*2012 NFC North Trash Talking Thread: Playoffs. Packers drilled by San Francisco/Kaepernick.

Stupid Bears. There's no other way to explain that team other than a pain in the ***. Will you guys win the Superbowl? Hell no. Will you guys be a pain in the *** through out the entire season? Always and forever.
Stupid Bears. There's no other way to explain that team other than a pain in the ***. Will you guys win the Superbowl? Hell no. Will you guys be a pain in the *** through out the entire season? Always and forever.

Beg to differ.

Also, it's called "good teams find a way to win", so it'd be nice if you gave us credit for once, but you're a Packer fan, so you're a lost cause already.
Beg to differ.
Also, it's called "good teams find a way to win", so it'd be nice if you gave us credit for once, but you're a Packer fan, so you're a lost cause already.
When are you going to get it through your head? YOUR QB IS JAY CUTLER. YOU ARE NOT WINNING THE SUPER BOWL. GET OVER IT.
Beg to differ.
Also, it's called "good teams find a way to win", so it'd be nice if you gave us credit for once, but you're a Packer fan, so you're a lost cause already.

Why can't you just win a game like a good team does normally for once though? Wh do you gotta do it all pain in the *** like?

I do give you guys credit. You DO win games. Which is why your a pain in the ***.
*Kanye shrug*

A good team will just find ways to win. In our case we're just lucky most of the time. But our defense is disciplined and we have great chemistry as well.

And that QB is 11-1 in his last 12 starts. You can't argue that he is doing at least SOMETHING right. His stats aren't the best and I don't wanna give any excuses for that, but the results have shown. On paper he had a subpar game, yes. He played like absolute dog **** the first half and was rattled, but he did lead us to a comeback, and that's what matters. He will never be on a Rodgers/Brady/Brees level, maybe not even Big Ben/Eli, but I'd take him over ALL the other QBs that are on the cusp. Except RGIII though, he's a stud. :lol:
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I dont disagree with anything you said. You guys always do find a way to win which is obviously a good thing. But even you said you get lucky most of the time. That's why I said you wont win a superbowl but youll be a pain in the *** all season. I just dont see you guys going 19 games and winning a superbowl with relying on muffed punts, missed field goals by the opposing team, and pick 6's. Eventually your time will come that you actually need to go out and flat out beat a team. You cant waltz into the playoffs expecting to beat the Packers and Giants by relying on Rodgers and Manning to make mistakes cause that just wont happen. In the meantime you guys will always continue to be a problem though no doubt about that.

When I say the Bears are a pain in the *** you should take it as a compliment because it obviously means youre doing something right. Unlike the Vikings and Lions who I would call irrelevant at the moment. I wouldnt be offended if you said the Packers are a pain in the *** because you had a chance to keep them from raising both the Halas and Lombardi trophy above their heads twice. :D

so it'd be nice if you gave us credit for once, but you're a Packer fan, so you're a lost cause already

See, I do give you credit. Just trying to be realistic with how much credit I give. The difference between the Packers and Bears though is that we have Aaron Rodgers and you don't. I like that and I will embrace that :smokin Why? Because we are the Packers and the Bears, both historically good teams who hate each others guts. Sorry Vikings and Lions you both fall in the irrelevant category here as well.
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Real talk, the only legitimate team in this division the Packers, I don't see how anyone can really argue this until the playoffs.
Real talk, the only legitimate team in this division the Packers, I don't see how anyone can really argue this until the playoffs.
The 6-1 Bears arent legitimate? Sure we didnt look our best today vs Carolina but this was an inspired Carolina team who needed a win, and with all the talk last week about how Jay Cutler needs to prove he can lead a 4th quarter comeback, he did just that today.

Not to mention that its not like the Packers were dominant themselves this week. They squeaked by a Jacksonville team that we beat by 38 at home. How exactly did the Packers prove themselves as the "only legitimate team in this division" through that performance while all of you keep insisting that the Bears are frauds?

Jay Cutler 11-1 in last 12 starts 
Real talk, the only legitimate team in this division the Packers, I don't see how anyone can really argue this until the playoffs.
The 6-1 Bears arent legitimate? Sure we didnt look our best today vs Carolina but this was an inspired Carolina team who needed a win, and with all the talk last week about how Jay Cutler needs to prove he can lead a 4th quarter comeback, he did just that today.

Not to mention that its not like the Packers were dominant themselves this week. They squeaked by a Jacksonville team that we beat by 38 at home. How exactly did the Packers prove themselves as the "only legitimate team in this division" through that performance while all of you keep insisting that the Bears are frauds?

Jay Cutler 11-1 in last 12 starts :pimp:

Bears are totally healthy and the Packers aren't.

The Bears have looked like **** two weeks straight IMO.
Bears are totally healthy and the Packers aren't.
The Bears have looked like **** two weeks straight IMO.
The Bears shut out the Lions for 59:30 last week, how is that looking like ****? And Jay Cutler bounced back from a horrific game this week to have an excellent 4th quarter and a game winning drive, which is exactly what most of yall were saying he was incapable of doing last week.
Was at the Lions game. Nice showing by the offense and good to see Titus do something for a change.
Me too, what section?

Jay02 & illmatic34, get a room. This is supposed to be the trash talk thread. The suck each others ***** thread is that way --->
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You're right, the Bears beat up on the Lions. They won by 6 points, stomped them, buried them.
May I remind you that your crappy team was :30 away from a total shutout? Or did a week's time make you forget?
Don't play the what if game, if the Lions downed ball in the red zone 3 times they win that game.
Oh the irony....

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