2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

OKB, dont act like you know that Bosh is staying.

Bosh doesn't even know what's going to happen.

I'd prefer Bosh stayed, Colangelo got fired, and we had a GM who actually knew what the he.ll he was doing. Bosh + Bargnani + DeRozan could be a good core but we're spending so much money on role players like Calderon, Jack, Hedo, Banks, Evans, etc.
I don't in fact I think I implicitly said
My point is this: I don't know what Chris Bosh is going to do,
 that I don't know, I'm just saying, he's not a lock to do anything is 100% stupid and I agree I don't think Chris Bosh knows or thinks about it right now.
Raptors are $**%+! dawg.

Look at all these freakin bums we're stuck with. We have like $35 mill/season tied up on all these role players who are limited offensively and cant defend for crap (except Evans who hasnt played yet). Hedo is under contract until 2014, Calderon until 2013, Jack until 2013. Da hell was Colangelo thinking? Thank god I emotionally detached myself from this team after the embarrassing playoff series loss to the Nets a few years ago.
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Off Topic but what happen to the original Billy Hoyle anyone care to elaborate?
I think he tried hacking onto someone else's screen name trying to find some dirt on RocksDeep  for Nike.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Raptors are $**%+! dawg.

Look at all these freakin bums we're stuck with. We have like $35 mill/season tied up on all these role players who are limited offensively and cant defend for crap (except Evans who hasnt played yet). Hedo is under contract until 2014, Calderon until 2013, Jack until 2013. Da hell was Colangelo thinking? Thank god I emotionally detached myself from this team after the embarrassing playoff series loss to the Nets a few years ago.

Some fan you are, always doom and gloom.

Evans becomes an asset as an expiring contract, 7 mill a year for a a dude who can shoot 50/40/90 from the field is not a bad contract or overpaying, and if he can stay healthy will have trade value, Jack has played well(but we all know his main function is as a tool to increase the odds of bosh staying) as long as he an Jose are not on the floor.

Were not in some horrendous inescapable situation. Please.

Plus look on the bright side, we got Belineli, Amir Johnson and Sonny for nothing.

But then again you don't belive Bosh is a franchise player, so Im really wasting my breath.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Raptors are $**%+! dawg.

Look at all these freakin bums we're stuck with. We have like $35 mill/season tied up on all these role players who are limited offensively and cant defend for crap (except Evans who hasnt played yet). Hedo is under contract until 2014, Calderon until 2013, Jack until 2013. Da hell was Colangelo thinking? Thank god I emotionally detached myself from this team after the embarrassing playoff series loss to the Nets a few years ago.
  Look how young our core is.  Championships aren't made over night.  Weems, Belli and Johnson are pieces winning teams need.

IF Bosh stays you look around the league and see a hobbled KG and an aging Dirk on a team with no identity.  CB is shaping out to be the best Power Forward in the league and I he's only going to get better. 

Bargs (who is an obvious stud) may shape out to be an above average post defender and his rebounding has improved slightly.  If him and Bosh can improve on their chemistry then they'll be a contender. 

Turk...I agree is getting paid way too much for too long.  BC needs to get rid of him and bring in a playoff seasoned vet and ship Calderon for a PG of equal value. 

imo BC's best signing is Jarett Jack though.  Dude is a proven winner.  I'd compare him to a Jameer Nelson type if not better.  All he needed was his shot to come around.
Originally Posted by DarkoDuck

Is anyone watching the Kings/Spurs game?

I was just watching the beginning and the Kings boardcasters said the Spurs are close to a trade.

I was wondering if any of yall can find info on this because I haven't seen this anywhere else

Maybe Bosh will go to the Spurs, at least i hope
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Billy Hoyle wrote:
Ray Allen isnt getting traded, so whats with all these deals?

Imposter. and if you are really him @*** here

i said this a few posts back

you guys make me laugh. as if that name is copyrighted by anyone on a shoe board. its a movie character for gods sake
Maybe they meant the Spurs are close to needing a trade. Like they just realized what they have isn't gonna cut it.

