[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

ive said it all along that artest ahs it in his head that this was the bulls. that is why he wont mess up and why i think he is the most hungriest for atitle... he wants to be just like the bulls teams of the 90's and the only way he can come close to being compared to the bulls is if he wins a title ortwo....or three..
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

artest is an idiot
...but its true kobe is the closest to mj...mj is lightyears ahead of kobe BUT kobe is the closest to him
lightyears? no.

everytime i see this thread title, i cant wait till the season starts so someone can take the crown from LA.....and yes im mad

- that is all.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet


everytime i see this thread title, i cant wait till the season starts so someone can take the crown from LA.....and yes im mad

- that is all.

I can fix that for you, I'm a nice guy, I like to help you guys out when I can..

LTB, could you please update the thread title to read, 09 Champion Lakers, 10, 11, 12 Lakers Championship threads soon tofollow?

Thanks LTB.

You're welcome Vet.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by seasoned vet


everytime i see this thread title, i cant wait till the season starts so someone can take the crown from LA.....and yes im mad

- that is all.

I can fix that for you, I'm a nice guy, I like to help you guys out when I can..

LTB, could you please update the thread title to read, 09 Champion Lakers, 10, 11, 12 Lakers Championship threads soon to follow?

Thanks LTB.

You're welcome Vet.


........fair enough,

- heres to a great season coming up........as much as i hate Voldermort i love Artest, so.....
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by seasoned vet


everytime i see this thread title, i cant wait till the season starts so someone can take the crown from LA.....and yes im mad

- that is all.

I can fix that for you, I'm a nice guy, I like to help you guys out when I can..

LTB, could you please update the thread title to read, 09 Champion Lakers, 10, 11, 12 Lakers Championship threads soon to follow?

Thanks LTB.

You're welcome Vet.


........fair enough,

- heres to a great season coming up........as much as i hate Voldermort i love Artest, so.....

Here here man, here here.......
.....oh and:
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by AG 47

*scratches head*....i thought Ska was black.
...its funny i always imagined ska as a white guy with a lisa leslie jersey


- leave ska alone man. dude just loves basketball.
[h1]Artest: Kobe Is The Closest Thing To Jordan[/h1]

Aug 18, 2009 7:36 AM EST

Ron Artest believes that the Lakers can be like the Bulls of the late 1990s.

Artest, who signed a free-agent deal with Los Angeles this summer, grew up as a fan of Michael Jordan.

"The opportunity was unbelievable. I get a chance to play with Kobe, Michael Jordan's my favorite player, Kobe's probably the closest person to Michael Jordan, so I get to kind of relive that whole Chicago Bulls thing growing up, that was my favorite team," Artest told 790 The Ticket in Miami.

"So, Phil Jackson, you got Kobe Bryant, you got myself at the three like Scottie Pippen, you have a clutch shooter in Derek Fisher like a Steve Kerr, you have Lamar Odom like a Toni Kukoc, it's just fun, it's a dream. I thank God so much to be in this situation, get a chance to win, playing with the defending champs, and I'm in LA 'cause you know I love the spotlight."


Ron, you effing knucklehead.
Ska, you got your ears on now, come in boy, over.

Anyone seen dude?

People on that thread say this guy was him


Never that.
First off, dude is sitting down at a golftourney, something I could never imagine doing. Second, a tee shirt? Seriously? With the possibility of being on national television, you wear a tee shirt?Never, ever, EVER. Third, with the possibility of being on nat'l t.v., I would definitely have to be rocking something serious on my soles, like USA ZoomGenerations or Dunkman IIs or something. If you're going to be in the front of the gallery at a major that features Tiger Woods, you have to come supercorrect, and I'd have to be in some khakis, a polo, and some heat. MAYBE khaki shorts, but then that would make me even more of a tool. Maybe some cargoshorts, but then that would make me a frat boy 'bro'. Any other kind of shorts would make me the awkward white guy in the front of the gallery, like...well, like the guy in the picture.

*hopes that was a good enough defense to convince people that isn't really me*


AG 47:
*scratches head*....i thought Ska was black.
Isn't Ska Italian or something along those lines?

Jewish, Asian, Canadian, Californian mix?
What race is Californian?

Italian FTW!

seasoned vet:
AG 47:
*scratches head*....i thought Ska was black
...its funny i always imagined ska as a white guy with a lisa leslie jersey


- leave ska alone man. dude just loves basketball.
Yeah!! What he said!

There you are man, shoot, I was goin for the randomnest dumbest thing I could find, without just calling you CM.

I think that was the cleanest I could do without pushing too many limits, I wanted to make sure people got it was a joke, some folks might not get that I'ma clown.
I've been CRAZY busy lately, and there's really no sign in the near future of things slowing up for me.
Fixing SOOOO much crap at work trying to get a promotion, moving, spendingtime with my lil' dude, trying to get some ball in... go, go, go, man.

Oh yeah, forgot to comment on this:
artest is an idiot
...but its true kobe is the closest to mj...mj is lightyears ahead of kobe BUT kobe is the closest to him

lightyears? no.
Yes, lightyears. Has Kobe ever came close to being DPOY? Seriously. C'mon. No. And speaking of defense, Jordan was top 3 in the stealscategory 7 times (#1 in steals 3 times) and top 3 in steals per game 7 times (#1 three times); Kobe has been top 3 in steals 1 time (#3 in the '02-'03season) and his highest finish in SPG has been 6th.

Jordan averaged MORE points in the playoffs (when the competition is supposed to be HIGHER) than he did in the regular season. He averaged 30.1 pts. per gamein the regular season, but averaged 33.4 pts. in the playoffs. Kobe has averaged 25.1 per game in the regular season so far while averaging 25.0 pts. in theplayoffs. Now, he's only .2 away from averaging more in the playoffs than the regular season, but Jordan is 3.3 above his regular season average.

