**2012-13 "Gentlemanly" NBA PG Discussion Thread**

The one guy you need to keep an eye on if he's healthy: Stephen Curry.
Excellent scorer. Excellent shooter. Great facilitator. Great playmaker. If he can put together a healthy year, yikes...
ya you throwing the word great around for no reason
I love Rondo, but I dunno about that. Switch their casts and that jumper he don't have would get triply exposed.
I honestly have no idea how I would slot CP3, Deron, Rondo, Rose, and Russ.
What I do know, is Rondo has the most talent around him with Russ close by.
You can't back off Paul. Can't back off Deron. Can't back off Russ and you can't back off Rose.
You can (or used to be able to, we'll see this year) back off Rondo and limit him hurting you. The greatness of Rondo is he finds so many other ways to hurt you. Steals, boards, deflections, penetrating, etc.
But I don't think it's the slam dunk you make it that he's "better" than Rose, and every GM would agree.

I want to see how Rondo does this year with all these weapons, but personally, I'd love to see Rondo on the Thunder.

I'm not saying they'd be better with Rondo instead of Russell, but it would free up James Bearden.
Really? You really feel this way? :lol:

#'s don't lie. Rondo and Rose are 39%. Russell is 41%. How can you debate that? That's what they shot in the 2011-2012 season. Russell thought it was a more efficient shot for him, so he shot 200 more shots from there than those guys, but the difference between the three is 2%.

I don't see how you can debate it. There's nothing hidden in those stats. We're talking strictly in the mid-range area, outside of the restricted area, inside the three point line, all three shoot about the same.
Rondo gets a new cast to work with he might actually be able to play in transition - where he'd be best.

Rose is the better player - and when healthy best PG in the league IMO - but I've never bought into the Big 3 stuff post KG injury in 09- Rondo extended their careers and effectiveness significantly.

JA, nobody defends Rondo when he's taking jumpers. People can not back off like that with Rose or Russ in the mid-range.
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So you think Rondo is just as good with the mid range shot as Rose and Russ. Just a 2% difference is all.

Ever see Rose have a defender 6 feet away from him when he's 16 feet from the cup?

How many times I seen that with Rondo? I've watched ENTIRE SERIES' like that.

But they the same shooters from that distance? Cuz your 2% tells you that? >D
Rondo gets a new cast to work with he might actually be able to play in transition - where he'd be best.
Rose is the better player - and when healthy best PG in the league IMO - but I've never bought into the Big 3 stuff post KG injury in 09- Rondo extended their careers and effectiveness significantly.
JA, nobody defends Rondo when he's taking jumpers. People can not back off like that with Rose or Russ in the mid-range.

I understand where you guys are coming from. But just look at the numbers. Do people recognize that Dirk is an effective mid-range shooter? Absolutely.

Do people recognize that Russell is a good mid-range shooter? Rose? Sure. But if that's the case, why do they shoot all about the same? Is it a fluke?

41% mid-range shooter in 2010-2011 for Rondo. 36% mid-range shooter in 2010-2011 for Russell. 40% mid-range shooter in 2010-2011 for Rose.

If Rondo is such a poor mid-range shooter, why is he consistently shooting similarly than two guys who don't get hammered for being poor shooters?

It doesn't matter if they leave him wide open or not. I know they do. But he still knocks down the shots as efficiently as Rose and Russell.

In the paint? He's terrible.

But I'm strictly talkinga bout mid-range jumpers. You gotta believe guys have sweet spots on the floor.
So if Bron is in my face when I shoot from 15 feet, and you shoot the same shot all by yourself, it's the same shot? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"Stats don't lie" :rofl:
It doesn't matter if they leave him wide open or not. I know they do. But he still knocks down the shots as efficiently as Rose and Russell.

if you go outside and shoot some jumpers right now are you going to make as many shots with someone contesting them as you would with nobody in front of you?
So you think Rondo is just as good with the mid range shot as Rose and Russ. Just a 2% difference is all.
Ever see Rose have a defender 6 feet away from him when he's 16 feet from the cup?
How many times I seen that with Rondo? I've watched ENTIRE SERIES' like that.
But they the same shooters from that distance? Cuz your 2% tells you that? >D

Look at the stats.




Change the years all you want.

Mid-range, there is marginal difference.