The Kings need to trade Kevin Martin though. He's just not a good fit for the rest of his teammates. Plus they should trade him while his value is still at its highest, because even if these guys play together, they still won't be at an elite level.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

The Kings need to trade Kevin Martin though. He's just not a good fit for the rest of his teammates. Plus they should trade him while his value is still at its highest, because even if these guys play together, they still won't be at an elite level.
That is pretty obvious man. What do you expect from a team that won 17 games last year? Tyreke Evans is the real deal, but it will take more than 1 season for the Kings to be even near the OKC and Memphis teams...
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Maybe they meant the Spurs are close to needing a trade. Like they just realized what they have isn't gonna cut it.

The Kings need to trade Kevin Martin though. He's just not a good fit for the rest of his teammates. Plus they should trade him while his value is still at its highest, because even if these guys play together, they still won't be at an elite level.

a piece of gum and martin for sasha and amo

do it mitch!
[h2]Bulls Interested In Re-Signing Ray Allen If They Deal For Him[/h2]
Feb 04, 2010 10:35 AM EST

Aviable rumor making the rounds Wednesday had the Bulls and Celticspossibly making a deal with Kirk Hinrich and Ray Allen as theprincipals.

A package of Hinrich, Tyrus Thomas and the expiring contract ofJerome James for Allen and another player would work under the salarycap.

Chicago would be interested in retaining Allen next season at a reduced price.
Already talking about re-signing him when he's on a different roster?

Make that trade first.
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

The Kings need to trade Kevin Martin though. He's just not a good fit for the rest of his teammates. Plus they should trade him while his value is still at its highest, because even if these guys play together, they still won't be at an elite level.
That is pretty obvious man. What do you expect from a team that won 17 games last year? Tyreke Evans is the real deal, but it will take more than 1 season for the Kings to be even near the OKC and Memphis teams...
I'm not the one who doesn't realize this. They should've traded him a long time ago, but all the Kings management and fans have generally been regarding this guy as the next Dwyane Wade or something. The upcoming deadline is pretty much the last time the Kings can get anything of value for him (not that they'd be getting close to a starting big man like they'd want)... otherwise I'd bet a lot of teams would sour on him after watching what he does to this team through the end of the season. If I were them, I'd try to get some deal like Martin for Hinrich and Tyrus Thomas, or some combination of players that are trying to get moved. Someone like Hinrich would play off Tyreke Evans a lot better than Martin.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

[h2]Bulls Interested In Re-Signing Ray Allen If They Deal For Him[/h2]
Feb 04, 2010 10:35 AM EST

Aviable rumor making the rounds Wednesday had the Bulls and Celticspossibly making a deal with Kirk Hinrich and Ray Allen as theprincipals.

A package of Hinrich, Tyrus Thomas and the expiring contract ofJerome James for Allen and another player would work under the salarycap.

Chicago would be interested in retaining Allen next season at a reduced price.
  for both squads ...
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

The Kings need to trade Kevin Martin though. He's just not a good fit for the rest of his teammates. Plus they should trade him while his value is still at its highest, because even if these guys play together, they still won't be at an elite level.
That is pretty obvious man. What do you expect from a team that won 17 games last year? Tyreke Evans is the real deal, but it will take more than 1 season for the Kings to be even near the OKC and Memphis teams...
I'm not the one who doesn't realize this. They should've traded him a long time ago, but all the Kings management and fans have generally been regarding this guy as the next Dwyane Wade or something. The upcoming deadline is pretty much the last time the Kings can get anything of value for him (not that they'd be getting close to a starting big man like they'd want)... otherwise I'd bet a lot of teams would sour on him after watching what he does to this team through the end of the season. If I were them, I'd try to get some deal like Martin for Hinrich and Tyrus Thomas, or some combination of players that are trying to get moved. Someone like Hinrich would play off Tyreke Evans a lot better than Martin.
A long time ago as in when? When he was injured so the Kings would have no advantage at all? No one is regarding him as the next Wade. Get out of here with that garbage just to make your point. Kings fans like me are hoping for a legit big man like Okafor. Not Dwight Howard. The trade deadline is not the last chance the Kings will get anything good from a trade. It is quite the opposite. If Martin proves to everyone that he can stay healthy for the rest of the season, the Kings will not be disadvantaged in trying to trade an injured Martin before this trade deadline. He is not at 100% right now.

