more worried about. I want them to get a good education.”

Since Foster flipped from Alabama to Auburn on July 12, there has been a ton of backlash, according to Paige. “Yes, the Alabama people have said all kinds of awful things, saying he is a traitor, and that ‘You can go play with the pigs if you want.’ They told him you won’t be playing for any championships at Auburn the next four years … just a lot of mean stuff.”

Why did Foster switch to Auburn? When Foster went public with the decision, he only read a short statement and did not take any questions from reporters. Paige provided some insight:

“Reuben said I won’t have to travel so far for his games since we live in Auburn now. Plus it had to do with those shootings at Auburn. Ladarious Phillips was his cousin who played football at Auburn and was one of those who got killed. That played a big role in Reuben’s decision. He wants to carry on Ladarious’ legacy at Auburn.”

One day after flipping to Auburn, Foster cemented the decision by getting a gigantic Auburn tattoo on his forearm. His mother said the commitment remains so strong that the entire family intends to get Auburn tattoos, also.

RELATED: Two of Auburn’s current freshmen recruits are also dealing with the NCAA, including one player facing allegations that his high school transcript was falsified (click here for more)

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Told yall he was a DAWG til Trooper came thru wit the hookups. Why yall think Gus and them left? Feel sorry for Reuben. 
 He's not a good speaker so he's def about to fumble in that meeting, but knowing the NCAA...they won't find anything. 

Anyway, we got commit #25 
 today, Safety; Paris Bostick out of Tampa Plant HS. Pipeline 
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How long y'all think it will take for NCAA finish their investigation into the Cam scandal?
It took 'em what 5 years with USC ?
Got a feeling Cam loses his heisman and Auburn gives up the trophy a few years down the road
Shooting at Texas A&M :smh:

R.I.P. to those that were killed.

C'mon man, way to mislead. Texas officer (constable) was serving an eviction notice, was shot and killed. Suspect fled and was later shot and killed. Another 43 year old man was also shot and killed and there were a couple of people wounded.

The shooting was near Texas A&M, but not on campus.

"Shooting at Texas A&M" is extreme considering the type of thoughts that sentence may bring to light.
C'mon man, way to mislead. Texas officer (constable) was serving an eviction notice, was shot and killed. Suspect fled and was later shot and killed. Another 43 year old man was also shot and killed and there were a couple of people wounded.
The shooting was near Texas A&M, but not on campus.
"Shooting at Texas A&M" is extreme considering the type of thoughts that sentence may bring to light.
My bad I saw that on another forum and was leaving when I....I dont have to explain myself to you crab, just correct it and keep it moving, see ya'll in Miami if yall make it.
Jalen Ramsey ain't going to Florida.
Sharrif Floyd and Dom Easley are switching positions, I believe. w/ Sharrof moving inside & Dom moving outside
1. We are so far away from NSD nothing would surprise me and Starver needs to put in work.

2. Yes they will be switching positions, much more natural fit for both guys. 

3. It's going to be another long year for UF. 
C'mon man, way to mislead. Texas officer (constable) was serving an eviction notice, was shot and killed. Suspect fled and was later shot and killed. Another 43 year old man was also shot and killed and there were a couple of people wounded.
The shooting was near Texas A&M, but not on campus.
"Shooting at Texas A&M" is extreme considering the type of thoughts that sentence may bring to light.
My bad I saw that on another forum and was leaving when I....I dont have to explain myself to you crab, just correct it and keep it moving, see ya'll in Miami if yall make it.
1. We are so far away from NSD nothing would surprise me and Starver needs to put in work.
2. Yes they will be switching positions, much more natural fit for both guys. 
3. It's going to be another long year for UF. 

Welcome back

Jalen Ramsey still ain't going to Florida

He better not


Michael Carvell, Reuben Foster and the NCAA/ASHAA
August 14, 2012 | 6:46 AM
Comments: 0

Read the source article

In reporting on the Watergate Scandal, for one story Carl Bernstein was trying to get a source to confirm a hot news tip over the phone, but the source was hedging. So finally, Bernstein told him that he would count to 10, and if there were any reason to hold off the story, the source should hang up. If the source was still on the line, he would assume the story was solid.

You can imagine what happened. The source got confused and did not hang up, and Woodward and Bernstein went ahead with a story that turned out to be inaccurate.

While it's not a scandal that will reach the White House -- at least not at this point -- what transpired between Michael Carvell, recruiting reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Anita Paige, mother of Auburn commit Reuben Foster, at least belongs in the same filing cabinet.