2010-2011 Season, Rondo took 35% of his shots from midrange, shot 41%. 2011-2012 Season, Rondo took 29% of his shots from midrange, shot 39%.
2010-2011 Season, Rose took 28% of his shots from midrange, shot 40%. 2011-2012 Season, Rose took 25% of his shots from midrange, shot 39%.
2010-2011 Season, Russ took 32% of his shots from midrange, shot 36%. 2011-2012 Season, Russ took 35% of his shots from midrange, shot 41%.

Who cares if he's wide open or not, the stats support the fact that from midrange, there's marginal difference from the other two.
if you go outside and shoot some jumpers right now are you going to make as many shots with someone contesting them as you would with nobody in front of you?

You're missing my point. If he's such a poor shooter, why does he shoot so similarly to those two? Yes, people leave him wide open, but he still knocks them down.

Lots of Russell's shots from midrange are high% shots too, because he elevates so high that it's a hard shot to block.
If defenses played Russ and Rose like that those %'s from them would be MUCH higher.
JA, listen to us, if you put Bron on Rondo, the same as Rose, would Rondo's shooting % stay the same as it's been, or would it start to go DOWNNNNNN?????

Would start to dip, right? Do you get that?
I like looking at those types of stats too and I do think they're useful, but you do need to take context into account. For example there was one year when Ron Artest was shooting some ungodly percentage from some area of the floor (I forget which) but you need to consider that it was a direct result of the defense collapsing on Kobe and Ron being left wide open.
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Rondo's jumper has definitely definitely been broken his whole NBA career. He never shoots it with confidence. I dont know about those statistics and such all i know is that IF Rondo could confidently pull up from mid range and knock down shots he would be unstoppable. We all know he can blow by anbody in the L but he doesnt have much chance to bc no one gets close to him. Even when he knocks down 3-4 in a row dudes play off of him smh. But he still manages to be a triple double machine on a historical level though.
The difference between Rondo, Rose, and Russ is that Rondo is the most dangerous of the three to create for others. I don't think we can question that. Rondo gets his teammates high % shots. Rose and Russ can, but not like Rondo.

It's a better idea to leave Rondo open because he's not that good of a shooter. I understand that.

But you're acting like he's Jason Kidd. He's not.

But he's still knocking down the shots.

We're not talking about having LeBron on you all night. Rose didn't have LeBron guarding him every single game when I got those stats. Those are over an 82-game season. How about when he was playing the Mavericks when he had to deal with the defensive terror duo of Jason Kidd and Jason Terry? :x

Russell Westbrook is more athletic than every single other PG in the NBA. Hell, Russell Westbrook is the most athletic back-court player in the NBA. The pick-and-pop was extremely efficient for Russell last year.

When it comes down to it, you take the shot. Wide open? Hand in your face? Elevated over your defender?

There aren't stats for FG% when wide open. Rondo still hits the open shot.

Russell Westbrook has the biggest distraction in the NBA outside of LeBron. He has the luxury of playing beside Kevin Durant. That doesn't deserved to be mentioned because he isn't wide open? Whatever.
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Ahmad Rashad shot 100% from 3 for his NBA career, NEVER MISSED! I don't know why there's all this Steve Kerr, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller nonsense when talking about the best shooters ever.
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Ahmad Rashad shot 100% from 3 for his NBA career, NEVER MISSED! I don't know why there's all this Steve Kerr, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller nonsense when talking about the best shooters ever.

You're acting like Rondo took 5 midrange jumpers in his career. He takes two a game. So does Rose. Russ takes a ton more, yes, and he's a slightly better midrange shooter than those two.
What are you basing this on? :smh:
Tony Parker's career high avg in assists is a little over 7 and a half. Rose's is right above that...so what makes him a real point and not Rose?
You dudes are killing me.

Basing it off what i see, what else? Parker plays like a true Point Gaurd. Rose is a scorer and a slasher just like Wade. He's capable of doing other things but so is Wade. Pre big 3 was Wade not running the whole squad dominating the ball on the offensive end 90% of the time? If you want to base this off numbers it makes sense there as well. Wade has multiple seasons statistically just like Roses MVP season, even the turnovers are the same. They do the same thing but one brings the ball up the court and the other doesn't. Hell pre big 3 Wade did bring the ball up the court many times.

It honestly boils my blood some of you guys have Westbrook top 5. Do you know how many times this dude brings the ball up the court, dribbles the ball for 15 seconds, forces it or shoots it without passing it once. This dude is top 5 to you guys but he literally doesn't know how to initiate an offense? Yikes.

Here's a question if we ain't talking about true point gaurds and were going to include guys like Rose and Russell why aren't we including LeBron then? Does he not run the point ALOT? And does he not play the point very very well?
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