2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

Anyone have word when the second round of "newbie" santas/elves will get picked. I know Cinco has a life, but time is a ticking and I wouldn't mind some Doernbacher 9s :tongue:

In all seriousness, I hope my elf when assigned likes Elite socks:smokin cause I got some things in mind......
To my SS. If I was a bit vague in my response I just got an xbox 360 so I wouldn't mind loading up on some games, rechargeable batteries or some xbox live time. :nerd: Got Forza 4 and horizon so far.

To my elf-Hope you like your gift. It may not seem like much but I'm on a tight budget and am trying to get you everything I can. You might get the gift a little early.
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I'm not sure if I was too vague to my SS now...I'll seriously be happy with any gift you decide to get me. If it helps, my twitter and IG are both @cosmicgase. Not sure how well that'll help but I'm trying. Elf, I'm shopping for you Saturday!
I want some brons too !!!!! :nerd: My SS peep the sig and my instagram 3dgar301 :nerd:
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I kind of wish my elf would post in here with more specifics. I have an idea of what I want to get them, but I'm just hoping they don't buy it for themselves first.

I thought I was pretty specific in my wants and what not, but if not:

That would probably be more useful and give you a pretty good idea of my style and what I like than my twitter/tumblr/instagram.
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I'll be shopping for my elf this weekend, so look out for you package in the following next week or so. He didn't ask for much so I should be able to fulfill his few requests.
^^^^ wow look at that AVY!!! :rofl: :nerd: how i wish he was giving those kicks as a SS gift :rofl: j/k fam don't mind MAGS...but anyways I'm almost done with yours SS wish you posted more on here so I could have at least an idea of what more you like :rolleyes
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