[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Lakers if ya need cap space release Luke walton & the chinese guy who neva plays

And release brian shaw fa the HELL of it
how about you release your bopper grammer
Life is still gravy up over here at work.

Got this douche bag Blazer fan sits 2 feet away from me, and in front of him is a semi cool Jazz fan. Everyday they talk ball, not yesterday though.

So anyway, I wear ZERO Laker gear yesterday (habit, I only wear Laker gear during the season after a LOSS, never when we win. I'll wear stuff during theoff season coming up pretty soon though) I don't say one word to them, they obviously come no where near me, but I do do one thing. That pic of Kobe withboth trophies, holdin up the 4 fingers with the "You Mad?", yeah, thas my new wallpaper.

So this morning the D bag Blazer guy goes over to another guy in my area and just starts CRYING about my wallpaper, how "that why I hate Laker fans"and all this other stuff. My friend just sat there quietly, waited for him to finish talkin, then sprinted over to me to tell me what he was sayin.

So this is me of course, this is right in my wheelhouse, I start sayin out loud "well, I guess that answers that question, yeah, you mad."

Gon be a looooooooooong summer for these boys at work. Long summer.

Bet they wish they was quieter during the winter and the first round huh? Things like that tend to come back on you when you support crap teams.

I ain't even say one word, not wear one article of clothing the day after my team wins a championship, and this dude over here "Thas why I hate Lakerfans" over one little picture on MY computer.

Friggin dweeb.
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Lakers if ya need cap space release Luke walton & the chinese guy who neva plays

And release brian shaw fa the HELL of it
We would still owe Walton his contract money if we released him...

Tupac, Gasol has two more years on his contract.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Life is still gravy up over here at work.

Got this douche bag Blazer fan sits 2 feet away from me, and in front of him is a semi cool Jazz fan. Everyday they talk ball, not yesterday though.

So anyway, I wear ZERO Laker gear yesterday (habit, I only wear Laker gear during the season after a LOSS, never when we win. I'll wear stuff during the off season coming up pretty soon though) I don't say one word to them, they obviously come no where near me, but I do do one thing. That pic of Kobe with both trophies, holdin up the 4 fingers with the "You Mad?", yeah, thas my new wallpaper.

So this morning the D bag Blazer guy goes over to another guy in my area and just starts CRYING about my wallpaper, how "that why I hate Laker fans" and all this other stuff. My friend just sat there quietly, waited for him to finish talkin, then sprinted over to me to tell me what he was sayin.

So this is me of course, this is right in my wheelhouse, I start sayin out loud "well, I guess that answers that question, yeah, you mad."

Gon be a looooooooooong summer for these boys at work. Long summer.

Bet they wish they was quieter during the winter and the first round huh? Things like that tend to come back on you when you support crap teams.

I ain't even say one word, not wear one article of clothing the day after my team wins a championship, and this dude over here "Thas why I hate Laker fans" over one little picture on MY computer.

Friggin dweeb.
dude CP...im in your same shoes bro...but instead of blazer fans i have to deal with warrior fans as if thats any better
...especially that we believe year...omg that was ridiculous
From NBA.com:

Free agent Ariza wants to come back to Lakers

Posted Jun 16 2009 8:09PM

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (AP) -- Trevor Ariza says he would love to return to the Los Angeles Lakers next season.

The fifth-year forward is a free agent, along with teammate Lamar Odom.

Ariza averaged 11.3 points, 4.2 rebounds and 2.3 assists during the Lakers' run to their 15th NBA championship. He raised his stock considerably in the postseason, including shutting down Orlando's Hedo Turkoglu in the Game 5 clincher on Sunday.

Ariza had his season-ending interview with coach Phil Jackson and general manager Mitch Kupchak on Tuesday.

"I definitely felt a lot of love," Ariza said about the atmosphere at the meeting. "They definitely told me I improved a lot and they're happy with the way that I played and how much I was able to help our team.

"I'd love to come back. Money is important, this is our job here, but I built a bond with my coaches and my teammates. We have a really good team and I think we'll be good for a long time."
Figured I'd post these in here as well, that way we can bump this post. The View:

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0633.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0634.jpg

The Crowd:

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0756.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0646.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0643.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0736.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0715.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0754.jpg

Other random photos:

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0658.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0649.jpg

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0640.jpg

The team "Ring":
http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0737.jpg


http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0765.jpg

Some hot chick:

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/drofizzle12/laker parade/?action=view&current=IMG_0632.jpg

EDIT: I wish I had my SLR to shoot with. A lot of the photos I took came out way too grainy to post since I was using a regular Point and shoot. Either way,the atmosphere was absolutely amazing. I just hope that we make this an annual tradition. Sucks that I didn't get to meet up with any fellow NTers though.
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Originally Posted by knightngale

it is also more enjoyable for us kobe "stans" that sided with him throughout the accusation and when most laker fans took shaq's side during all those years and when he got traded


I love Kobe! I could care less about what anyone says

normally i dont do this but uh...keep the party goin!
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Kobe Expects To Re-Sign With Lakers
Kobe Bryant is expected to re-sign with the Lakers for five years and about $135 million.


something like 27 mil per



What in the blue hell is he doing? How are we going to re-sign anybody with him taking all that jack?

God damn it.

stupid kobe...like you need that money
...damn goodbye ariza and/orodom
Can't we just go over the salary cap like Boston is doing? Like, way over? Aren't they way over?

But that essentially mortgages your future, right?

I know next to nothing about paying players. I don't get into all that. Too confusing, and I've got things that need my focus more than depressingmyself over the ridiculous money being made by the likes of Walton and Biedrins.
We can go over the cap all we want. The only issue with that is will Buss want to do that? He essentially pays double for the salaries that go over thethreshhold. If he wants to do that, fine, but if he doesn't, then we let players walk.

So this doesn't end Ariza, Odom, or Brown coming back, but it doesn't help out at all. Not one bit.

My only hope is that Kobe was assured they would re-sign at least Ariza and Odom, and maybe just let Shannon go, so Kobe took all the money he could get. Idon't see how Kobe would be that stupid that after only a couple days of winning it all, he would let that crumble so he could buy Vanessa another ring.
buss/Mitch wouldnt do it if they didnt have something up their sleeves can Kobe enjoy his summer atleast before dudes start trippin
Originally Posted by bright nikes

what in the hell!

im sure buss has a plan?
Isn't Kobe gonna be in his 14th year, isn't there some veteran clause or something against the cap?
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

buss/Mitch wouldnt do it if they didnt have something up their sleeves can Kobe enjoy his summer atleast before dudes start trippin

No, because if he takes all this money, then we're right back where we were a few years ago, Kobe/Pau, and nobody else.

We wouldn't have won this title without Odom and Ariza, we certainly won't win anymore without them for a while if they leave.

Soon as they are signed and delivered, then Kobe can relax and enjoy his summer. If they leave because of him and his wife, then he'll get heat big timefrom Lakerland. Trust that.
The 36 rule. He has to max out his dollars now til 35 because of the rule. It's so teams don't backload contracts to the end of deals and find otherloop holes and what not.
I know I rarely post anymore, but I'm here with all you Laker fans in the forefront.

But I remember vaguely last year Kobe on the radio saying he would never take a paycut because his boss makes more money than all of them combined.

Anyways, I'm going to just sit back and enjoy this championship. It just feels a little bit sweeter because of all the storylines that are intertwined.Storylines that go back to the first championship.

Damn it feels good when all your Laker hater buddies are absolutely speechless.

Thanks Lake Show for a great season.

Now onto my Dodgers!
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