[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Originally Posted by SHUGES

I had some Kobe hate thrown my way today and it got my juices going (chill).

I realized that I really miss the NBA right now and can't wait for the season to start.

I'm also finally over the Lakers winning the chip last year.

So to all you LA supporters, I present you with this for the upcoming season:

Spoiler [+]

Oh yeah, and "death" to Roster Guard 24!!

(Had to put quotes around the word "death" before some of you think I'm serious).
keep hating bro
Ron Ron in SD promoting the pre season game in SD next month

[h1]Ron Artest says blame him if Lakers fail to repeat[/h1]

Pardon Ron Artest if he's a bit geographically challenged and had no idea that San Diego has a big league baseball team, even though he was wearing a Padres cap.

This much he's sure of -- If his Los Angeles Lakers don't repeat as NBA champions, fans can point their fingers at him.

"They should. That's exactly what should happen if we don't repeat," the star forward said during a visit to promote the Lakers' exhibition game against the Denver Nuggets at the San Diego Sports Arena on Oct. 23.

"They won last year, and I'm the new addition. The fans expect to repeat. Everybody in L.A. expects a second ring. And if we don't then yeah, they should point it right at me, throwing tomatoes and everything."

Artest joined the Lakers as a free agent on July 8, signing a five-year deal worth about $33 million. He is the team's only addition, essentially switching places with Trevor Ariza, who left the Lakers to take Artest's spot with the Rockets.

Artest said he was proud to be making his first promotional appearance for the Lakers. He wore an all-black Kobe Bryant jersey as a tribute to his new teammate.

"It makes me more excited, gives me a better understanding of what jersey I'm actually putting on," Artest said. "So today I decided to wear the black Kobe Bryant jersey, because he is the 'Black Mamba,' and I'm really happy to be a part of this team and I'm really excited just to be an addition, an asset, to the guy, to the (Derek) Fishers and the (Andrew) Bynums and all the rest of the players."

During a wide-ranging news conference at the San Diego Chargers' media trailer, Artest drew some laughs with a few slip-ups.

"I didn't realize how far L.A.'s tentacles, or whatever you want to call them, extend, all the way to San Diego. I thought I was going to be getting some Golden State Warrior fans, because I didn't know where I was at. Most of the fans are Lakers fans, so that's great.

"And I'm also here to say that next year I'll be trying out for the San Diego Chargers, so I look forward to that. Hopefully I can play some baseball. Is there a baseball team here?"

You're wearing the hat, he was told.

"I know I'm wearing the hat. I just love the SD. The logo looks great. I didn't realize there was a baseball team in San Diego."

A tough, physical defender, Artest had some spirited moments against Bryant when the Rockets pushed the Lakers to seven games in the second round of the playoffs.

"That was friendship what you saw out there with me and Kobe," Artest said. "That's like hard-core friendship, you know, like back in the days -- fight against your best friend when you were younger and go out and get some ice cream later? That's what that was. It was just so competitive.

"I just knew that my team was going to win. Of course we lost Yao (Ming), which hurt the Rockets. And Kobe wanted to win, and he knew his team was going to win. It was like, 'OK, I know you but I don't care nothing about you, maybe I have to step on your toes and give you a couple of elbows and get you ejected twice, whatever it takes to win, that's what I'm going to do."

Artest was ejected from Games 2 and 3 against the Lakers. In Game 2, he received a technical and was ejected after pointing and making a gesture near his throat after complaining that Bryant had elbowed him in the throat under the basket.

Artest was ejected from Game 3 after a flagrant foul on Pau Gasol.

It's all good now that they're all teammates.

"That's what I love about Kobe. He's so tough," Artest said. "He was great when he was younger, but he's much more competitive now. I didn't envision myself playing with him. I always wanted to play against him. I always wanted to beat Kobe Bryant. But I'm more than happy to be playing with Kobe."

A native New Yorker, Artest said he's turning into a West Coast kind of guy.

"I'm learning a lot of different ways of California. Is this Southern California?" he said, apparently not realizing San Diego is as southern as it gets. "It never rains in Southern California, huh? I'm turning into a Southern California guy. I'm happy to be a Southern Californian, or whatever you want to call it."

The Lakers open training camp Sept. 29 at their headquarters in El Segundo.

Originally Posted by SHUGES

I had some Kobe hate thrown my way today and it got my juices going (chill).

I realized that I really miss the NBA right now and can't wait for the season to start.

I'm also finally over the Lakers winning the chip last year.

So to all you LA supporters, I present you with this for the upcoming season:

Spoiler [+]

Oh yeah, and "death" to Roster Guard 24!!