And what is he doing to the Kings? Do I seriously need to defend Kevin Martin until the end of time? The problem with the Kings as a team is not Kevin Martin. Sure, he is not perfect, but he is not the main reason why the Kings have been struggling. Please refer to an earlier post in this thread where I explain just what the Kings need to have in order to be around a .500 team again.

The Hinrich and Thomas trade was brought up already. However, it was for K9 and Noc. LOL.  
Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

Originally Posted by DarkoDuck

Is anyone watching the Kings/Spurs game?

I was just watching the beginning and the Kings boardcasters said the Spurs are close to a trade.

I was wondering if any of yall can find info on this because I haven't seen this anywhere else

Maybe Bosh will go to the Spurs, at least i hope

Name your sources!....
In the final two weeks before the Feb. 18 trade deadline, we areexpecting to hear trade chatter increase immensely. At the moment,though, things are a little quiet, according to the NBA generalmanagers I've spoken with this week.

One factor appears to be the looming battle over the next collectivebargaining agreement, with negotiations expected to start soon. Infront offices around the league, the feeling is that owners will fightfor major concessions from the players in the next CBA, perhaps even ahard salary cap. With the uncertainty over the new CBA and the economy,some GMs are taking a cautious tack.

In addition to cap considerations, there is another perennial issue:Teams ask for a lot in early trade talks and often don't feel a senseof urgency until the final hours before the deadline. As one GM toldme: "There aren't many teams that are willing to give teams cap reliefthis year. And the teams that are willing to do so are asking for a lotin return. I'm not willing to give up an All-Star to save money. Butthat's what they want."

Still, despite the posturing and rhetoric, there are plenty of names inplay right now, and plenty of reasons to expect trade talk to heat upsoon.

Here are 20 players who could be changing uniforms by Feb. 18, according to GMs and others around the NBA:

Impact players most likely to be moved

1. Amare Stoudemire, PF, Suns
In the Stoudemire saga, all of the following are true:

A. The Suns are trying to trade him;

B. The Suns are trying to sign him to a long-term extension;

C. Stoudemire is talking about "opting in" to the last year of his contract.

Let's break it down:

The Suns are still in active trade talks for Amare, with discussionsinitiated by both the Suns and other teams. The latest is that the Sunshave talked to the Philadelphia 76ers about a swap of Stoudemire plusfiller for Andre Iguodala and Samuel Dalembert.

While there are a lot of deals the Suns wouldn't do, this is one inwhich they're interested. It's the Sixers that are holding up theprocess, I'm told. While nothing's imminent, if Philadelphia GM EdStefanski sees an opportunity to unload Dalembert and thinks Stoudemireis the best player he can get, things could get hot quickly.

Amare Stoudemire is a hot name in trade talks. Where might he land? Here's a potential deal for the Suns.

• Trade Machine: Propose a deal

At the same time, the Suns are planning to make Stoudemire a contractoffer in the next few days, according to a source close to thesituation. As in every contract negotiation, the contract terms (yearsand dollar amount) are the main obstacles -- while Stoudemire mightwant a max contract, that's not what the Suns want to offer.

But I've been told there's another snag: Stoudemire wants a commitmentfrom owner Robert Sarver that the Suns will continue to spend to getback into contention. Stoudemire doesn't want to commit to a teamthat's going to be in the lottery in future years. So unless the Sunsblow Stoudemire away with their offer, they'll reach an agreement onlyif he is persuaded that the Suns are committed to further spending.

Another twist: Stoudemire came out Wednesday claiming that he wasleaning toward not exercising the early termination option on hiscontract. While he talked about the financial benefits of doing so(he's due $17.7 million next season in the final year of his contract),there's another reason Stoudemire went public about this: He wants somecontrol over where he might be traded to. Philly -- a struggling teamthat sees Stoudemire as more an asset with a potentially expiringcontract than as a cornerstone -- would likely be less interested ifStoudemire were planning to play out his contract. Therefore, whenStoudemire heard about the possible trade with the 76ers, he expressedhis reservations about being traded to Philadelphia by going publicwith his musings about staying with his contract. In other words, he'ssending a warning to teams that might see him as nothing more than anexpiring contract.

