2011 another great year for college football

Many of you seem salty Barkley is coming back. IMO It's great for CFB to have stars return.

& Really, stop acting like he isn't a great QB. The act is getting old. The Best QB in the Pac-12 last season was playing in Southern California.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

You know where my snark comes from?

"They wanted our program to fail." What a joke. I'm actually partial to SC but some of these fans... wow. Sounding like spoiled brats.

I post an article from time to time. That's about it. You won't be getting meaningless recruiting updates or dispatches about how my Saturday went from me. Sorry.
man shut the hell up if the ncaa did the same *!@+ to your team and then did what they did to ohio st youd be *****ing up a storm too.

Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

Originally Posted by HankMoody

You know where my snark comes from?

"They wanted our program to fail." What a joke. I'm actually partial to SC but some of these fans... wow. Sounding like spoiled brats.

I post an article from time to time. That's about it. You won't be getting meaningless recruiting updates or dispatches about how my Saturday went from me. Sorry.
man shut the hell up if the ncaa did the same *!@+ to your team and then did what they did to ohio st youd be *****ing up a storm too.


Spare me the BS. The NCAA does not have it out for one of its premier programs (read = moneymakers). SC helped drive CFB to great popularity this past decade. It's one of the most recognizable and followed eams in all of sports. The NCAA really wanted to mess that up. Yea right. The cases were just different. SC couldn't curtail penalties by firing a prestigious coach and throwing the best player off the team. That helped OSU.
Originally Posted by HankMoody
It's the internet, not that serious.

This thread is one of the few I'm "invested" in, it's fun, that's all it is.
"They wanted our program to fail." What a joke. I'm actually partial to SC but some of these fans... wow. Sounding like spoiled brats.
I'm glad Barkley started his press conference the way he did.  Call it what you want, %#*@ and mud was being slung our way and there was nothing to do but take it.  Now the light is shining bright on the program and it isn't bandwagon USC fans that are coming out the woodworks but the salty haters,

It's a good time, let us cook dammit.

I post an article from time to time. That's about it. You won't be getting meaningless recruiting updates or dispatches about how my Saturday went from me. Sorry.
If it's meaningless to you, then ignore it.  People in this thread follow recruiting, and it's good that you get updates from across the country without having to subscribe to every major teams "recruiting" website.

Saturday's in this thread are pretty
.  Lighten up, drink a beer... you might even %#$* a #!#$* or two.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

Originally Posted by HankMoody

You know where my snark comes from?

"They wanted our program to fail." What a joke. I'm actually partial to SC but some of these fans... wow. Sounding like spoiled brats.

I post an article from time to time. That's about it. You won't be getting meaningless recruiting updates or dispatches about how my Saturday went from me. Sorry.
man shut the hell up if the ncaa did the same *!@+ to your team and then did what they did to ohio st youd be *****ing up a storm too.


Spare me the BS. The NCAA does not have it out for one of its premier programs (read = moneymakers). SC helped drive CFB to great popularity this past decade. It's one of the most recognizable and followed eams in all of sports. The NCAA really wanted to mess that up. Yea right. The cases were just different. SC couldn't curtail penalties by firing a prestigious coach and throwing the best player off the team. That helped OSU.
I cant help but laugh at this right here I can go on and write about how seemingly clueless you sound but I dont have time to argue with 18 year olds.
Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

man shut the hell up if the ncaa did the same *!@+ to your team and then did what they did to ohio st youd be *****ing up a storm too.


Spare me the BS. The NCAA does not have it out for one of its premier programs (read = moneymakers). SC helped drive CFB to great popularity this past decade. It's one of the most recognizable and followed eams in all of sports. The NCAA really wanted to mess that up. Yea right. The cases were just different. SC couldn't curtail penalties by firing a prestigious coach and throwing the best player off the team. That helped OSU.
I cant help but laugh at this right here I can go on and write about how seemingly clueless you sound but I dont have time to argue with 18 year olds.

Enlighten me, great one. How could USC mitigate its infractions in a manner similar to OSU? You really think Tressel and Pryor's departures didn't help OSU?
Turned on this Boise State vs. ASU game just in time to see the opening kickoff.

Well damn.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

why would i be mad? if you want to slurp up an Overrated QB go ahead

Dude you say you're not salty/hater, yet can't help yourself...




I never understood why people dislike Luck and he did the same exact thing, but now Barkley comes back and no one has a god damn thing to say about him. I still think we can beat USC again, especially since it's in Palo Alto.
Congrats to SC fans, they deserve it.
Andrew Luck was the victim of his own hype, it happens to everyone that is on top.  If Stanford keeps it up, they need to get accustomed to scrutiny.  Luck wasn't the first QB to be disliked, Tebow was disliked by many, the 2005 USC team was disliked and it had to do with the constant hype by the media.

No one has a god damn thing to say, 'cause the media has done a complete 180 on USC considering what the program has been through and in reality the spotlight on the ineptitude of the NCAA has only been getting brighter.  There was nothing to be said about OSU because the media was all over it.

Luck is still the #1 pick in the draft and GM's are drooling.  Most said that Barkley outplayed Luck last year, and IMO that is true.  Doesn't mean Barkley is a better pro prospect, just means he had a better year.  People get things twisted, either they take things out of context or their reading comprehension skills are awful.

how hard was it to type all of this up while still in Matt Barkely's lap?

how hard was it to type all of this up while still in Matt Barkely's lap?

You being on mine, makes it a tad more difficult...

Spoiler [+]
Dude, did you not see my reply to Jumpman right above you? Chill w/ the personal $%$%. Y'all ain't even arguing football anymore, and you're going to end up getting the thread locked and people can just make individual game threads for bowl games as they come around.
Tebow's return wasn't a staged Lane Kiffin production.

He announced it during the Gator Title celebration in the swamp.

It was dope!

The stadium went #*@%+%* nuts.
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