Jordan was the league MVP 5 times to Kobe's 1.

Jordan was the Finals MVP 6 times to Kobe's 1. And on this one, Jordan was the Finals MVP of every Finals he was in, while Kobe has been in 6 Finals andgrabbed 1 Finals MVP. "Yeah, but Kobe lost 2 of those 6 Finals."

Next point: Jordan was 6-0 in the Finals to Kobe's 4-2. "Yeah, but that's a team thing, not an individual thing like the scoring and the reg.season MVP and the DPOY." Excellent point... except that Kobe has had an excellent team, unless you don't consider it excellent to 3-peat aschampions, appear in 4 Finals in 5 years, and lose 1 game en route to one of your championships while employing 2 of the league's elite players.

And as seasons go, Jordan's '87-'88 season was stupid. Kobe might have a season somewhere in the ballpark statistically, but winning DPOY, reg.season MVP, Slam Dunk title (a novelty, I know, but still, he earned it that season) while leading the league in pts. per game and steals per game is justsilly.

Yes, light years.
Tight, whatever you are Ska...you're a cool dude. Minus of course your avid hatred of Kobe Bryant.
the more things change........

The man doesn't HATE Kobe. He dislikes him, but all he does is speak honestly about the guys game and mannerisms.

It's not hate when damn near most of it is true.

Let it go people. It'll be alright.

Oh, and for the record, KB8 don't really hate Sasha either. Loves the dude in fact. Just so ya'll can keep track.
idk but i think Lakers need some younger player and kick Vujacic, Sasha out
i dont like him at all
Lakers can have a better back up SG
^^^All those stats are nice, but that isnt the whole story.

If thats the case then WILT & RUSSEL are LIGHT YEARS ahead of MJ, because they have accomplishments he'llnever touch.

You cant expect KOBE to duplicate a certain MJ season, THAT WAS A DIFFERENT ERA.

I really think the depth of talent in the league is higher than its ever been.

Stop using certain accomplishments as the argument, because even if KOBE did what youre referring to HE STILL WOULDNTBE BETTER THAN MJ IN YOUR MIND.
Using the 'different era' argument to say that the 'Wilt/Russel vs. MJ' comparison is similar to the 'MJ vs. Kobe' is completelyflawed, considering that Jordan NEVER PLAYED in the Wilt/Russell era.
The era Jordan played in was IMMEDIATELY prior to the era Kobe played in, evenoverlapping to the point where Kobe PLAYED in that era for a couple years.
The era Wilt/Russell played in was a couple DECADES before the era Jordanplayed in. Saying the league was as different for Jordan in comparison to Wilt/Russell as it was for Kobe in comparison to Jordan is completely flawed logic,because the league Jordan played in compared to the league Wilt/Russell played in was decades before Jordan's league, whereas the league Kobe has played inactually INCLUDES the league Jordan played in.

And no, if Kobe did accomplish what Jordan did, he wouldn't be better in my mind; he would be equal.
SKA, I used that logice because u reffered to the 87-88 season.

That wasnt decades apart because that was a hell of a different era than now.

And your quote about even if KOBE was to to do those things, and STILL be equal.

I mean EQUAL, cmon how many things in life are actually equal?

No big deal, u just seriously ''DISLIKE'' KOBE.

Thats your right, just dont be vague and dance around your ''DISLIKE''.
Where was I vague? How am I dancing around anything?

It's been as clear as day for nearly a decade now: I'm not a fan. People want to make it more than that when its really not, then when I don'tadmit to their interpretation of my opinion, I'm 'dancing around', when the reality is that they're trying to force a triangle into a circle.

And Jordan's stellar '87-'88 season was still the era RIGHT BEFORE Kobe's if you're calling eras by players ('the Jordan era','the Bird era', 'the Magic era', the Kobe era', etc.). Obviously, if you're going by decades ('the 60s era', 'the 90sera', etc.), the Jordan's '87-'88 season was nearly a full decade before 'the '00 era' began, but even then, Kobe came into theleague in '96, so technically, he came in during 'the 90s era', making Jordan's season the decade before Kobe's era no matter which way youlook at it (as opposed to being an entirely different league).
The fact that u think MJ is LIGHT YEARS ahead of KOBE shows youre not close to being objective.

Is MJ better???

I'd say YES, but LIGHTYEARS........Cmon now

You make MJ sound like a mythical creature who averaged 50 pts for his career and never missed a shot.

AGAIN , MJ is better but your reaching with that LIGHTYEARS stuff.

My apologies because im sure this has been discussed before & this isnt the thread for that......Just how i felt
Originally Posted by truthteller

The fact that u think MJ is LIGHT YEARS ahead of KOBE shows youre not close to being objective.

Is MJ better???

I'd say YES, but LIGHTYEARS........Cmon now

You make MJ sound like a mythical creature who averaged 50 pts for his career and never missed a shot.

AGAIN , MJ is better but your reaching with that LIGHTYEARS stuff.

My apologies because im sure this has been discussed before & this isnt the thread for that......Just how i felt
I totally agree and I grew up watching MJ play...

I hated him for what he did to our Lakers when he one his 1st ring but at the same time I respected him because he's the man

Not a mythical creature as most look at him but a man that was on top of his game and knew how to work the rest of the league.
mj is definitely not light years ahead of kobe in a purely "talent and skill" basis

kobe can do anything on the court that mj did

but mj was the better overall player because of his accomplishments and he was a better defender and shooter (as far as FG %)

he was not light years ahead

that is ludricous

any GM and basketball expert will say the same about that light years remark, thats nonsense
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