2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

I'm getting so antsy for trades to finally start happening.. I work 6AM-4PM tomorrow so I'm probably gonna miss all the action. SMH...
BangDak wrote:
TheStephZone wrote:
i don't get why were trading Nate when his contracts up anyways...throw in Curry with Nate or something...the trade makes no sense at all...nd don't give me "we get a pick"...a late 1st round pick for Nate? for any players to come to NY, we need some decent role players at least
Pick would most likely be used in the Tmac deal. i rather keep hill, give them douglas + pick but whatever.

And theres a lot of stupid comments in here.Laker fans posting up stupid Trade machine stuff, and etc. guys you got to look at the big picture. this isnt about just clearing cap space, Mike and Walsh feel that TMac can actually contribute, and are looking forward to signing him past this season which im not a huge fan of either.

and Animal Thug, you have no idea what you're talking about either. Lebron himself is already in control with the keys and rebuilding the cavs. whats the difference?
the difference is that the knicks core can actually contribute. Mo williams and Delonte has been out for how many games? how many games have the cavs won in a row so far without them?

 You honestly have to be the dumbest person in this thread. 

You Knicks fans gas yourselves up so well that you actually start to believe what you type on this message board. You have no squad. Your coach is washed up. You have less than 5 players on the team right now that are guaranteed to be there next year. Even so, you're willing to give up any player on that squad that has talent for an "OPPORTUNITY" to get a superstar. Not a damn thing set in stone but yet y'all swear everything will do a 360 from now to June of next year.

You Knick fans are so pathetic that your whole past 3 years of existence is trying to "steal" a player from the best team in the NBA. Not just the best team, but the best players home team.

Let me make something very clear for you ignorant Knicks fans. Akron is what Lebron is committed too. I've been to AK hundreds of times, I have family there. Every basketball fan there is a Cavs fan and to believe that Lebron will leave Akron upset by betraying them for NY is dumbest thing he could do to Akron. That alone is his 70% deciding factor. So remember that I said this 2, 5 and even 10 years from now because when y'all start to commit suicide because he didn't come to NY...

...don't say I never said this.

So why do you and other Cavs fans spend so much time telling us Knicks fans how he's going nowhere?

if it was a case closed, not leaving, this is my home situation...why hasn't he re-upped yet to begin with?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by CP1708

The Celtics are fools if they move both House AND Tony Allen for Nate. 

So I hope they do it. 

exactly. DO IT danny!
I don't get it. House sucks this year and Tony Allen will be out of our rotation in the playoffs. What's the big deal? And I doubt TA is even in the deal.
My coach is washed up, then what does that make coach brown? lulz.

Loyalty to Akron, is different from Cleveland.

The world revolves around money. the NBA is a business, and Lebrons stated that he wants to become the first sports billionaire. i can honestly care less about Lebron and where he goes, but you guys make it seem that hes destined, and required to stay.

Once FA starts, its going to be a scary day for you guys is all i can say.
It's publicity. Its something him, the NBA and fans feed off of. He'd be dumb NOT to milk the attention of not resigning yet.

Think of how heartbroken you'll be if he resigned today. It'll kill you.
If Lebron was going to stay in Cleveland why wouldnt he come out and say it so the cavs would have gotten better FA's in the offseason??

I wish this T-mac deal would happen already
Originally Posted by BangDak

My coach is washed up, then what does that make coach brown? lulz.

Loyalty to Akron, is different from Cleveland.

The world revolves around money. the NBA is a business, and Lebrons stated that he wants to become the first sports billionaire. i can honestly care less about Lebron and where he goes, but you guys make it seem that hes destined, and required to stay.

Once FA starts, its going to be a scary day for you guys is all i can say.

If you think the Knicks are putting all their hopes into James or the 2010 FA class ALONE and don't have back up plans for the 2011 and 2012 class you're kidding yourself. Of course fans will be upset if LeBron doesn't come to New York. There are other options this summer and next summer.

I think it'll kill Cleveland fans a lot more if LeBron leaves than it will Knick fans if he stays.
just cause Lebron is from ohio doesnt mean squat...hell his favorite pro teams arent even from ohio

so hes either gonna be a mav or a knick

Originally Posted by Proshares

If you think the Knicks are putting all their hopes into James or the 2010 FA class ALONE and don't have back up plans for the 2011 and 2012 class you're kidding yourself. Of course fans will be upset if LeBron doesn't come to New York. There are other options this summer and next summer.

I think it'll kill Cleveland fans a lot more if LeBron leaves than it will Knick fans if he stays.

Knowing the Knicks though they're going to give Gay or Johnson the max.
Originally Posted by Vietishi

Originally Posted by Proshares

If you think the Knicks are putting all their hopes into James or the 2010 FA class ALONE and don't have back up plans for the 2011 and 2012 class you're kidding yourself. Of course fans will be upset if LeBron doesn't come to New York. There are other options this summer and next summer.

I think it'll kill Cleveland fans a lot more if LeBron leaves than it will Knick fans if he stays.

Knowing the Knicks though they're going to give Gay or Johnson the max.

Nah, Walsh won't panic like that.
If the Knicks don't get Bron they'll kill themselves... What'll you do if the Cavs don't win a title this year and he makes a Power Move and bolts for a bigger market?
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Vietishi

Originally Posted by Proshares

If you think the Knicks are putting all their hopes into James or the 2010 FA class ALONE and don't have back up plans for the 2011 and 2012 class you're kidding yourself. Of course fans will be upset if LeBron doesn't come to New York. There are other options this summer and next summer.

I think it'll kill Cleveland fans a lot more if LeBron leaves than it will Knick fans if he stays.

Knowing the Knicks though they're going to give Gay or Johnson the max.

Nah, Walsh won't panic like that.
you didn't get the memo. Layden and Isiah are back.

Draft pick and Eddie House, pleaseee.

Best of luck to Nate, he was entertaining at least in his time here. Should do well.
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