2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread


From what I've heard so far if we swap picks in '11 ours will not be protected but the '12 pick will be.
Originally Posted by RFX45

At least the Clips got rid of Ricky Davis....

I don't get why some Bulls fans don't want Miami to get Amar'e (I do get it but think about it). The chances of Wade coming to Chicago are looking slimmer every day and personally I would prefer going after a big, preferably Bosh. If Miami trades for Amar'e that would most likely lock them up down there giving us a better chance of signing Bosh. If LeBron stays in Cleveland then I would think Bosh would choose Chicago over New York.
In town in advance of their Tuesday game against the Trail Blazers, the Clippers were having a team dinner at Portland’s Ringside steakhouse Monday night when Camby received a call on his cell phone from his agent, Rick Kaplan. Kaplan informed Camby that he would likely be traded to Portland.
After taking the call from Kaplan, Camby immediately walked out of the restaurant. “It feels good to be a wanted man, but I like it here,
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

That would be great if they manage to keep Al Harrington. Giving up Harrington AND picks would be way too much. You have nothing left to bargain with. Besides as maligned as Harrington tends to be by some people, he's still a player with a lot of capability.

As for the picks, I think they're probably going to have to give one up since it's Hughes and not Harrington

Trade buckets for TT.

Successful IMO. still dont like the idea of giving up hill, but whatever.

round of applause to morey for getting so many "young" talent for a bench warmer
The thing with camby, he's a passionate guy. hes loyal. he doesnt like getting moved around and around. i dont blame him. hes a talented big, with a strong defensive presence, but NBA is a business. what can ya do.

im sure he'll like portland in the end. he didnt like it when he got traded to the clips from denver for just a 2nd rounder too. felt straight disrespected, which i would too.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by jmause3

I cant wait for Thursday to be over with so I can be disappointed in my Bulls once again

Alright JM, what moves would satisfy you before the deadline? Do you seriously wanna get rid of Deng, Hinrich, Thomas, and Salmons strictly for cap relief? cause I'm not.
I'm not JM but here's what I want:
Absolutely have to trade Tyrus and Kirk or Fishsticks

If you can unload Deng that's fine too, but not necessary. - I do like the deal mentioned in Chi about Deng and Tyrus for Al Jefferson, although very unlikely.

Go after a max deal.

If you don't get it, be fiscally responsible and get some role players and you're right back where you were this year.

My worry is that they make all this space and they compound not getting one of the big 3 (Bron, Wade, Bosh) by giving a max to someone who doesnt deserve it (Amare, Joe Johnson - deserves $ now but is old and wont be worth it in 3 years, Rudy Gay - Andre Iguodala reincarnate, Boozer - too injury prone) and screwing yourselves long term.

Also, I'm fine with Miami getting Amare. They can be the ones to pay him as a max player when he doesnt deserve it. Sure he gets his points, but he's a big man who doesnt rebound or defend and he's got bad knees. Good luck with that.
I keep checking this thread hoping to see T-mac has gotten traded...getting a bit impatient now...
Originally Posted by parada45

DC Radio is saying

Jamison and Miller for Shaq and a 1st round pick is in the works.
This deal would be extremely nice ONLY if waiving Shaq is an agreement (which I think it would obviously be in DC).

I really like Miller's game and he, for some unknown reason, is absolute BOYS with Bron.
Originally Posted by SiccWittit33

Originally Posted by CP1708

Like Mike said, look at all this talk the Cavs are doing this way and that way, and in the end, they'll do nothing and then use the excuse that they like the team the way it is.  They'll fold like a deck of cards in the conference finals, and Bron will be on the first plane to New York.  The end. 

You're a hater bro... First thing i do when the Cavs win the championship is come for you bro. Lenoxxxx I'm commming for you!

Yawn.  By all means, if you win, have a good time. 

But if you don't win............
Ernie Grunfield is not stupid. He would not trade for Shaq and then waive him so he can help out the Cavs. His track record does not have a single idiotic move of that nature on it so I wouldn't expect it now.
Originally Posted by one11archerave

I don't get why some Bulls fans don't want Miami to get Amar'e (I do get it but think about it). The chances of Wade coming to Chicago are looking slimmer every day and personally I would prefer going after a big, preferably Bosh. If Miami trades for Amar'e that would most likely lock them up down there giving us a better chance of signing Bosh. If LeBron stays in Cleveland then I would think Bosh would choose Chicago over New York.

if lebron stays in CLE with amare then bosh and and wade will prob play together.

chicago or nyc, i can't say but it won't be the nets.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by parada45

DC Radio is saying

Jamison and Miller for Shaq and a 1st round pick is in the works.
This deal would be extremely nice ONLY if waiving Shaq is an agreement (which I think it would obviously be in DC).

I really like Miller's game and he, for some unknown reason, is absolute BOYS with Bron.
Jamison will not keep Lebron there. I love it
Cavs really trying to make an push.

Great addition, although i dont understand why the Wizs would help the Cavs (main reason why they traded Butler to the West).
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Ernie Grunfield is not stupid. He would not trade for Shaq and then waive him so he can help out the Cavs. His track record does not have a single idiotic move of that nature on it so I wouldn't expect it now.
How is it idiotic though? 

People need to quit acting like the Wizards are a rival of the CAVS.  Just because Deshawn Stevenson's bum %@@ wanted to start beef with Bron doesn't mean there are hard feelings between the owners/upper management.  That core NEVER even beat us in the playoffs, so that "rivalry" talk needs to end forever.

The Wizards would be gaining 20 million something in cap space.  Why keep Shaq around?  So some goons can take him out?  That franchise is not going ANYWHERE for another 5-10 years.

No way in hell does Danny trade Shaq now unless he's guaranteed to come back.  If he does indeed lose him for good, he is gonna get torn a new one and then some.

We will get the *%+! kicked out of us inside against all three of the best teams in the East and the Lakeshow if we somehow got there...
Would Shaq agree to let his career come down to a point where he is CUT from the Washington Wizards just so he can rejoin the team that traded him to try and win a title????  I kinda find that hard to believe.  Shaq is a proud guy. 
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by parada45

DC Radio is saying

Jamison and Miller for Shaq and a 1st round pick is in the works.
This deal would be extremely nice ONLY if waiving Shaq is an agreement (which I think it would obviously be in DC).

I really like Miller's game and he, for some unknown reason, is absolute BOYS with Bron.

yehh i like mike millers game too...i was kinda hoping mitch would do his magic trading bum sasha for him

shaq getting waived...soon to be a Laker?

Shaq wouldn't go back to Cleveland if they traded him and he was released...
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