[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Correct me if I'm wrong but we can go over the salary cap to resign both LO and Ariza?

Yes, but we pay every dollar over the cap also to the NBA, so basically we pay double.

And update your sig homie.
E3LAL wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong but we can go over the salary cap to resign both LO and Ariza?

Yes any team can go over the cap to sign their own players.

If the lakers cant come to terms with him, how would a odom sign and trafe for prince work?
We would sign LO to what ever amount prince makes I believe and do an even trade. But I don't see anybody leaving.
Oh yeah, I just seen Transformers 2 last night, and if any of ya'll livin out there in LA see Megan Fox bumpin around town, you tackle that girl on thesidewalk and tell her CP says whassup.

Thanks in advance.
@ CP

Saw it last night too.. That word " Cam Shaft " will never be the same lol

OP was a G tho.. dude was fighting like Goku..
So does the cash we receive from other teams go directly into our salary cap and make it larger? Or is it just something we can use on players if we go overthe salary cap?
I will end Twitter is this becomes a reality. Dead serious. I don't care if it's Amare for Luke Walton, I'll hunt Twitter down.
Ok, what the hell is going on? Amare on the Lakeshow, do not like (well unless it's for Sasha and Luke)....hopefully this is bull.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Oh yeah, I just seen Transformers 2 last night, and if any of ya'll livin out there in LA see Megan Fox bumpin around town, you tackle that girl on the sidewalk and tell her CP says whassup.

Thanks in advance.
I saw her at LAX once
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Ok, what the hell is going on? Amare on the Lakeshow, do not like (well unless it's for Sasha and Luke)....hopefully this is bull.

Agreed...we better not give up anybody else up for Amare...well they can throw DJ in that deal too
Mamba's avatar:

KB8SD's avy:

Y'all caught the fever, too, huh?


I guess it's very few of us remembering him for his great music and his disturbing affinity for having 4-year old sleeping in his bed with him, like Iwouldn't be hung from the highest rafter if I said that I just like having little boys in my bed with me, just for shhh and giggles.
I noticed a LOT of Mike avy's today.

I think today everybody is just thinkin about the music he made and what he meant to their lives moreso then worrying about the dozens of little boys he'stouched.
(um, well, that last sentence didnt work out quite the right way, but take it either way I guess.)
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Mamba's avatar:

KB8SD's avy:

Y'all caught the fever, too, huh?


I guess it's very few of us remembering him for his great music and his disturbing affinity for having 4-year old sleeping in his bed with him, like I wouldn't be hung from the highest rafter if I said that I just like having little boys in my bed with me, just for shhh and giggles.

What "fever" are you speaking of? I'm remembering Mike as the greatest entertainer of all time and as one of my favs as I was growing up when mydad, who is a fanatic, put me on to his music. Personally, I don't think he molested those boys so I could care less about all the negativity that peopleare throwing at him today.
I wonder how people would feel about it all if it were their little 4 year talking about sleeping in bed with Mike and a bunch of other little 4 year olds.

And remember, the words of the little kids is stone cold fact. That's not made up, not rumor, and not fabricated. Little kids gave testimony to playing inMike's room, sleeping with each other and him in their bed, and his rebuttal was tat sharing a bed with someone is one of the most loving, sacrificialthings a person can do, and that all of us are sick for twisting it into something perverse.

If that was your little 4 year old boy (not someone else's 4 year old boy) that you found out was in my bed (not Mike's) with a bunch of other little 4year olds, and I was like 'What? We're just sharing my bed. That's a very kind, loving, sacrificial gesture on my part. You're sick, Mamba MVP;you're sick for making it into something perverse. It's just an adult male sharing his bed with a bunch of little kids and your little boy.'

I wonder how quickly you'd be at my door with a shotgun.
23ska909red02 wrote:
I wonder how people would feel about it all if it were their little 4 year talking about sleeping in bed with Mike and a bunch of other little 4 year olds.

