2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

How did Alabama avoid Alabama this year? Georgia is the one team this year who benefited from the schedule as they avoided Bama & LSU (for the 2nd year in a row) and TAMU. Rarely is a team going to have 3 of UGA, LSU, BAMA (& aTm now) on their schedule prior to the SEC championship game. Well, of the good teams that have a chance @ the NC :lol:
When's the last time Tenn was preseason top 10? Arkansas's failure has more to do w/ their HC getting canned right before the season, hiring John L. Smith and their Starting QB getting hurt than it does w/ an unwarranted preseason ranking. If Chip Kelly got hired, replaced with *insert average coach here* and had Mariotta get knocked out in game 1 do you think they would have been affected? How many other conferences are trotting out 4 teams that could contend for a title ever year?
I don't really think that when ppl mention 'SEC Football' they are referring to the Kentucky's, Ole Miss, Vandy, etc of the world. No conference is trotting out high quality teams from 1-12/14/10 in their conference, are they?
Everyone knows that the SEC is "playing the game" so the issue should be w/ the fact that there is a "game" itself rather then the fact that they are the ones who exploit it. I'm quite sure if any other conference had the ability to do it they would do it as well. If you fix the system, then the SEC no longer has the ability to play this "game". This is where the focus should be. But then if you do that you no longer have the "bias" angle so out the window goes a couple dozens of stories from writers over the course of the year.
The fact that some of these teams get to play FCS schools before season ending rivalry games (Bama, uf, Georgia) is hilarious though :lol:. Smart scheduling.

It was a typo on who Alabama avoided...obviously suppose to be Georgia, Florida and S Carolina...and, by your response...I am sure you knew that but didn't want to admit it...

Tenn is ALWAYS overrated...always...did you click the second link? They are the 12th most overrated team since 1989...they started 2005 as Preseason #3 and finished unranked...2002 they started preseason #5 and finished unranked...they were in the Top 25 this year...what a joke...

As for Arkansas...coaching doesn't take you from #8 to a complete joke...they didn't deserve their preseason ranking...plain and simple...

Oregon, coincidentally is the most underrated in this time period and 3 of 4 most underrated conference are out West...WAC, Mountain West, Conf USA and Pac-10...don't tell me there is no bias in the polls...without clicking on the link you could guess at the most overrated teams...yes, all of the "traditional" teams in CFB...ones that get TV ratings...

From Most Overrated:
Notre Dame
Texas A&M

If you go to the "ALL TEAMS" in the over/under rated categories which includes teams that only had a few years worth of rankings to rate...you will see that the Top 4 most underrated teams are:

Washington State
Boise State

...just sayin'...no bias here :\

As far as the SEC not being able to play "the game"...you know as well as I do, that isn't going to happen...there is too much money to be lost in the long run by forcing them to play another conference game...another loss or two by 2 or 3 of the SEC teams currently in the Top 10 in the BCS means a lot less interest in the BCS in the Southeast United States where all of the CFB revenue is generated by viewership from the TV Networks...

Nice, I like them. That said I rolled out of bed this morning and expressed my hatred for O$U. Ending the streak was emotionally huge last year. This year a W would mean a lot in terms of the program moving forward.
Michigan isn't getting that W this year and I hated that the streak ended last year :smh:
How was it obvious supposed to be South Carolina when they weren't a team you mentioned at all in your previous post (and weren't any of the 4 teams you metioned having legitimate NC chances) ? I'm no mind reader.

UT only being in top 10 2 times over the past 10 years is kind of what I was expecting. Don't really care about teams outside the top 10-15 who end up below their preseason rankings. Doesn't really matter to me, as they likely weren't legit contenders in the first place.

Losing your HC doesn't take you from #8 to what they are now? Are you serious? I can't believe that you honestly think that. Coaching can take TAMU from 7-6 to Top 10 BCS or help UCLA go from getting smack 50-0 last year vs USC to beating them comfortably yet losing your HC after spring ball and replacing him w/ a terrible coach can't cause a team to be a complete opposite of what they were the previous year? Esp. w/ a coach like Petrino w/ his offensive prowess? Houston went from 13-1 to 4-7 this year w/o Sumlin, Kingsbury & Co. I guess.

I don't recall saying that there was 'no bias' in the polls so all the words after that are just a waste.