That aside, it seems likely Stoudemire will exercise his option toterminate his contract. If he doesn't, he's betting that he can (A)stay healthy and (B) fare well under the next collective bargainingagreement, which might be the rules of the game that shape Stoudemire'snext contract if he doesn't exercise his option this year. Given hisinjury history and the determination of the owners to tighten up thenext CBA, that's a huge risk.

2. Troy Murphy, F, Pacers
The Pacers are struggling and looking to the future for hope. They werepoised to potentially trade Jeff Foster, but with Foster likely now outfor the season, their focus moves to Murphy. With a number ofcontending teams interested in him, the Pacers seem to be in the rightplace to make a deal.

While Murphy may be overpaid, there are few bigs in the league who canrebound and spread the floor the way he can, which gives him value to anumber of teams. The Cleveland Cavaliers continue to be the team withthe most interest. If the Cavs can't land Antawn Jamison, Murphyappears to be their second option. At a minimum, the Pacers likely willbe able to get back expiring contracts and one asset (either a draftpick or J.J. Hickson) for Murphy.

3. Kirk Hinrich, G, Bulls
The Bulls will have salary-cap space this summer, and they want more.If they can trade Hinrich and/or John Salmons for expiring contracts,they can make a pitch to both LeBron James and Chris Bosh this summer.Can you imagine a team with James, Bosh, Derrick Rose, Luol Deng andJoakim Noah?

I guarantee you Chicago exec John Paxson can, and if Bosh isn't tradedbefore the deadline, the Bulls appear to have a chance make it happen.

In the past few weeks, both the Celtics and the Lakers have showninterest in Hinrich. The Celtics could do a deal that would send RayAllen for both Hinrich and Salmons, providing Boston ballhandling anddepth on the wings and giving Chicago new hope for this summer. In anycase, given all the chatter about Hinrich, I think the chances he'll bea Bull after Feb. 18 are increasingly slim.

4. Caron Butler, G/F, Wizards
For weeks we've assumed that Antawn Jamison is the Wizard most likelyto be moved, but that's not true, according to GMs who have hadconversations with the Wizards. They say the team is reluctant to moveJamison, a franchise cornerstone.

Butler, on the other hand, is very much available, and the Wizardsshouldn't have much trouble finding interest: Butler has only one yearremaining on his contract and he can still play, at age 29 (he turns 30on March 13).

One issue that could slow negotiations is the fact that the Wizardsdon't want to just give Butler away; they want both cap relief and ayoung asset. But that might be a heavy price in this market.

5. Andre Iguodala, G/F, Sixers
I've struggled to accept the idea that the 76ers would give awayIguodala, their best player, no matter how desperate they are to cutpayroll. But in NBA front offices, the word is that he is very muchavailable. Of course, Philly's hope is to get rid of the contract ofSamuel Dalembert in such a deal.

A source told ESPN.com on Wednesday that the Houston Rockets haverecently renewed discussions with the 76ers about a deal involvingIguodala and Dalembert for the expiring contract of Tracy McGrady.And as I reported above, the Suns have also entered the mix, offeringAmare Stoudemire for Iguodala and Dalembert. The Cavs and DallasMavericks have explored Iguodala deals as well.

Slowing discussions at the moment is the fact that the Sixers reallywant to get some talent back in such a deal. The Rockets have playersto offer, and the Suns might be willing to throw in Leandro Barbosa,I'm told.

So while the Sixers are motivated to move Iguodala, I think it's goingto take more than an expiring contract to land him in the end.

6. Tayshaun Prince, F, Pistons
The Pistons continue to be very active in trade discussions regardingPrince. While the team would prefer to move Richard Hamilton, I don'tthink they're going to be able to find a home for him given hisenormous contract.

