2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

Realizing your season's over just hit home with you?

Keep the Jets on your mind. Whatever makes you feel better, buddy. :smile:
And if winning the Super Bowl is the only thing that matters, just delete this thread forever because all of the speculating in here is just a waste of keystrokes.

Yo, homeboy. Last time I checked, they don't give trophies for second place losers.

If you can't understand what I'm trying to say, maybe following professional sports isn't your thing. Or maybe you were just glad to get your "Participation" award every year in little league :lol:

Every team in the NFL or any professional sports league plays for one thing and one thing only--To win championships. If going 12-4 in the regular season and losing in the playoffs keeps you content, more power to you and whatever world you live in.

Nice to see that you take the time out to gather your thoughts and post in a teams thread that you seems to **** on :lol:

Since "consolation" prizes mean so much to you, maybe that's a win in our book :rofl:
Just read were officially shopping revis.

Im done with this team.

trading literally our best player does sound insane, however let's be realistic. We need more pieces for this team to compete which means more draft picks AND also taking some salary out of the cap.

I'm not saying I'm all up for it, but at the same time... it does make sense.
it doesn't.
We give money to a scrub *** qb who doesn't deserve it yet we can't throw money to the ONE guy on this roster who actually earned it?
This team still cant Draft and im very pessimistic about the new gm being any better at that.
So what we trade revis for prob ONE first rounder if that and few other round picks ?
Nah man. Im good .
Still can't draft?

Wilkerson and Couples will be two of the top DE's in the league in a couple of years. Our offensive line is stellar too. Only real mistake's we've done was picking up Kyle Wilson and Vernon Gholston :smh:

BTW, we drafted Revis too.
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Drafting Sanchez and Greene instead of our original plan (Freeman, Shady, Mike Wallace) was a mistake too. :smh:
Still can't draft?

Wilkerson and Couples will be two of the top DE's in the league in a couple of years. Our offensive line is stellar too. Only real mistake's we've done was picking up Kyle Wilson and Vernon Gholston

BTW, we drafted Revis too.
Mangini drafted Revis and that offensive line.  An offensive line that has zero work ethic right now.

In fact, Mangini drafted the majority of the team that we went to those two AFCchampionships with.  Almost all of whom Rex shipped out.

Who exactly has Rex drafted that's wowed anyone?  Wilkerson and Coples? And then...? Mark Sanchez, Kyle Wilson, Stephen Hill, Vladimir Ducasse? LULZ.

What impressive free agent moves did the Rex/Tanny regime make?  Holmes, Jenkins, Tomlinson (cool) Bart Scott, Clyde Gates, Chaz Schillens...? Lulz.

They can't draft.  They have a ton of awful contracts.  I don't trust them to trade Revis and come out with anything we'll look back at two years later as value.
Still can't draft?

Wilkerson and Couples will be two of the top DE's in the league in a couple of years. Our offensive line is stellar too. Only real mistake's we've done was picking up Kyle Wilson and Vernon Gholston :smh:

BTW, we drafted Revis too.
Mangini drafted Revis and that offensive line.  An offensive line that has zero work ethic right now.

In fact, Mangini drafted the majority of the team that we went to those two AFCchampionships with.  Almost all of whom Rex shipped out.

Who exactly has Rex drafted that's wowed anyone?  Wilkerson and Coples? And then...? Mark Sanchez, Kyle Wilson, Stephen Hill, Vladimir Ducasse? LULZ.

What impressive free agent moves did the Rex/Tanny regime make?  Holmes, Jenkins, Tomlinson (cool) Bart Scott, Clyde Gates, Chaz Schillens...? Lulz.

They can't draft.  They have a ton of awful contracts.  I don't trust them to trade Revis and come out with anything we'll look back at two years later as value.
Pretty much summed up what I was going to say.
Greene was the better pick coming out of college for what The Jets wanted to do.  They wanted to ground and pound and wear teams down and they thought Sanchez was a better passing threat than Freeman.