And remember, the words of the little kids is stone cold fact. That's not made up, not rumor, and not fabricated. Little kids gave testimony to playing in Mike's room, sleeping with each other and him in their bed, and his rebuttal was tat sharing a bed with someone is one of the most loving, sacrificial things a person can do, and that all of us are sick for twisting it into something perverse.

If that was your little 4 year old boy (not someone else's 4 year old boy) that you found out was in my bed (not Mike's) with a bunch of other little 4 year olds, and I was like 'What? We're just sharing my bed. That's a very kind, loving, sacrificial gesture on my part. You're sick, Mamba MVP; you're sick for making it into something perverse. It's just an adult male sharing his bed with a bunch of little kids and your little boy.'

I wonder how quickly you'd be at my door with a shotgun.

While you are correct with the shotgun response,

A. Where were the parents?
B. He was never found guilty of anything.

I don't know what happened or what he did or didn't do but he is still the best to ever do what he did. We can't let a couple of bizarre momentsruin 25 years of great music.

Back on topic,

What is this Amare mess?
^ On Twitter, supposedly Amare had a tweet saying; Breaking News, Amar'e Stoudamire to the Lakers.

That's when people started talking about it, turned out not to be true. Either it wasn't really him or it was just some joke.
Wow, forreals ska?

First of all, I would NEVER put my kids in that situation ever.

Second, why are we even bringing that to light? Like Tupac said, he was not found guilty and didn't MJ and kids family reach a settlement?

Let's celebrate and mourn the loss of the greatest entertainer in our lifetime.
That Amare tweet is bull....but imagine if he comes to LA?
Our frontcourt is slowly removing that "soft" label and you add a guy like that?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Mamba's avatar:

KB8SD's avy:

Y'all caught the fever, too, huh?


I guess it's very few of us remembering him for his great music and his disturbing affinity for having 4-year old sleeping in his bed with him, like I wouldn't be hung from the highest rafter if I said that I just like having little boys in my bed with me, just for shhh and giggles.
It's just in respect. I grew up on Mike. Like seriously. Going to school with high water pants, white socks, and all black shoes. Even had aMJ dance routine with my cousin that our parents forced us to do at family parties. I had the old Mike Thriller doll from the 80s with the red jacket andshimmery glove. No joke.

A lot of controversy in regards to his personal life, but that man's music was something else. Has he touched my life? Absolutely. I'm not one to judgea man at all. Not in my place to do so if he was guilty of any of that.
I'll let y'all celebrate the man; I just can't do that.

I'll remember his great music, sure. I haven't changed the station one time the past 24 hours when I've heard stations do like a 'tripleshot' of MJ songs in his honor; I love his music, and there's no denying his impact in the music industry.

But I think denying such devastating behavior is a little appalling.

And putting the responsibility on the parents with rebuttals like 'I would never put my kids in that situation' is a little naive. You'll never letyour kids sleep over at someone else's house? Because that's all it takes. You going to do background checks? Even then, that would only alert you ofanything if the parents have been caught doing anything. If your son and my son are best buds and your son asks to spend the weekend at my son'splace because I've got all these neat things over here... I mean, you see where I'm going with this. Once you found out your boy was in my bed with meand a bunch of other kids... shotguns. You know it. And you wouldn't be sitting there saying 'Enh, it's not ska's fault. It's my fault forputting my son in this situation. I should never have done that. It's not ska's fault at all, especially since he's such a great _________ (fill inthe blank).'

And like I said, tupac, he may have never have been charged with anything, but kids have given testimony to being in bed with him and multiple other kids atthe same time. That's just stone cold fact, and he defended it by saying that sharing a bed is beautiful and magical and loving, and we're all twistedfor making it something perverse.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'll let y'all celebrate the man; I just can't do that.