If the Pistons can swap Prince for some help in the paint, they've gotto do it. There has been a growing focus on a potential CarlosBoozer-for-Prince swap. With both teams struggling to find anothertrade partner, will they ultimately fall into each other's arms?

7. Ray Allen, G, Celtics
Recently, Allen's name has surfaced in a number of rumors and potentialdeals for such players as Monta Ellis and Kirk Hinrich, and the Celticsare not denying that an Allen trade is a possibility.

On Wednesday, Celtics president Danny Ainge told a Boston radio stationthat it was "unlikely" that the team would trade Allen, and privately,a source in Boston is saying the same thing. But with the Celticsstruggling, and with Allen holding a desirable expiring contract,trading him looks like Boston's best chance to refresh the team'sefforts to contend for a title this season and beyond.

8. Nate Robinson, G, Knicks
After a stint in Mike D'Antoni's doghouse, Robinson is playing againand playing well. In fact, the word is that he's moving into thestarting lineup.

Consider it an audition for his next home. The Knicks will move Nate ifthey can, especially if they can do so in a package deal that rids themof the contract of Eddy Curry or Jared Jeffries so the team can clearmore salary-cap space for the summer.

9. Antawn Jamison, F, Wizards
Three weeks ago, Jamison appeared to be the player most likely to betraded. But the word from a number of GMs is that the Wizards arereluctant to trade him, particularly to the rival Cavs.

"They want a lot for him," one GM said. "A lot. Jamison is a goodplayer, but he's old and makes a lot of money. No one is giving up afuture superstar in return."

10. Samuel Dalembert, C, Sixers
For the most part Dalembert has been paired with Andre Iguodala intrade talks with the Rockets, Suns and Mavs. But there is a fair shareof interest in Dalembert himself. Yes, he is overpaid, but his contractexpires in 2011, he is a defensive force and he can run the floor.

While his 15 percent trade kicker is a problem, expect interest tocontinue to grow. Sacramento might be at the front of the line, givenits trade assets and need for a defensive center.

11. Josh Howard, F, Mavericks
Howard, at age 29, is having the worst season of his career and hasstruggled to play alongside Jason Kidd and Shawn Marion. But otherteams have interest because his contract has a team option for nextyear, which means a team can acquire him now and decide this summerwhether to keep him as player, hold on to him as a 2011 expiringcontract or decline the option and take the savings right away.

The Raptors and Kings have been rumored to have the most interest.

12. Kevin Martin, G, Kings
The Kings continue to say they want to get a good look at how well starrookie Tyreke Evans and Martin can coexist. But so far it hasn't beenpretty: Sacramento is 2-13 when Martin and Evans have started in thebackcourt together.

Martin has played better lately, but the team was 14-18 when he was outwith an injury. So ultimately, I think the Kings will be willing todeal. The team is still under a financial crunch and this is no longerMartin's team.

A deal of Martin and Andres Nocioni for Ray Allen, for instance, would give the Kings great payroll flexibility going forward.

13. Al Jefferson, PF, Timberwolves
Timberwolves president David Kahn insists that Minnesota has no interest in moving Al Jefferson.

Other GMs around the league are equally convinced that Jefferson isavailable for the right offer, especially if the Wolves can get a bigman in return.

14. Devin Harris, PG, Nets
With New Jersey hitting bottom and Harris having a very disappointing season, the Nets have explored trading him.

If the Nets knew they could get John Wall in the draft, they wouldprobably trade Harris now. While they would consider moving him anyway,the latest word is that the Nets are planning to hold on to Harrisuntil they see what happens in the May 18 draft lottery, when the Netswill likely have a 25 percent chance of getting the top pick.

15. Chris Bosh, PF, Raptors
There is a growing consensus that Bosh is staying in Toronto, untilthis summer, at least. Several sources around the league have said thatBosh trade talk has stalled in the past few weeks, thanks in large partto the Raptors' recent success on the court. The team is winning, andBosh has been terrific.

