2011 another great year for college football

Time to make history. Cant wait for next season and this @#!% season aint even over yet.
oh man this %%#$ is going to be interesting as hell in 2012.

So many USC fans are going to come out the woodworks. Can't wait to see all the people who have been dormant the past few years
Not even a SC' fan, but happy to see dude coming back...

Much more likeable than Leinart and bum *%% Sanchez.

Heisman/#1 Pick is HIS to lose, basically.
When we got hit with our sanctions it was a dark day. When we signed our 2010 class I predicted that day Barkley's senior year we would win it all with two giant middle fingers pointed at the ncaa and the rest of college football. The signing of our 2011 class furthur cemented that belief along with how we played the 2nd half of our season.

Well Matt's back, we are half way there. Its all about the preperation and if we can prepare and perform to the standard we have set for the program I like our chances of pulling this off.

They wanted our program dead, and truthfully by the time our '11 class graduates we are gonna be really down on numbers. But we are recruiting small little all star team classes, and with the stars allined for a run at the BCS this year the rest of the country can get back to hating california, hating los angeles, and definitely hating usc football because we are back!

Great 24 hous to be a Trojan fan. Cant wait till signing day and the world sees our tiny little all star class of 18 shoot up to a top 5 rated class. In Ed Orgeron & Lane !#@$#%! Kiffin we trust.
while not as big as Barkley coming back Jake Heaps will also be a Signals.

Crist and Heaps all in the same day is pretty exciting for this program.
I never understood why people dislike Luck and he did the same exact thing, but now Barkley comes back and no one has a god damn thing to say about him. I still think we can beat USC again, especially since it's in Palo Alto.
Congrats to SC fans, they deserve it.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

why would i be mad? if you want to slurp up an Overrated QB go ahead

Dude you say you're not salty/hater, yet can't help yourself...




I never understood why people dislike Luck and he did the same exact thing, but now Barkley comes back and no one has a god damn thing to say about him. I still think we can beat USC again, especially since it's in Palo Alto.
Congrats to SC fans, they deserve it.
Andrew Luck was the victim of his own hype, it happens to everyone that is on top.  If Stanford keeps it up, they need to get accustomed to scrutiny.  Luck wasn't the first QB to be disliked, Tebow was disliked by many, the 2005 USC team was disliked and it had to do with the constant hype by the media.

No one has a god damn thing to say, 'cause the media has done a complete 180 on USC considering what the program has been through and in reality the spotlight on the ineptitude of the NCAA has only been getting brighter.  There was nothing to be said about OSU because the media was all over it.

Luck is still the #1 pick in the draft and GM's are drooling.  Most said that Barkley outplayed Luck last year, and IMO that is true.  Doesn't mean Barkley is a better pro prospect, just means he had a better year.  People get things twisted, either they take things out of context or their reading comprehension skills are awful.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I hate these "woe is me" USC fans... Shut the ++$@ up!
Still waiting for the day you bring something to the table besides bitterness and lame snarky comments.  Hank Moody is just your SN, not your persona.


Spoiler [+]
Being salty isn't happy, didn't fall off the face of the earth like many expected!
You know where my snark comes from?

"They wanted our program to fail." What a joke. I'm actually partial to SC but some of these fans... wow. Sounding like spoiled brats.

I post an article from time to time. That's about it. You won't be getting meaningless recruiting updates or dispatches about how my Saturday went from me. Sorry.
TAMU OL Joe Villavisencio died in a car wreck on his way home for Christmas earlier this afternoon
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