I'll admit no one could have predicted how bad Mark would be.  I don't think Greene is a feature back, but remember how well he played as the change of pace to Thomas Jones?  I get that a lot of that was because he WAS the number two and didn't have to do too much so we saw the small bursts as bigger signs than they were but i think the jets need another legit running back back there.  Powell is not it.

Sanchez played better in the past when he didnt have to do too much, he could roll out and throw on the run, he had more than just one receiving option, and the play action pass was a legitimate threat.  Last year they got away from the play calling that helped him.  They'd call a couple of plays that got him on the move, then they'd yank him for tebow.  Or they'd just have him drop back on these slow developing plays (no idea why when none of our receivers could get open, or if they ever managed to, catch anyway) and he'd get swarmed, panic, and go full ******.

At this point I don't know what they can do to help him.  Holmes coming back and another RB would be nice.  Truth be told I don't even know that they need to draft an O-lineman.  They have the personnel, Mangold, Brick, Moore, and Slauson need to just stop playing like *******.

And for goodness sake draft a legit WR who can catch! I don't care if it's in the 4th round.
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This is hindsight vision

Nah, this is hindsight vision.

I don't know what it'd take for us to even get back to this level of production.

I mean we have enough pieces, with Santonio coming back and the draft, but how many players did we bust on and let leave for no good reason, without a better plan B in place?

I understand that guys get older and break down, but our receiving corp wasn't that spectacular...but they were solid. Our linebackers...defensive line...it just feels like we've been standing still for 2 years, look around and notice everything's lost a step. And it wasn't the injuries. This Tebow sideshow cost us big.
Greene was the better pick coming out of college for what The Jets wanted to do.  They wanted to ground and pound and wear teams down and they thought Sanchez was a better passing threat than Freeman.

I'll admit no one could have predicted how bad Mark would be.  I don't think Greene is a feature back, but remember how well he played as the change of pace to Thomas Jones?  I get that a lot of that was because he WAS the number two and didn't have to do too much so we saw the small bursts as bigger signs than they were but i think the jets need another legit running back back there.  Powell is not it.

Sanchez played better in the past when he didnt have to do too much, he could roll out and throw on the run, he had more than just one receiving option, and the play action pass was a legitimate threat.  Last year they got away from the play calling that helped him.  They'd call a couple of plays that got him on the move, then they'd yank him for tebow.  Or they'd just have him drop back on these slow developing plays (no idea why when none of our receivers could get open, or if they ever managed to, catch anyway) and he'd get swarmed, panic, and go full ******.

At this point I don't know what they can do to help him.  Holmes coming back and another RB would be nice.  Truth be told I don't even know that they need to draft an O-lineman.  They have the personnel, Mangold, Brick, Moore, and Slauson need to just stop playing like *******.

And for goodness sake draft a legit WR who can catch! I don't care if it's in the 4th round.
agreed. Shonn Greene's playing style is a strictly between tackles and to wear the team down. The perfect 2nd back. You'll see him kick it out to the outside every once in a while but frankly, that isn't his playing style. The perfect example was the playoffs in 2010. Wearing out the Bengals and of course the Chargers.

And when you have guys in the defense telling reports that the head office haven't done much to help Sanchez and the offense... that's saying something.
All the jet insiders debunked that russell bs.....unfortunately, bloggers could write anything about the jets and the majority of the public will believe it
This is hindsight vision

Nah, this is hindsight vision.

I don't know what it'd take for us to even get back to this level of production.

I mean we have enough pieces, with Santonio coming back and the draft, but how many players did we bust on and let leave for no good reason, without a better plan B in place?

I understand that guys get older and break down, but our receiving corp wasn't that spectacular...but they were solid. Our linebackers...defensive line...it just feels like we've been standing still for 2 years, look around and notice everything's lost a step. And it wasn't the injuries. This Tebow sideshow cost us big.

Our Linebackers got older and so did our secondary. We never drafted the right pieces in place to cover them when we got to this situation. It was just a lack of preparation from the management side.

