20 Year Old With No Car = Failure??

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

The pressure society puts on people is crazy...

You'll be ight dude.
@ some of the replies in here. Fede stays saltierthan Planters.
I didn't have my own car until I was 23....
I just rode my bicycle everywhere...and borrowed one of the spare cars my parents had when needed.
get a car. dont you get tired of bumming a ride? i know the people driving you everywhere do.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I want a car (CLS 63) but in NYC, it's kind of pointless.[/color]

Im told it depends where you live?
Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I wouldnever talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobodymothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.




With all that talk,show yourself ASAP!
Na u havent failed, i know if i never wouldve won my car id still be in your shoes. Itll come to you
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.


there you have it folks...

im 21 n i got 2 cars

1989 caprice classic
1996 caprice 9c1 (police package for the slow one)

i live at the house with my peoples, not by force, but i chose to get my family on the right track and help them own there own home. so me n my cuzin n my popspay the mortgage n take care of all the stuff around the crib. my mom doesnt work...

if somebody tells me im a lame for stayin at home with my peeps to help em out i dont care.. chances are i get more girls then you anyway,
for those who are judging me because of my accomplishments ive posted. I am originally from the hood in tx west dallas. Crack heads killing ive seen it all. Igrew up wit a molestin abusin step dad. and believe i was determined to not be a teenage mother ghetto broad that get pregnant at 15 have mad kids and wannalive off welfare and child support from my baby father. I wasnt given ne thing cuz u from the hood dont mean u gotta stay there. I'm now in school to be adentist. Sorry u didnt get a decent job like myself and U chose minimum wage. he asked the question cuz h wanted our opinions and Yes like other who have saidit I think he's a Failure.
If you have a job, your ballin, or your at a good university, your not a failure.

You can have 1 or more of the aforementioned items and not have a car.

If you have no car, your broke, not in school and jobless at 20 then you have failed at life.
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

for those who are judging me because of my accomplishments ive posted. I am originally from the hood in tx west dallas. Crack heads killing ive seen it all. I grew up wit a molestin abusin step dad. and believe i was determined to not be a teenage mother ghetto broad that get pregnant at 15 have mad kids and wanna live off welfare and child support from my baby father. I wasnt given ne thing cuz u from the hood dont mean u gotta stay there. I'm now in school to be a dentist. Sorry u didnt get a decent job like myself and U chose minimum wage. he asked the question cuz h wanted our opinions and Yes like other who have said it I think he's a Failure.
Are you serious? You think He's a failure
. I guessI'm one too because I never had a job but I'm in school.

Don't worry I took your failure tag from you
at some of the replies.
but also

I guarantee at least 5/6 of the people in here saying yes, parents bought their car.
NT full of spoiled brats.

OP, youre cool.
I wont stunt, cuz i did have a car but my mama bought it when i was 18.
And i just sold it three weeks ago so technically i dont have a car either and im 20.
The only vehicle ive legitimately purchased on my own is my motorcycle.

Its more important things than a car.
If i need to go somewhere that i cant go with my motorcycle, i yoink my daddy truck or something.
Aint nothing sweeter than not having to pay insurance and a car note
No car? It doesn't mean you're a failure. It just means you're poor.

Just because you have a car doesn't mean you're a success either. I'm a perfect example!
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

for those who are judging me because of my accomplishments ive posted. I am originally from the hood in tx west dallas. Crack heads killing ive seen it all. I grew up wit a molestin abusin step dad. and believe i was determined to not be a teenage mother ghetto broad that get pregnant at 15 have mad kids and wanna live off welfare and child support from my baby father. I wasnt given ne thing cuz u from the hood dont mean u gotta stay there. I'm now in school to be a dentist. Sorry u didnt get a decent job like myself and U chose minimum wage. he asked the question cuz h wanted our opinions and Yes like other who have said it I think he's a Failure.

Sorry to hear about that and Im glad you made it thru....
Get a car and like I said you can smething reliable for cheap. You don't have to spend your whole 11K. Get a car for 4K or less and put the rest u savedfor something like your education, an investment, or continue saving.

The only reason I'm saying this is because MTA and bumming rides suck.
Yungmatt failurematt or whatever u call urself I'm not gonna entertain u...

Ne who like

Rko wuts ur point I'm in school have a job and a car so not sure what ur gettin at???

Havin all that doesn't make u a success either but havin some type of ambition or will to succeed in life dude didnt eve mention havin any goals. Said heis just hittin school. He's 20 which means he took a yr or 2 off. What goals was he working toward doin that time??? Umm yea
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I'm 23 with no car, but i live in NYC so i use the train to get were i need to go. It would be nice if I had a car but some things i can do without at the moment.

As for your situation for 20 years old and not having a car isn't bad at all. It depends though if you need a car to get around. Just see what your real priorities are and stick to accomplishing them before worrying about the stuff at the bottom of that list.
i used to take the train everywhere in NYC.. sure its a + but riding that train mon- fri really gets anooying alot... so i had 2 cop a whip forthe weekend... and plus when you have that whip... comes more play....
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