14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

I'm not a fan of getting rid of the right to bear arms..I think if there woulda been other sane people with guns in the theater it wouldn't have went as far
You originally said we need more gun control laws. I pointed out the ineffectiveness of gun control laws in 2 areas that have arguably the toughest laws on the books. You pretty much proved my point with your statement, and still gave me a stoneface. Did i miss anything?

In law, the mental state is what dictates the intention of individuals. Like wise, law will never come w/o outliers. You can make the same case about 'guns' in society as well. Gun control will never do anything. It's the sheer fact that human beings have judgement and rationale which allows us to progress forward.

The wrong state of mind will lead to bad results. This person could've used his car and ran over people, or infected people w/ HIV or something. He does not need to use 'arms' to hurt someone.

You've heard about the Delta passenger being infected w/ a needle? That would creep me out even more.
Gotta keep our right to bear arms. If not these psychos will still get a hold of them and regular citizens will have nothing to defend themselves. If these people knew their victims had guns they'd be more hesitant. There is a reason they choose schools, malls, churches etc. Easy targets.
SMH... this man graduated from UC Riverside 2 years ago...
i was wondering why there was so many media staffs running around in campus today.... such a shame

Mycondolences goes out to those affected people..
gun control laws will not do anything. people will still find a way to get them. just like prohibition. prohibition only made gangsters into millionaires
I completely understand your point but it doesn't take much to rationalize the feer most cops probably have of citizens they have yet to encounter.

They probably would like to think of us all as well-to-do, but they deal with the (for lack of better term) dregs of society on a grander scale than any of us can imagine.

A person can only put up with a unjaded view of humanity for only so long working in those jobs. 

That's besides the point.

The Second Amendment was placed because they knew how curropt our government could be. Power is a helluva drug. Gun banishment will mean we have no way to protect ourselves IF and it will happen, something goes down.

It's understandable that you feel this way. When you turn on any maintstream media, its all negative. So to think that we as americans are on a murderous rampage is not at all out of the norm... to the sheeple.

But here’s something they will not tell you: the chance you will be a victim of a mass shooting is at best miniscule.

Ronald Bailey, writing for Reason.com, cites some interesting statistics on gun violence. He takes his statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics:

The proportion of homicide incidents involving two victims has increased slightly from 2.7% in 1980 to 3.7% in 2008.

Homicide incidents involving three or more victims have also increased during this same period, but have remained less than 1% of all homicides each year.

Multiple victim homicides are so small as to be almost insignificant:

- 3.7% involved two victims

- 0.5% involved three victims

- 0.2% involved four victims

- 0.1% involved five or more victims.

Moreover, the homicide rate in the United States has declined sharply in recent years – from 9.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1992 to 4.8 homicides per 100,000 in 2010.

Terrible man. Just terrible.
How are they callin this the largest mass shooting in US History?

what about the Virgina Tech Massacre?

Im supposed to go see this movie tonight watching this movie the whole time I will have this shooting in the back of my head :smh:

wont even be able to fully enjoy this movie
This guy on Reddit was actually shot and listed as one of the 50 that was injured.

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Gotta make theaters more strict...metal detectors,etc...wouldn't be surprised if every theater from now on will mandate armed security on the premises
I read how the girl was TWEETING as she was shot? Or maybe she tweeted just a bit b4 she got shot.


The notion of a 2nd person and boobie trap is interesting. We'll see if there really is a connection.
this is truly sickening. Prayers to the victims and families affected. You keep reading it and realize how crazy this is. A movie theater :smh: :x
Gotta keep our right to bear arms. If not these psychos will still get a hold of them and regular citizens will have nothing to defend themselves. If these people knew their victims had guns they'd be more hesitant. There is a reason they choose schools, malls, churches etc. Easy targets.
I highly doubt this dude would be hesitant....
Holmes, a graduate student at a nearby college with a clean arrest record, entered the movie auditorium wearing a ballistics helmet, bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof leggings, gas mask and gloves. He detonated multiple smoke bombs, and then began firing at viewers in the sold-out auditorium, police said today.
How did the police or any authorities not view this man as a threat and fill him with as many bullets as humanly possible???!!!

In a situation like this no criminal/suspect shoul've been apprehended.... This dude shouldve left the scene in a body bag.
To all those who are talking about metal detectors and gun control laws:

"Guns don't kill people, it's the person who pulls the trigger that kills people!"

So sad ... So tragic ... My thoughts and prayers to all the victims and their families!
How did the police or any authorities not view this man as a threat and fill him with as many bullets as humanly possible???!!!
In a situation like this no criminal/suspect shoul've been apprehended.... This dude shouldve left the scene in a body bag.

it kills the leads. like the booby trap at his home and the possiblity of follow ups and accomplice. but yeah if it was open fire. i dont get why they didnt' put him down.
AURORA, CO - A neighbor of the mass shooting suspect thinks the man, James Holmes, may have tried to lure someone into his booby-trapped apartment to create a diversion during the shooting spree.

The neighbor, Chris Rodriguez, told Scripps Denver station 7NEWS, he and his girlfriend started hearing loud techno music coming from above them at midnight.

"Usually the complex is very quiet, nobody has parties, so that was the first time we actually had a party or a lot of noise at the complex," said Rodriguez.

After about 15 minutes, Rodriguez's girlfriend decided to knock on the door and ask them to turn the music down.

"She went upstairs to the apartment, and she knocked on the door pretty hard, she knocked two or three times and yelled into the door, 'Hey, can you turn that music down, we are trying to sleep,'" said Rodriguez.

Rodriguez said that no one answered and his girlfriend didn't even hear any footsteps.

While she was listening at the door, she noticed that the door moved.

"The door moved a little bit, and the handle jiggled a little, and she was contemplating going into the apartment, but something told her don't do it," Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez said his girlfriend then went back to their apartment and called police.

Officers said they would try to send an officer out, but they weren't sure if they had anyone.

After 20 to 30 minutes, the music continued, so they called the non-emergency number for Aurora Police again.

"The dispatcher said, 'We're in a crisis right now, we really can't have any officers out at the moment,'" Rodriguez said.

At the time, Rodriguez didn't know about the mall shooting.

The couple went back to bed and the music stopped at 1 a.m.

At 2 a.m., Rodriquez said he heard a loud crash, then a knock on the door.

"It's the SWAT team there in full armor," Rodriguez said.

Officers escorted the couple and others out of the building.

"My theory is that what he did is he started the music up around midnight so somebody would go up to the apartment and open that door around 12:15," said Rodriquez.

Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/natio...y-luring-someone-into-apartment#ixzz21CdHJrl9

Damn potential diversion?
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