14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting



You would've been better off putting a picture of Ben Affleck.

"You white? Then you Ben Affleck"
Damn, his hair is like joker status for real.

He ain't eem dye it the right color doe

Everytime I think of what happened, I get sick to my stomach. I try to fathom what happened, but it just makes me sick :x
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That pen has a few big names in there.

Isn't Larry Hoover locked up in that pen?

Two drug Kingpins, Francisco Javier Arrellano Felix and Juan Abrego are both serving life sentences in that pen.

If they have been in the news as a terrorist both foreign and abroad they are at Florence. Terry Nichols, McVeigh, Unabomber, & Eric Rudolph...9-11, 1993 WTC, Kenya & Tanzania, etc.

Latin Kings, 18th St, Mexican Mafia, Nuestra Familia, Aryan Brotherhood, GD's, Black P Stones, and United Blood Nation. Yeah Hoover is serving a life sentence at Florence.

*UPDATE* I think someone was mentioning this earlier...

Meanwhile, the gunman, James Holmes, allegedly entered Arapahoe Detention Center dressed like The Joker. There’s also a running mission to insure leaves prison in a body bag which just happens to be the number one request on every prisoner’s mind. “All the inmates were talking about killing him,” just-released inmate Wayne Medley told the Daily News. “Everyone was looking for an opportunity. It’s all they could talk about.”
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...I say Jerell gets to smash... 

All its gonna take is her getting upset with her boyfriend and bringing up this incident to shut him up. 
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I was reading another board and I saw two interesting POVs.

1. Holmes was sedated during his court appearance today.

2. Holmes is putting on an act (PhD candidate in neuroscience or whatever it was...) to get an insanity plea.
This is the first time I'd really like to see someone tortured.

Keep him alive, strap him down, and force a tube down his throat for nourishment

..and keep torturing him. Slowly.

For years. Decades even.

#$%^ a "Cruel & Unusual Punishment" plea

I was reading another board and I saw two interesting POVs.
1. Holmes was sedated during his court appearance today.
2. Holmes is putting on an act (PhD candidate in neuroscience or whatever it was...) to get an insanity plea.

:smh: >: If that is true. Can any Law-Heads fill us in if he has any chance at all to get away with this with an insanity plea? Is there even a microscopic chance that something so stupid can actually happen in this case?
I was reading another board and I saw two interesting POVs.
1. Holmes was sedated during his court appearance today.
2. Holmes is putting on an act (PhD candidate in neuroscience or whatever it was...) to get an insanity plea.

son tryin' to look like Edward Norton in Primal Fear. not buyin his act in court.
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...I say Jerell gets to smash... :lol:  :smh:

All its gonna take is her getting upset with her boyfriend and bringing up this incident to shut him up. 

Damn, that guy looks like a young bernie mac or andrew bynum. lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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I was reading another board and I saw two interesting POVs.
1. Holmes was sedated during his court appearance today.
2. Holmes is putting on an act (PhD candidate in neuroscience or whatever it was...) to get an insanity plea.
i came in here to say this
2 things...

1) People are arguing that, if we had no gun control, then this would not have happened, i.e. people in the crowd would have been armed and stopped the criminal.

The problem with this argument is we already have no gun control (or not much of it) and this happened...

Unless I'm missing something.

2) Holmes is a psychopath. It's difficult for any of us of sound mind to understand the way he thinks. There is nothing we can do to get even. The best we can get out of this is to understand his behavior better and hope to find better ways to identify and prevent future acts such as this before they happen.
A troubled genius?

I'm sorry but do ya'll know how easy it is to get into a neuropsych phd program? 

I mean as long as you graduate with a degree in a hard science, specifically bio and have shown some competency in something like upper level psych (esp. if your school has a neurobio program), you're golden. 

Dude wasn't THAT smart. Dude has an impressive resume, no doubt, but hes not indicative of most of the field. 

This is another main beef of mine with the media sometimes. Whenever its science related they ALWAYS go to the extreme. EVERY high schooler potentially cured cancer. EVERY discovery changes EVERYTHING. 

Its so absurd how they manage to sensationalize every little thing just to capitalize on the ignorance of their viewers. 
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:smh: >: If that is true. Can any Law-Heads fill us in if he has any chance at all to get away with this with an insanity plea? Is there even a microscopic chance that something so stupid can actually happen in this case?

In theory, yes. If his lawyers are good enough. Basically has to be proven without a doubt he was opposite of sane. I highly doubt it though due to what the people around him have said about his character, his academic achievements, and the fact that he doesn't have any record of mental illness. But we've seen crazier things in a court of law.
I was reading another board and I saw two interesting POVs.
1. Holmes was sedated during his court appearance today.
2. Holmes is putting on an act (PhD candidate in neuroscience or whatever it was...) to get an insanity plea.

Look at his pupils, he's on something for sure.