The Raptors are currently fifth in the East and hoping for biggerthings this season. With the Raptors on a roll, if Bryan Colangelobelieves he has a chance to keep Bosh, then the incentive to move himnow (instead of this summer) is reduced. And it sounds like Colangelois gaining confidence that he can persuade Bosh to stay.


Expiring contracts

1. Zydrunas Ilgauskas, C, Cavs
Cleveland might be the most motivated team in the league to do a deal,given that the stakes include a title this season and keeping LeBronJames this summer.

They want a stretch 4 and have an extra big with both Ilgauskas andShaquille O'Neal on board. Another team could acquire Big Z's expiringcontract (nearly $12 million) and might be willing to waive him,allowing him to rejoin the Cavs.

2. Tracy McGrady, G, Rockets
While it's unclear what McGrady has left as a player, his contractmakes him a superstar at the trade deadline: A team trading for T-Maccan wipe $22 million off its 2010-11 books.

The Rockets are still trying to figure out how to use this asset -- isit a trade piece or an expiring contract to benefit their own capsituation?

The hottest McGrady rumor involves the potential acquisition of AndreIguodala (along with Samuel Dalembert). If they can get a player ofIguodala's talent for McGrady, that might be too much for the Rocketsto pass up.

3. Carlos Boozer, F/C, Jazz
The Jazz would move Boozer, but the offers they've heard haven't beenenticing enough. The team is red-hot, Boozer is playing well and hisexpiring contract will help the Jazz reduce payroll next season, sothere is no reason to give him away.

To make a deal, Utah would like a quality starter in return. While therumor mill has focused on a Boozer-for-Tayshaun Prince trade, bothsides say there's nothing to it.

Given all the factors involved, it seems likely Boozer will remain with the Jazz until the summer.

4. Brendan Haywood, C, Wizards
With the Portland Trail Blazers, the Houston Rockets and other teams inneed of a big man, it could be Haywood, not Butler or Jamison, whodeparts the Wizards first. Washington needs more than just cap reliefto move Haywood's expiring contract, but not much more.

5. Kenny Thomas, PF, Kings
After a quick takeoff, the Kings have fallen back to earth, and theystill want to cut payroll. They've been trying to move Andres Nocioni,with Thomas' $8.8 million expiring contract as bait.
The way im starting to look at this Bulls season is that it is pretty much a wash right now. Noah is hurt and his minutes are getting reduced. I don't see this season getting any better for us. I still don't want to trade Kirk though. Dude gives Chicago a lot more than people realize. I also don't want to move him because i have no faith in our front office that we will bring in someone else during free agency next summer
Originally Posted by Murdalandhitman

^ Yea I'd hate to say it but the Bulls aren't gonna land Lebron or Bosh this summer.
thank you, im just sick of us putting all our eggs in one basket. i dont know why but i just have a bad feeling about next summer.

iverson,speights,lou off the bench

philly needs to pull off that trade QUICK
Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by Murdalandhitman

^ Yea I'd hate to say it but the Bulls aren't gonna land Lebron or Bosh this summer.
thank you, im just sick of us putting all our eggs in one basket. i dont know why but i just have a bad feeling about next summer.

Yea me too. I'm a Heat fan right now because my favorite player of all time is wade. Where he goes will be my new team. But I expect a lot of guys to re sign like wade and lebron. Bosh will be a FA but so many teams will want him. It's gonna be a rough summer but I can't wait. I would'nt mind Wade and Bosh going to the Bulls cause the Bulls were my favorite team until Jordan left. I jump teams cause Baltimore don't have a team I don't consider the Wizards my home team unless they change back to the Baltimore Bullets

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

Originally Posted by DarkoDuck

Is anyone watching the Kings/Spurs game?

I was just watching the beginning and the Kings boardcasters said the Spurs are close to a trade.

I was wondering if any of yall can find info on this because I haven't seen this anywhere else

Maybe Bosh will go to the Spurs, at least i hope

Name your sources!....

Like I said above the Kings boardcasters mentioned that a trade was about done for a forward and a back-up guard.

They made it sound like the trade was about done and it could of effected who played that game.

But I didn't see anything usual about the rotations so I'm second guessing if they are just making rumors.
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