Carvell reported, with Paige as his named source, that NCAA investigators had talked to her and her family about her son's recruitment. But it turned out the Paige and the family had talked to investigators from the Alabama High School Athletic Association, not the NCAA.

If you look at the article, you will notice that in her quote, she does not specifically use the term "NCAA." She says "they" and Carvell inserts the clarifying term in parentheses. This shows both her confusion and his confidence that he had his story right. If he knew he was trying to hide something, he could be expected to misquote her to hide his mistake, but he didn't.

That mistake was unfortunate enough and caused Carvell some embarrassment. But Carvell made another mistake, in my opinion. Rather than admit the error, apologize and move on, he put the blame on Paige. In the update linked above, he claimed that he specifically mentioned the NCAA to Paige and that she confirmed it. Maybe she did and maybe she was as confused as the attorney in the Woodward and Bernstein snippet.

Then, later, he added, "When reached at 9 p.m. Monday and asked to clarify whether Monday’s meeting was with the NCAA or Alabama high school officials, Paige responded, 'I can’t say. I’m not allowed to comment on that.' He also tweeted, "Reuben Foster's mother declines to CLARIFY if she met with NCAA or AHSAA" (emphasis his).

Perhaps she was embarrassed by her mistake. Maybe AHSAA instructors told her not to talk about it at all. In any case, she deserves better treatment than being thrown under the bus by Carvell.

Carvell is the professional journalist in this transaction. Paige is not as experienced with the media, though you could argue the recruitment of her son is providing a degree from the school of hard knocks.

If Carvell were to simply apologize and move on, most of us are perceptive enough to see what happened, and we would appreciate his graciousness to his less-experienced source. Instead, the perception is that he is undercutting a source who was kind enough to talk to him with probably no warning.

One reason we teach journalists to respond in this way is from a long-term perspective. If future sources knew that Carvell would treat them that way, they would be less likely to pick up the phone when he called.

This is one rationale for protecting anonymous sources. To be forced to reveal a source would jeopardize a reporter's future investigative efforts. But the reporter needs to be just as careful in preserving his/her integrity toward sources.

I have emailed Carvell to get his side of the story. Again, I have no doubt that there was genuine confusion on Paige's part, causing Carvell to move ahead with a story that he thought was solid. Carvell has a reputation for being a top-notch professional reporter. But when something like this crops up, he needs to be careful, even as he seeks to protect his reputation.

A reputation for accurate reporting is precious. So is a reputation for treating people the right way.

DISCLOSURE: I do teach journalism at Auburn University, whose reputation would be expected to suffer from such reporting. However, that is only what brought this to my attention. The affiliation does not affect the principles by which I teach -- whether in the classroom or on this blog.

Rumor re: possible #Oregon sanctions. 4 years probation, 2 year bowl ban, 30 scholarships over 3 years. #Ducks #Pac12



Hoping that it remains just a rumor.
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the oregon board is saying this

4 years probation
2 year bowl ban
30 scholarships over 3 years
No off campus recruiting for Campbell or Pellum in 2013
And there are questions, regarding DATs eligibility, but that is not resolved, and will be rolled into a separate investigation.
Announcement was supposed to come today, but will likely not be released by the NCAA or UO until later in the week
I still don't understand how schools like Boise St and UCF are getting sanctions while there's scores of infinitely more blatant/well known schools that are doing way worse and the NCAA acts like it doesn't notice or care. Like Auburn had several dudes go on HBO and talk about getting paid plus the Cam thing and the NCAA just moves on? :lol: Boise gets hit for players letting recruits sleep on their couches. Meanwhile you have several guys from Clemson and Auburn taking pics with racks on racks on racks and they don't even look into it? I mean I don't really care but it just makes no cot damn sense :lol:
I still don't understand how schools like Boise St and UCF are getting sanctions while there's scores of infinitely more blatant/well known schools that are doing way worse and the NCAA acts like it doesn't notice or care. Like Auburn had several dudes go on HBO and talk about getting paid plus the Cam thing and the NCAA just moves on?
Boise gets hit for players letting recruits sleep on their couches. Meanwhile you have several guys from Clemson and Auburn taking pics with racks on racks on racks and they don't even look into it? I mean I don't really care but it just makes no cot damn sense

has anyone been following the UNC academic scandal? my god they better get it worse then USC
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