I mean you dress up as the Joker and kill a bunch of people. Who here thinks he's not insane?
2 things...
1) People are arguing that, if we had no gun control, then this would not have happened, i.e. people in the crowd would have been armed and stopped the criminal.
The problem with this argument is we already have no gun control (or not much of it) and this happened...
Unless I'm missing something.
2) Holmes is a psychopath. It's difficult for any of us of sound mind to understand the way he thinks. There is nothing we can do to get even. The best we can get out of this is to understand his behavior better and hope to find better ways to identify and prevent future acts such as this before they happen.

Oh really? You know it's against the law to fire a weapon in Aurora outside a shooting range, correct? That's gun control if I ever seen one.

Sec. 94-146. - Discharge within city prohibited; exceptions; range rules.permanent link to this piece of content


It shall be unlawful for any person to fire, shoot, or discharge any firearm; crossbow; bow and arrow; slingshot; blowgun; BB gun or pellet gun, whether powered with gunpowder, compressed air, or gas cartridges; gas gun; or any weapon whatsoever within the city limits. However, such discharge, firing, or shooting by any law enforcement officer, federal, state, county, or city, in the course of his or her official duty shall not be deemed a violation of this subsection, and such discharge, firing, or shooting at commercial, private, or public shooting ranges or by authorized classes of schools or universities at all times under proper instruction and supervision as may be authorized or permitted by law shall not be deemed a violation of this subsection.


All firearm shooting ranges shall operate pursuant to rules and regulations regarding safety and patron conduct at the range. Such rules and regulations shall be submitted to and approved by the chief of police.

(Code 1979, § 27-115)
Not Saying its true but there is A lot of coincidences


When terrible events like the now infamous “Batman Shooting” occurs, I tend to not have a knee-jerk reaction of yelling “It’s a conspiracy” because, obviously, sometimes it is not. But in some cases, like this one, tidbits of information begin leaking out, weird synchronicities surface and, at a certain point, one can’t help but think “hmm”, “huh?” and “what?”. Pieces of the puzzle start coming together and, when one is aware of the symbolism and workings of the occult elite, the whole thing starts to look like a big, dark, disturbing ritual that was carried out by pre-programmed patsy. No, I won’t say that I cracked the case, but here are some facts that simply cannot be overlooked.

A Mind-Controlled Pasty?

As new information surfaces regarding James Holmes (who dubbed himself “The Joker”), many facts point toward a man who is prone to having alter-personas, delving into “inner-worlds” and generally exhibiting the behavior of either a schizophrenic or a programmed drone. Obviously in an altered state of mind and most probably embodying a completely different alter-persona, Holmes told police at the time of his arrest that he was “The Joker”. In this article that appeared in the Telegraph, Holmes was reportedly fixated on the concept of altered states of mind.

“After the massacre Holmes calmly told detectives he had taken 100mg of the prescription painkiller Vicodin, and identified himself as “The Joker”. The same drug was found in the system of actor Heath Ledger when he died of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs in 2008. Ledger played The Joker in the previous Batman film The Dark Knight. Vicodin side-effects can include euphoria, paranoia and, in rare cases, hallucinations.

The video footage of Holmes was taken at Miramar College in San Diego and showed him explaining that “temporal illusions” are “an illusion that allows you to change the past”. Holmes said he had been working on “subjective experience, which is what takes place inside the mind as oppose to the external world”.
- Source: The Telegraph
According to news sources, Holmes was pursuing a neuroscience doctoral program at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus. Could this prestigious academic location dedicated the study of human brain functioning and behavior also be Holmes’ mind-control programming site? The concepts stated above of “illusions that allow you to change the past” and “subjective experience” are very reminiscent to the programming of alter-personas in mind control, where illusions are indeed used to create a false pasts in MK alter-personas.

After his arrest, Holmes appeared to be completely dissociated from reality, as if still in character.

“Holmes has yet to show any signs of remorse and his behavior is reported to be erratic and bizarre. Per a released inmate outside the jail, “He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards. He’s spitting at everything. Dude was acting crazy.”
- Source: The Examiner

The Odd Batman Connection

One-Eyed Heath Ledger as The Joker in this movie poster. There’s some Illuminati crap going on here.
As stated above, Holmes dyed his hair orange and claimed he was “The Joker” – as played by Heath Ledger in the previous installment of the Batman series The Dark Knight. We’ve seen in previous articles (notably “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” and Heath Ledger’s Sacrifice), that there are many odd and ritualistic facts surrounding the death of Heath Ledger after he played the dark and disturbed character of the Joker, a role that apparently took a toll on the actor’s health.

Shooter James Holmes even went as far as to take Vicodin, a drug found in Heath Ledger at the time of his death. Vicodin is a powerful pain-killer with morphine-like effects that is used in mind control to “dull out” victims.

