2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

I'm I the only one thinking positive about this trade? I mean I think we can grab some quality guys at the 9 and 13
It's not that I am thinking negative about the trade.. We can use those picks, I mean Revis didnt even play last year... It's just this whole mentality of the orginization.. Championship aspirations were as high as ever since Rex came in. Now it's back to battling for a wild card spot mentality. I will totally not mind the trade if I actually see progress from Sanchez this year. Just tired of mediocrity. After the high of the 2010 playoffs. I only forsee depression in the future.
I'm I the only one thinking positive about this trade? I mean I think we can grab some quality guys at the 9 and 13

I for one am excited by this trade. Revis HAD to go! Was he the best CB in the league? Yes. But he wasn't going to resign with us if he became a FA. He damn sure wasn't going to get resigned either asking for over 15 million a season! No one player is worth that type of money! We have so many holes on our team how could we resign him and pickup anyone else?! We still have no RG or LG for that matter and Mark still has no RB or "game changing" offensive weapon. We need to full holes and if getting rid of the best player that I've ever seen in a JETS uniform will help us become a complete team then I'm all for it. Now, John Idzik must own this draft. Don't let REX have any say in who we pick up because its been proven that he isn't a great drafter. We must turn the ship around, and this is a damn good start.
Let's see how my prediction from december pans out
well get ready for the offseason and bigger disappointment.

there's a VERY good chance the jets trade revis.  they don't want to pay him the money he was promised the last two off seasons.  especially now that they think that cromartie is a "suitable replacement".  ****'s gonna make me sick.

we're gonna go into this draft, trade revis for a 3rd rounder, draft two bust D ends (because tannenbaum if he's still here, and rex can't evaluate talent for ****) not get a QB til the 5th round, and waste money on an old receiver in free agency. watch them barely address the o line too.
Wouldn't be suprised to see you guys pick Geno Smith and Tavon Austin with your two picks.
I understand why the trade was made, it just stinks to actually see it happen and him gone. Especially since I think we got **** for him in return.
I'm pretty pissed we lost revis but on the flip side we got picks(better than nothing), but who knows he wanted a ton of money which quite frankly he doesn't deserve he's a selfish player and he's all about himself..good luck bucs I will predict he holds out again come this offseason, then I will end this upcoming season w a smile
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