12 things the US media is being quiet about Vol. It just got really REAL .....

So fox news is more credible? Just cuz it's nationally televised News source?

I believe a good chunk of that those stories are true .. thats just what I believe

if not the plausible as hell

But we're so dumbed down as a nation that we don't even care anymore

Our Government does mad dirt .. and it doesn't benefit us as nation

I def know The Nebraska Situation is true ...

My friend works for FEMA ..

said they were sending him to Nebraska ..

He's been in Missouri Helping with Flood victims

She told me the day Before I even seen the article ..
So fox news is more credible? Just cuz it's nationally televised News source?

I believe a good chunk of that those stories are true .. thats just what I believe

if not the plausible as hell

But we're so dumbed down as a nation that we don't even care anymore

Our Government does mad dirt .. and it doesn't benefit us as nation

I def know The Nebraska Situation is true ...

My friend works for FEMA ..

said they were sending him to Nebraska ..

He's been in Missouri Helping with Flood victims

She told me the day Before I even seen the article ..
I actually heard on the radio a couple weeks back about these 'shooting drills.' The only reason it got attention was because at 1 particular school, the drill caused such a panic, one student attempting to flee the school property was hit by a car out in the parking lot.

These might have a little more credibility then ya think..
I actually heard on the radio a couple weeks back about these 'shooting drills.' The only reason it got attention was because at 1 particular school, the drill caused such a panic, one student attempting to flee the school property was hit by a car out in the parking lot.

These might have a little more credibility then ya think..
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

damn the korea one should be #1

and i dont really believe #10 with facebook and everything that would have blown up in the media by now

10 is very real my friend. At least down here in texas. I remember doing it morw than once. We had actual shooters at my school tho. We would be locked down in a classroom for hours. Dont be so quick to discredit something just because it hasnt happened to you. We were having the drIlls before we had any incedints. Peoplw peeing in trash and all
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

damn the korea one should be #1

and i dont really believe #10 with facebook and everything that would have blown up in the media by now

10 is very real my friend. At least down here in texas. I remember doing it morw than once. We had actual shooters at my school tho. We would be locked down in a classroom for hours. Dont be so quick to discredit something just because it hasnt happened to you. We were having the drIlls before we had any incedints. Peoplw peeing in trash and all
The shooter story is somewhat believable to me.. Back during the cold war, they used to have bombing drills to make sure the schools were "prepared" in case some stuff went down. I had a friend of mine who was in her 60s tell me about that.
The shooter story is somewhat believable to me.. Back during the cold war, they used to have bombing drills to make sure the schools were "prepared" in case some stuff went down. I had a friend of mine who was in her 60s tell me about that.
The Internet is the same as the News Media. What you read on the Internet is not always 100% credible and not everything you see on television is either.

The fact is, people have been thinking this way for a long time now. As someone mentioned during the Cold War it was common for kids to hide under the desks to seek protection. (What that would do against a Nuke, I don't know but you get the point).

What's going on in Japan is def. bad, but Chernobyl was bad too and many though a diaster like that could never happen again, but it did. Nuclear Power is scary and while there are pro's, the con's def. outweigh them.

As for as Christian Militants, like someone else said, anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, sexuality can be a terrorist or a militant. I wouldn't worry to much about that, just like you can't really worry about Islamic militants either. Are they out  there? Sure, but how many of you have changed up your daily routines because of them?

The point is, everyone wants to talk about conspiracy theories and *!$#, but just live your life. The news media is in it for $$$, we all know that. But that didn't have television 100 years ago and bad things were still happening. If you don't like what you see on TV, don't watch it. Simple as that. Live your life.

The single biggest issue the country needs to face and address is job creation and economic growth, and that is the #1 issue talked about in the news media. If you don't think that's the case then get real. While giant cracks in the Earth's surface is scary, those are natural diasters, things not in our control.
The Internet is the same as the News Media. What you read on the Internet is not always 100% credible and not everything you see on television is either.

The fact is, people have been thinking this way for a long time now. As someone mentioned during the Cold War it was common for kids to hide under the desks to seek protection. (What that would do against a Nuke, I don't know but you get the point).

What's going on in Japan is def. bad, but Chernobyl was bad too and many though a diaster like that could never happen again, but it did. Nuclear Power is scary and while there are pro's, the con's def. outweigh them.