I agree with what nako said. He's 100% right about everything. Sanchez isn't going to be a QB you give the keys too and expect him to make something out of nothing. Those 2 years when we looked good, it was because we legitimately had a ground and pound game.

Mistake 1: Letting Shaune Green be our feature back and not getting a legit #1 RB
Mistake 2: Giving Sanchez more responsibility and asking him to work the offense without a RB
Mistake 3: Not getting enough receiver that can actually catch the ball
Mistake 4: Not drafting replacements for our aging defense
Mistake 5: Hiring Sporano. Dude was a mess with the offense
Mistake 6: Bringing in Tebow
Mistake 7: Giving Sanchez that crazy extension. We'd probably be in GREAT shape now if it wasn't for Sanchez's looming contract or salary cap repercussions if we cut him.

I say we give ourselves 1-2 years and we'll be right back in the thick of things if we take the right
Our Linebackers got older and so did our secondary. We never drafted the right pieces in place to cover them when we got to this situation. It was just a lack of preparation from the management side.

I agree with what nako said. He's 100% right about everything. Sanchez isn't going to be a QB you give the keys too and expect him to make something out of nothing. Those 2 years when we looked good, it was because we legitimately had a ground and pound game.

Mistake 1: Letting Shaune Green be our feature back and not getting a legit #1 RB
Mistake 2: Giving Sanchez more responsibility and asking him to work the offense without a RB
Mistake 3: Not getting enough receiver that can actually catch the ball
Mistake 4: Not drafting replacements for our aging defense
Mistake 5: Hiring Sporano. Dude was a mess with the offense
Mistake 6: Bringing in Tebow
Mistake 7: Giving Sanchez that crazy extension. We'd probably be in GREAT shape now if it wasn't for Sanchez's looming contract or salary cap repercussions if we cut him.

I say we give ourselves 1-2 years and we'll be right back in the thick of things if we take the right
agreed. We're pretty much in the same boat when it comes to my last few posts.

This draft is REALLY important, and it's imperative to get some key pieces who can produce right away and the proper depth players who will stick with the team for a long time. That's why the Revis trade is a possibility.
Stat I just read:

Alex Smith is 2 wins and 25 losses in games where San Francisco's defense allows 24 points.

Keep him the hell away from NY.
Stat I just read:

Alex Smith is 2 wins and 25 losses in games where San Francisco's defense allows 24 points.

Keep him the hell away from NY.
Look, Alex is a great game manager. I'd take him to challenge Mark or start ANY DAY! Stop letting stats be the end all be all to fixing our team, because looking at our cap situation and our roster, we need to exhaust all possibilities.
Stat I just read:

Alex Smith is 2 wins and 25 losses in games where San Francisco's defense allows 24 points.

Keep him the hell away from NY.

Just one of the reasons why he was benched in favor of Kaepernick.
Stat I just read:

Alex Smith is 2 wins and 25 losses in games where San Francisco's defense allows 24 points.

Keep him the hell away from NY.
Look, Alex is a great game manager. I'd take him to challenge Mark or start ANY DAY! Stop letting stats be the end all be all to fixing our team, because looking at our cap situation and our roster, we need to exhaust all possibilities.
30 touchdowns and 10 interceptions in his last 26 starts.

GREAT stat.  Great game manager.  Protects the ball.

But then you realize that's about 1 touchdown every game, and that's probably why he never overcomes 24 points.  I'm starting to think he was more a product of the 49ers defense and Gore's running.  He won't turn the ball over like Sanchez but what really makes him that great an upgrade?
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30 touchdowns and 10 interceptions in his last 26 starts.

GREAT stat.  Great game manager.  Protects the ball.

But then you realize that's about 1 touchdown every game, and that's probably why he never overcomes 24 points.  I'm starting to think he was more a product of the 49ers defense and Gore's running.  He won't turn the ball over like Sanchez but what really makes him that great an upgrade?
For THAT reason alone we should go after him. He'll be in our price range. We don't have enough cap to go after some big name or high priced guy. This season turnovers killed us more than anything. We could have won a couple more games had we not had as many turnovers as we did.
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