*2012 NFC North Trash Talking Thread: Playoffs. Packers drilled by San Francisco/Kaepernick.

Lucky SOB I wanted to go to a WS game so bad but couldn't justify paying those prices. Went to a DS and CS game though so I'm happy. I was in 136
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All the favorites win next week and the Lions are a half game out the playoffs.
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Real talk, the only legitimate team in this division the Packers, I don't see how anyone can really argue this until the playoffs.

You sir, are one delusional person in need of some enlightenment....lucky for you, I'm here to help you learn,

Bears are in first place.......lesson over.
Real talk, the only legitimate team in this division the Packers, I don't see how anyone can really argue this until the playoffs.

You sir, are one delusional person in need of some enlightenment....lucky for you, I'm here to help you learn,

Bears are in first place.......lesson over.

Yeah and the Falcons are undefeated. When the rubber meets the road both them teams getting washed.
People in here dumb as hell. The bears have the best D in the nfl with PEPPERS ANDDDD URLACHER hurt. what happens when theyre healthy and the offense hits its stride....i can not wait till we play the 9'ers and texans and shut all these fools in this thread up. Talkin about the packers being legit, the bums barely beat JACKSONVILLE.
Question for you Green Bay fans: assuming Jennings isn't re-signed (which is very likely), do you think the Pack will draft a receiver early or stick with Nelson/Jones and or Cobb?
People in here dumb as hell. The bears have the best D in the nfl with PEPPERS ANDDDD URLACHER hurt. what happens when theyre healthy and the offense hits its stride....i can not wait till we play the 9'ers and texans and shut all these fools in this thread up. Talkin about the packers being legit, the bums barely beat JACKSONVILLE.

But y'all barely beat the Panthers though.
Question for you Green Bay fans: assuming Jennings isn't re-signed (which is very likely), do you think the Pack will draft a receiver early or stick with Nelson/Jones and or Cobb?
Ted will get someone in 2-4 I would imagine.... I want to somehow draft Tyler eifert though!
Ted will get someone in 2-4 I would imagine.... I want to somehow draft Tyler eifert though!

Eifert is a good prospect. Now that I see it, Eifert to GB is a possibility because Jermichael is overrated trash. Would Jones just take the other starting spot across from Nelson or is Cobb as a starter a possibility as well?
People in here dumb as hell. The bears have the best D in the nfl with PEPPERS ANDDDD URLACHER hurt. what happens when theyre healthy and the offense hits its stride....i can not wait till we play the 9'ers and texans and shut all these fools in this thread up. Talkin about the packers being legit, the bums barely beat JACKSONVILLE.

Ad you guys barely squeaked one over Cameron.

Don't forget the Packers rocked y'all Week 2.

On that note, when is the last time you guys beat us? I know it's been awhile, and you guys are foaming at the mouth.....

....but never forget....the NFC North belongs to the Pack until otherwise.
With Jennings leaving, Thompson will most likely bring in/draft a few options at WR.

I think Cobb will continue to become a bigger part of the O...
Keep jones and jordy... Cobb in the slot/that back backfield role is where he'll be the most valuable.

Eifert is gonna test off the charts though at the draft... We won't be able to grab him I don't think. Bt he'd be a greaaaatttt fit in gb and make the offense even better.
Just saw that list where Calvin 4th or 5th in the league in drops.

I think dude concussed and they hiding it or he's scared of being concussed.

Like he just doesn't look right when he runs either, everything is labored like it hurts to move.
^^CJ's knee has been bothering him for most of the season and he has admitted he can't plant his leg like usual
5000th post :nthat:

I don't know what's going on with Minny's defense the past couple of weeks but :x We're missing Cook bad!
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