As for as Christian Militants, like someone else said, anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, sexuality can be a terrorist or a militant. I wouldn't worry to much about that, just like you can't really worry about Islamic militants either. Are they out  there? Sure, but how many of you have changed up your daily routines because of them?

The point is, everyone wants to talk about conspiracy theories and *!$#, but just live your life. The news media is in it for $$$, we all know that. But that didn't have television 100 years ago and bad things were still happening. If you don't like what you see on TV, don't watch it. Simple as that. Live your life.

The single biggest issue the country needs to face and address is job creation and economic growth, and that is the #1 issue talked about in the news media. If you don't think that's the case then get real. While giant cracks in the Earth's surface is scary, those are natural diasters, things not in our control.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

The ones that were interesting to me:

#4: I'm glad this is finally coming up as an issue. A lot of Christians really are a threat to national security. Sorry, the but the rest of the country is not subject to your Biblical laws.
And it begins...

You can't be serious. NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT? 
I'm going to bed now. Goodnight/morning NT.

Conservationists, political activists, constitutionalists, and anyone who puts their God before the government are considered threats to national security. The US army has said that Christians pose a threat to national security on more than one occasion.


Oh and the NASA pics were lifted from their image database via FTP. Images stored where those were located are from their pool of photos that are not doctored yet, therefore not ready to be released. They were stored with a few thousand other photos, not all of which had anomalies. Those are just some of the more interesting ones I had saved. The pictures are all open to the public because most people don't know how to get to them, and even if you do, there's thousands of photos to sift through. A lot of which are just regular photos.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

The ones that were interesting to me:

#4: I'm glad this is finally coming up as an issue. A lot of Christians really are a threat to national security. Sorry, the but the rest of the country is not subject to your Biblical laws.
And it begins...

You can't be serious. NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT? 
I'm going to bed now. Goodnight/morning NT.

Conservationists, political activists, constitutionalists, and anyone who puts their God before the government are considered threats to national security. The US army has said that Christians pose a threat to national security on more than one occasion.


Oh and the NASA pics were lifted from their image database via FTP. Images stored where those were located are from their pool of photos that are not doctored yet, therefore not ready to be released. They were stored with a few thousand other photos, not all of which had anomalies. Those are just some of the more interesting ones I had saved. The pictures are all open to the public because most people don't know how to get to them, and even if you do, there's thousands of photos to sift through. A lot of which are just regular photos.
You guys take everything you read on the Internet for face value whether it be this site or Prison Planet.
You guys take everything you read on the Internet for face value whether it be this site or Prison Planet.
hate to break it to y'all but most of this stuff isn't being kept from you, you're just not paying attention. Yes there was a media blackout on the the nuclear plant in Nebraska but if you pay attention to any news sites besides NT you'll see this stuff in it. Some of the stuff is definitely new, like the Korea stuff etc. But it's a communist nation, no news is going to leave there about it.

Flooding in China

Drone attacks in Yemen


I'm very skeptical about the active shooter drills

and in terms of the FAA no fly zones, no s@#$. There are hundreds of no fly zones across the country. Camp David, all Nuclear facilities, NASA facilites. No Fly zones are nothing new.
hate to break it to y'all but most of this stuff isn't being kept from you, you're just not paying attention. Yes there was a media blackout on the the nuclear plant in Nebraska but if you pay attention to any news sites besides NT you'll see this stuff in it. Some of the stuff is definitely new, like the Korea stuff etc. But it's a communist nation, no news is going to leave there about it.

Flooding in China

Drone attacks in Yemen


I'm very skeptical about the active shooter drills

and in terms of the FAA no fly zones, no s@#$. There are hundreds of no fly zones across the country. Camp David, all Nuclear facilities, NASA facilites. No Fly zones are nothing new.
the united states media is not only the biggest joke but its also the most corrupt. even NPR and public media don't do a good job.

there is only one news outlet i put complete faith in



the united states media is not only the biggest joke but its also the most corrupt. even NPR and public media don't do a good job.

there is only one news outlet i put complete faith in



The shooter drills are very real ppl. I was in them. Please stop speculating about it like its some conspiracy theory. Its rude to all the kids in states subject to this
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