Is there some kind of ritualistic connection between The Dark Knight, the sacrificial death of Heath Ledger and this new installment of a Batman movie that was “launched” with a mass murder? Is there a reason why this mass-murder, which occurred during the midnight screening of a movie called Dark Knight RISING took place in a city called Aurora, the name Roman goddess of dawn (dawn being the time where the sun begins to rise)? Another interesting fact: Aurora is considered to be the mother of the morning star, also know as the Light Bringer, or Lucifer.

Pop Culture Synchronicity

As it is always the case in these mega-rituals, the event appears to have been “foretold” in mass media. Coincidence, premeditation, or synchronicity? Not sure, but here are some strange things that appeared in the mass media before the shooting:


Released only days before the shooting, Lil Wayne’s video “My Homies Still” features him and his boys sitting in a movie theater full of skeletons. Aside from this scarily prophetic scene, the video features many dismembered dummies, a symbol associated with Mind Control.


Shown right before the fatal showing of Dark Knight Rises, this trailer of the movie Gangster Squad ends with a big shooting in a movie theater.


In the trailer, gangsters walk through the movie screen and start shooting at the crowd. Strange that the people at the “Batman shooting” actually saw this right before it then happened to them. Fiction indeed turned into reality.


This page from the 1986 comic “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” features a crazed man killing three people in a movie theater. In the comic, media then states that the shooting spree was inspired by Batman.
Was the Batman shooting a mega-ritual carried out by the occult elite and its mass media appendage? It is not possible to say for certain, but a lot of the information that is surfacing leads Vigilant observers to realize: “Something’s weird about this”. As it is always the case in these types of events, the “investigation” will most likely begin and end with the proverbial “lone nut”, the single crazy psychopath toward which all fingers will be pointed. Were there people pulling his strings? Maybe, but the media always show the puppets, never the puppet masters.

Some might ask: “Why would ‘they’ even want to carry out these kinds of rituals?” It is indeed quite difficult to compute these events without taking into account “their” mindset, which is all about magick, symbolism, numerology and the power of rituals. Blood sacrifices are the most potent forms of ritual and the more people who witness and emotionally participate in that ritual, the more potency it gains. Right now, the whole world has its eyes turned towards the town of Aurora. And while outraged citizens across America demand a culprit to pay for this horrendous act, the REAL masterminds behind it will just sit back and enjoy the show.
alright i'm really not one for conspiracy theories but i've been thinking about this.

this guy's adultfriendfinder profile was supposedly made on july 5th with pictures of him and his orange hair.

yet there is an eyewitness account of someone having drinks with him at a bar on july 17th, only 3 days before the shooting. this is the news report about it:

[COLOR=#red] - Jackie Mitchell, a furniture mover who lives several blocks from the suspect's apartment building in Colorado, said he had drinks with Holmes at a local bar on Tuesday night, though he gave no sign of being distressed or violent.
After Holmes approached him "we just talked about football. He had a backpack and geeky glasses and seemed like a real intelligent guy, and I figured he was one of the college students," Mitchell said. -[/COLOR]

now i understand that bright orange hair isn't necessarily an odd thing for a 24 year old to have but why didn't this person mention that his hair was orange?

i know he could have posted these pictures the night before but just something that made me stop and think.
In theory, yes. If his lawyers are good enough. Basically has to be proven without a doubt he was opposite of sane. I highly doubt it though due to what the people around him have said about his character, his academic achievements, and the fact that he doesn't have any record of mental illness. But we've seen crazier things in a court of law.
Long-time member but my old username, cristobal, was lost in the shuffle but:

To put it in plain and simple terms, the insanity plea isn't utilized to the degree that the general public believes it is. Also, in purely legal terms, he would have a very difficult time asserting such a defense. The general standard for the insanity plea that has been adopted in the majority of the jurisdictions in the U.S. requires that the Defendant has a legitimate mental disease or illness at the time of the crime that caused her not to discern or appreciate the societal and moral wrong of her actions. This will be hard to prove considering he surrendered to the authorities on his own volition and impeded further harm by disclosing the booby traps in his home; therefore it becomes apparent that he understood the gravity of his actions and the destruction and possible destruction he caused. Also, even if he was suffering from delusions of some sort, he must be acting in the moral aptitude of his delusions-i.e. if he truly thought he was the "joker" and was ridding the world of organized government through mass murder, he would still be held culpable for his crime because he recognized the malevolence of his violence even in a delusional state. Also, as previously stated, proving you have a legitimate mental illness or delusions isn't simple and the burden falls entirely on the defense to prove that the individual was actually insane. In summation, if he actually gets the insanity instruction, it was obtained through extreme and scrutinized means.
There will be coincidences if you call yourself THE JOKER... 
... yall serious?

Come on now. I'm up on the US government doing the shadiest of things but are you all being serious?

Lets be honest, if this wasn't a conspiracy, what would have to occur for you NOT to think it was some sort of secret event?
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