2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

How do you guys feel about Alex Smith? I know he's like a Chad Pennington 2.0, but he's proved to be a solid/capable QB in the NFL. We're going to run a West Coast Offense next season and someone with Alex Smith's skills would prove to be effective.
3 years $19.5 million and when Sanchez is making $8+ next year?  That's a lot for a guy who's proven nothing and for a team who's trying to stop giving/taking on bad unmovable contracts.
3 years $19.5 million and when Sanchez is making $8+ next year?  That's a lot for a guy who's proven nothing and for a team who's trying to stop giving/taking on bad unmovable contracts.

Not saying it's good for your cap situation, just that Flynn didn't get a huge contract relative to the market price for QBs. I mean look what Arizona gave up in total for Kolb.
How do you guys feel about Alex Smith? I know he's like a Chad Pennington 2.0, but he's proved to be a solid/capable QB in the NFL. We're going to run a West Coast Offense next season and someone with Alex Smith's skills would prove to be effective.
not worth the money.

Tavaris Jackson...... now that's slightly intriguing.... 
alex smith is trash....norv turner the only oc that had him playing well.....jim harbough too....if you don't have a coach that can reach him mentally then he's useless
Just read were officially shopping revis.
Im done with this team.
trading literally our best player does sound insane, however let's be realistic. We need more pieces for this team to compete which means more draft picks AND also taking some salary out of the cap.

I'm not saying I'm all up for it, but at the same time... it does make sense.
Yall are gonna suck for the next decade with or without revis.

I hear dude is coming to the pats...


Quit your trolling. Your team JUST lost in the AFC game and will be watching the SuperBowl on their couches just like everyone else. There is no second place or consolation prize for anything in the NFL or any professional sports league. You either win it all or don't.

There's two types of teams in the NFL. The one team that won the Superbowl and the others that didn't.

Revis going to the Pat's is seen to be highly unlikely and the Jets aren't even set on trading him yet.
Two types of teams in the NFL: ones that won the SB and the ones that didnt...


No one in the NFL would agree that the Jets are on the same level as the Pats, Packers, Broncos etc. but just because you say it, its true? Right.

Also, yall are an embarassing fanbase. Couple down years and everyone threatening to jump ship over trading a player that currently holds no value on ur team just because he's "your guy".

Revis would be salivating over the idea of playing for NE. Its possible i mean it IS the Jets we talking about here
sad, this is how the pats fans need to dry their tears , the cornball ones at least :smh:

carry on jr ....
Two types of teams in the NFL: ones that won the SB and the ones that didnt...


No one in the NFL would agree that the Jets are on the same level as the Pats, Packers, Broncos etc. but just because you say it, its true? Right.

Also, yall are an embarassing fanbase. Couple down years and everyone threatening to jump ship over trading a player that currently holds no value on ur team just because he's "your guy".

Revis would be salivating over the idea of playing for NE. Its possible i mean it IS the Jets we talking about here

Last time I checked, the regular season means nothing. Unless you win it all, you're pretty much like everyone else. At the end of the day what are we actually talking about? I always thought it was about winning.

But it's cool if you want to think another way. Your team lost and will watch the Superbowl the same way the Jets are :lol:
Nah its just funny to see you guys bicker back and forth when its all for nothing. Is it just me or did This thread get noticeably quiet this year as all the Jets "fans" hopped off the wagon. I'll give it to onewearz for talking to himself during every game this year :lol:

And if winning the Super Bowl is the only thing that matters, just delete this thread forever because all of the speculating in here is just a waste of keystrokes.
Hey buddy.

It gets better.


Just cuz Sanchez has more playoff wins that Brady since they took your cameras away doesn't mean anything.

You almost kinda won that one time, but not really. :smile:

And at least you always make it far enough for Gisele to explain why you lost for us.

It gets better.
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Hey buddy.

It gets better.


Just cuz Sanchez has more playoff wins that Brady since they took your cameras away doesn't mean anything.

You almost kinda won that one time, but not really. :smile:

And at least you always make it far enough for Gisele to explain why you lost for us.

It gets better.

You tried .

Anyway ill leave you guys to bask in your own misery. :lol:

Good day gentlemen
:lol: He's like that kid who goes to school and tries to bully people cuz his daddy whups his *** every night.

Like I said, it gets better.
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17,000 posts in a message board in less than three years :x :smh: ... getting bullied must really hit home with you
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