I'll remember his great music, sure. I haven't changed the station one time the past 24 hours when I've heard stations do like a 'triple shot' of MJ songs in his honor; I love his music, and there's no denying his impact in the music industry.

But I think denying such devastating behavior is a little appalling.

And putting the responsibility on the parents with rebuttals like 'I would never put my kids in that situation' is a little naive. You'll never let your kids sleep over at someone else's house? Because that's all it takes. You going to do background checks? Even then, that would only alert you of anything if the parents have been caught doing anything. If your son and my son are best buds and your so asks to spend the weekend at my son's place because I've got all these neat things over here... I mean, you see where I'm going with this. Once you found out your boy was in my bed with me and a bunch of other kids... shotguns. You know it. And you wouldn't be sitting there saying 'Enh, it's not ska's fault. It's my fault for putting my son in this situation. I should never have done that. It's not ska's fault at all, especially since he's such a great _________ (fill in the blank).'

And like I said, tupac, he may have never have been charged with anything, but kids have given testimony to being in bed with him and multiple other kids at the same time. That's just stone cold fact, and he defended it by saying that sharing a bed is beautiful and magical and loving, and we're all twisted for making it something perverse.
did MJ even had his own kids at the time? why were the parents sending the kids there? to play with him?

That is just a bizarre situation. I would never send my own kids to someone else's house

are you gonna rock a jason kidd avatar if and when he dies?
The Jason Kidd question definitely touches on an 'idolizing' topic, and I have very strong feelings against idolizing people I don't really, REALLYknow.

The athletes I've come closest to 'idolizing' have been David Robinson, Grant Hill, and AC Green. However, between the 3 of them, I have zerojerseys, zero bobbleheads, and my son's name has nothing to do with any of them. From what I know about them, I think that their lives would be perfectmodels for a man to pattern his life after. However, I really don't know them... at all. I just think I do. AC Green could have kids scattered all over theworld from different women, and D-Rob could be this drug addict right now, and Grant Hill could really be this locker room terror that no one really talksabout because of his mafia connections. I don't know. Obviously, I'd be completely shocked to learn if something like those things were true, but thepoint is that I really don't know them.

Throwing up a Kidd avatar when he dies? Not even; dude beat his wife. I can't respect that. I love him as a player, but I can't get behind spousalabuse (and I wouldn't want anyone supporting me if I were unapologetic or remorseless about some terrible thing I had done).
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The Jason Kidd question definitely touches on an 'idolizing' topic, and I have very strong feelings against idolizing people I don't really, REALLY know.

The athletes I've come closest to 'idolizing' have been David Robinson, Grant Hill, and AC Green. However, between the 3 of them, I have zero jerseys, zero bobbleheads, and my son's name has nothing to do with any of them. From what I know about them, I think that their lives would be perfect models for a man to pattern his life after. However, I really don't know them... at all. I just think I do. AC Green could have kids scattered all over the world from different women, and D-Rob could be this drug addict right now, and Grant Hill could really be this locker room terror that no one really talks about because of his mafia connections. I don't know. Obviously, I'd be completely shocked to learn if something like those things were true, but the point is that I really don't know them.

Throwing up a Kidd avatar when he dies? Not even; dude beat his wife. I can't respect that. I love him as a player, but I can't get behind spousal abuse (and I wouldn't want anyone supporting me if I were unapologetic or remorseless about some terrible thing I had done).
yeah idolizing someone is not a good look

does anyone else think that playing defense against the spurs will be easier than the magic? They rely on the 3 a lot but are not as good as the magic at it

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Mamba's avatar:

KB8SD's avy:

Y'all caught the fever, too, huh?


I guess it's very few of us remembering him for his great music and his disturbing affinity for having 4-year old sleeping in his bed with him, like I wouldn't be hung from the highest rafter if I said that I just like having little boys in my bed with me, just for shhh and giggles.


so now its wrong of us to pay our respects to Michael Jackson?

Y even bring this crap up? Pathetic
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