18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.


Thank you !!!!

Misplaced hate

Change your avy. 

You ain't about **** that man was about.

Oh I get it... I should be preaching hate towards the white man and cops right? That all white people are evil right? Never once did I ever say there WASNT a problem either. Of course their is a problem but unlike many people in here who simply shout rhetoric and hateful dialogue... I have mostly been about the advancement of our community through education unity. Unlike many.. I don't blame white people for all my problems and walk past cops because I'm scared they may shoot me. I know who I am and the life I'm about.

Bruh you don't know me or what I've done so don't tell me what life I'm about.

What I will say is that I regret risking my life overseas so ignorant folks can sit behind computers and talk about the entitlements they fell they should have.
What about Black on Black crime?
Oh I get it... I should be preaching hate towards the white man and cops right? That all white people are evil right? Never once did I ever say there WASNT a problem either. Of course their is a problem but unlike many people in here who simply shout rhetoric and hateful dialogue... I have mostly been about the advancement of our community through education unity. Unlike many.. I don't blame white people for all my problems and walk past cops because I'm scared they may shoot me. I know who I am and the life I'm about.

Bruh you don't know me or what I've done so don't tell me what life I'm about.

What I will say is that I regret risking my life overseas so ignorant folks can sit behind computers and talk about the entitlements they fell they should have.
No one gives a damn about your service over seas . That was a personal decision you made.
you're exactly the type of person I'm talking about. You made a long post talking about how black-on-black crime broke your heart. :lol:

It does. It's a damn shame and I wish it didn't happen. It doesn't have to happen. Black on black murder is such a bigger problem than cop on black murder.


Thank you !!!!

Misplaced hate

Not that the two are mutually exclusive but you seriously have to be a ******* idiot, or not a stakeholder in the issue (read I'm white), to think that pointing to black on black crime statistics somehow negates the issue of how law enforcement in this country treats minorities.

When did I ever say that one negates the other? I have been of the mindset that if we are going to protest the importance of black life and the value of life in our community... Maybe we ought to take a little look in the mirror to ask of WE are doing all that WE can do to preserve our young black lives.

Don't try to twist my words... Ive held the same stance since day one
Body laid there for TWO HOURS

You only do **** like that when you wanna send a message. That's them plantation tactics
Well...I mean...don't all bodies, and other pieces of evidence have to remain there while all of the evidence is collected in the proper manner? I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea how the forensics procedures work, but I would think any dead body on the floor is gonna be there for a while. Can't just move stuff around until the scene is thoroughly investigated, no?

I don't think 2 hours is long. Is 2 hours long? I would think that all night would be too long,  but two hours? That's not a reasonable amount of time for a body to remain on the ground during crime scene investigation?

Am I wrong? Someone school me on this. Someone with credible understanding of forensics.
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Oh I get it... I should be preaching hate towards the white man and cops right? That all white people are evil right? Never once did I ever say there WASNT a problem either. Of course their is a problem but unlike many people in here who simply shout rhetoric and hateful dialogue... I have mostly been about the advancement of our community through education unity. Unlike many.. I don't blame white people for all my problems and walk past cops because I'm scared they may shoot me. I know who I am and the life I'm about.

Bruh you don't know me or what I've done so don't tell me what life I'm about.

What I will say is that I regret risking my life overseas so ignorant folks can sit behind computers and talk about the entitlements they fell they should have.
No one gives a damn about your service over seas . That was a personal decision you made.

That's what you took out of that... Ok
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Also that talk about racism not being an issue cause blacks are flourishing, everyone on the clippers roster was flourishing but their owner was the definition of white supremacy and true version of a modern day slave owner :rofl:
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That's cause most cop shootings are not crimes, they are malpractice. I be damned if I have cops running around society being scared to do their jobs because of fear of going to jail. I think taking money out of their pockets does just enough to where they can react without being too hesitant.
Most cops write tickets and go about there lives. It's rare for a cop to actually had to pull their gun . If they were held accountable for their actions there wouldn't be so many unarmed citizens gunned down. Cops aren't above being held accountable they serve the public. In a democracy agents of state can and should be held accountable for their actions. It's sad how folk don't want to hold cops accountable.
I don't know why you guys argue with them. They won't hold cops accountable until they're impacted by the police state.
Unless there is very clear evidence that a cop acted with INTENT to murder, they should not be charged. They should be tried and fined. I don't want super trigger happy police, but I also don't want hesitant ones.
If your scared you shouldn't become a cop. Cops need to know how to behave in hostile situations. Police provide services to citizens, they shouldn't see citizens as enemies.
I'm sorry but with the way murderous pigs act with impunity in this country, they don't get the benefit of the doubt.

Hopefully the pig who slayed this young man in Berkeley, MO gets blasted away just like other pigs we've seen lately.
What in the **** 

I been waiting a long time for this "police state". Maybe these riots will finally lead to one, and you have nobody but yourselves to blame. Actually it would be a very brilliant scheme by those in power if you think about it.

Cause controversy, get people all riled up, riots=justification for a police state.

All my history buffs can see this pattern from a mile away.
Naw police began as a tool to round up slaves . Look up the history of policing. In the 60s police were used to suppress civil rights leaders and organizations in inner cities. Fast forward to the 80s zero tolerance and broken windows policing targeted non-violent criminals. Post 9-11 we live in the era of the militarization of policing. One thing that has remained consistent throughout the years is that people of color have always been targeted by repressive police tactics although whites commit more crime than blacks and Latinos . If it weren't for the riots throughout history the world and the nation may have not known about the atrocities that have occurred throughout the years. The sad thing is that whites too are being victimized by the police state which is why many protests throughout the nation are multi racial. Peep this book Amazon product ASIN 1610392116. Good article to read http://www.economist.com/news/unite...-have-become-too-militarised-cops-or-soldiers.
It will take some cop apologists losing their child to a flash grenade attack in a mistaken no-knock warrant for them to criticize police and be critical of flawed policing tactics.
A police force is the perfect profession for a racist to join. You can kill negroes and get paid for it . If I were a racist white man and I wanted to kill a black I would become a cop.
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