(Had to put quotes around the word "death" before some of you think I'm serious).
Don't wait until the finals again like you did last season to start your "Laker haters unite thread"

ron ron didnt know theres a baseball team in SD?
...i really thinkron doesnt have it all in the head...but yes im really happy to hear that hes putting it all on his shoulders this season if we dont win it all...i know CPwould be the first person to post the blame artest thread
Maaaaaan, swear to God, every 5 minutes there's some new damn Artest story.

We won the damn title, and yet all I hear and or see is Artest, Artest, Artest.

Any of you happen to see how it worked out when the Cubs signed Milton Bradley? And everyone said it was dangerous? How's that workin out?

And Milton is half the nutcase Artest is.

I blame Shuges for this signing.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Maaaaaan, swear to God, every 5 minutes there's some new damn Artest story.

We won the damn title, and yet all I hear and or see is Artest, Artest, Artest.

Any of you happen to see how it worked out when the Cubs signed Milton Bradley? And everyone said it was dangerous? How's that workin out?

And Milton is half the nutcase Artest is.

I blame Shuges for this signing.

no the cubs are just cursed
Hey, let's not compare Bradley to Artest, Cubs to Lakers.

Bradley has always been a nut case, add that with those freak injuries he gets every 1-2 years.

Artest has always been a nut case, yet he always manages to score in high quantities, and get along with teammates.
Ya'll can relax with the Cubs to Lakers comparison's, I know the damn difference.

But all the excuses for Ron you guys are preparing disturb me greatly.

(i will allow however, that I am down with him saying "blame me, blame me" if they don't win the chip this season) That is something, but italso makes me leery of the attention seeking goin on there. Little too TO for me. But if he sticks to it, I'm fine with.
I don't get the tension that's being brewed in here. We won the title, we're greatly favored to win it again. There's no need to be edgy aboutthe season beyond what any other fans are normally edgy about.
I just added another year to 101.

My Phins suck again it looks like.

Of course I'm edgy. I'm always edgy.

As far as the Lakers, I can't mean this in a more simple way, I DON"T CARE ABOUT 1 TITLE. I am a greedy son of a, I want more then 1. I want ahelluva alot more.

I want Bill Russell type numbers for Kobe and Fish. I want Bynum to finish with more rings then Shaq. I want Phil to open a jewelry store after he retires. I want championship rings to start getting ordered for their toes, cuz they got no more fingers left to get one for.

And Artest makes me queasy that that may not happen. Thas all. Just nervous a little.

But yes, training camp can't get here fast enough. Need this season to start already.
Im going to love having Artest....with him we are more than primed to repeat...but his antics (so long as they arent disrupting us) will be EPIC
I really don't think Ron Ron is bad a nutcase like how Rodman & Milton Bradley are.

He's more of just a attention hog like Shaq who's always wanted and now has the Hollywood lifestyle.

I mean Rodman was all screwed in the head because of being an alcoholic, suicidal, cross dressing, and problems with the refs.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

I really don't think Ron Ron is bad a nutcase like how Rodman & Milton Bradley are.

He's more of just a attention hog like Shaq who's always wanted and now has the Hollywood lifestyle.

I mean Rodman was all screwed in the head because of being an alcoholic, suicidal, cross dressing, and problems with the refs.
artest and refs=problems
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

I really don't think Ron Ron is bad a nutcase like how Rodman & Milton Bradley are.

He's more of just a attention hog like Shaq who's always wanted and now has the Hollywood lifestyle.

I mean Rodman was all screwed in the head because of being an alcoholic, suicidal, cross dressing, and problems with the refs.
artest and refs=problems
True but he not as bad as Sheed . I don' think Ron Ron has led the league in T's for a season.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This seriously has me

Kenyon Martin: "I think guys know that we were right there and everybody in that locker room and in the organization feels we were a better team than the Lakers.

Everybody feels we were a better team than the Lakers and no one can tell me anything different. No one."


He can feel however he wants, before and after we hand it to them again in the playoffs next season.
Blah blah blah Kenyon, all those Nuggets do is pound their chest and blood walk and all that other lame crap and then they get beat like always.

All bark and no bite.
I said before the playoffs that the Nuggets were the team that scared me the most, and I'm sticking by that as of right now.

Chauncey is a gamer.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This seriously has me

Kenyon Martin: "I think guys know that we were right there and everybody in that locker room and in the organization feels we were a better team than the Lakers.

Everybody feels we were a better team than the Lakers and no one can tell me anything different. No one."


wonder how long it took him to spit those words out, ellis lankster aint got nothin on kmarts stutter( YES HATE!)
Verizon FIOS has confirmed NBA League Pass.

Offering the early bird special already.

Oh yes, I can't wait to disparage Jack Bauer once again!

With the addition of Ron Artest, I agree with CP.... Lakers are in trouble.

He definitely seems to be doing a whole lot of chirping already.
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