If they game or they system can't or won't be fixed, then what's the point of crying about it? If the entire system is flawed then how is it possible for there to be any sort of agreeable resolution?
Yeah he announced it today. Had a meeting w/ Jimbo this morning.
I expect 3 to declare. Jenkins, Rhodes (W/ as big as he his he might have to plat safety. :lol:) and Bjoern Werner.
Which makes it a little odd that FSU stopped going after Juco DE Za'Darius Smith. Unless of course another player is coming down the line

Never thought Brandon would turn out to be the player he was at FSU

He really is a class act

Grew up with him since pee wee played against him in high school and he just wasnt that good to me (maybe cause I went to a 5A powerhouse an he went to a small private school)

But he went to FSU and proved me wrong

I tell him all the time I woulda never thought back in elementary you would end up being top DE in the nation. He played RB when we was little
What is all this schedule tough OOC crap? The fact of the matter is, when they face someone, be it bowl game, or OOC, they get the win. Been this way FOR YEARS. I don't get how the SEC hasn't earned enough respect from everybody in the way they have torn down and dismantled all comers in BCS games the past decade. What ******g more do you all want?
And on top of that ,they stock the NFL shelf full of talent, solid talent, not just random warm bodies.
You actin like other conferences play these ridiculous schedules or some nonsense. To me, winning games within the SEC > beating somebody from the Big 10, Pac 12, Big 12, etc. Why play tough games outside when their are much tougher games to win in your own damn conference? Seems like sour grapes to me.
If Alabama had to face Cal, Wash, Wash St, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Arizona St, Oregon St and UCLA (typically) for 7 weeks, then yeah, I could see them needing to step out. Since they don't get that schedule, I'm fine with them calling it good by just beating teams in the SEC only. Long as they pay it off with a bowl win, in convincing fashion (and they usually do, as do the others) then what's the problem?
What is the MO on Oklahoma? Win games in conference, get to title or BCS game, get drilled. Big game Bob. Ohio St? Weak Big 10, gets drilled come bowl time. Oregon lately? Owns the Pac 12, their biggest win is Wisconsin, last year.
What SEC teams go 11-0 11-1 and then get drilled in their bowl game? It's happened, what, 2-3 times over the past decade? TOTAL, for the conference, not just one team. :lol:

SEC is "playing the game" and that is what people have an issue with...

They now have 14 teams and STILL play an 8 game conference schedule...it makes no sense, OTHER than the fact that they can schedule that "extra" game against a Jacksonville State, for example (the entire conference does...and, it is a fact, that has been noted in by many sources, they schedule more FCS schools than any other AQ conference)...this allows the entire conference to avoid 7 more losses throughout the year and allows more of the top teams to finish the year with 0, 1 or 2 losses (it is simple math...don't argue it)...the top teams in the SEC are now even less likely to play the other top teams in their own conference than any other AQ conference with 14 teams...combine that with getting preseason rankings they don't deserve (see Arkansas this year, Tenn almost every year) and you have a system setup to keep the SEC in the top of the polls...

Examples below...

Alabama - avoided Georgia, Florida and Alabama in conference this year
Georgia - avoided Alabama, LSU and TAMU in conference this year

The facts are that the SEC has been far from the "dominant" perception in the BCS era...they have had a couple of dominant programs (LSU, Bama and Florida)...it has nothing to do with the conference as a whole...which, again is the reason why people "gang up" on "SEC Fan" because it is ridiculous that they root for 14 teams and not just their own...

Everyone else wants to back up their "thoughts on college football" with hyperbole and opinion...here some facts below...

Before you fire back, ACTUALLY read the article and go through the second link and make an argument to counter the claims...



And...all of this "well, it's an SEC schedule" is BS and you know it...there are always the bad teams in the conference...and, whether or not there are "more good teams' in the conference doesn't matter when just by shear numbers you are going to be able to avoid them...

Ole Miss
Miss State
...and then, there is always a "better" program that is going to have a tough year (Auburn, Tenn or Arkansas this year)...

Only teams in this conference that are are REALLY going to contend for a title are Bama, LSU, Georgia and Florida...

Look at the last time some like say Kentucky or Vandy won the SEC conference title...it was the 60's...

Bottom line...it is all about money and we all know it...SEC draws fans and that is what the networks want...viewership...and, they are going to get it...

All this stuff you said, and yet those teams that "avoid" other schools will still square off in the SEC title game. So someone like Bama will still face LSU, Texas A & M, and Georgia.
Georgia still faces Florida, South Carolina and eventually Bama. (plus whatever else, without glancing at their schedules one by one)

And on top of that, you still don't mention when does an SEC upper tier team get beat down in a bowl game? They still represent their conference, and themselves better than any other conference can claim, so it still sounds like whining and crying.

And lastly, still churn out tons of NFL talent every single season. To me, that factors in a lot. When they stop putting talent in the next level, start losing some of these bowl games, then I will hear arguments about the SEC, until then, it's people crying over nothing.
Never thought Brandon would turn out to be the player he was at FSU
He really is a class act
Grew up with him since pee wee played against him in high school and he just wasnt that good to me (maybe cause I went to a 5A powerhouse an he went to a small private school)
But he went to FSU and proved me wrong
I tell him all the time I woulda never thought back in elementary you would end up being top DE in the nation. He played RB when we was little

Dude is huge now
#JohnnyFootball reached 3000 pass/1000 rush in 11 gms, fastest ever, despite sitting out 5 full qtrs, all but 1 drive in 3 qtrs. #12thMan

[QUOTE url="[URL]https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=JFowlerCBS[/URL]"]

JFowlerCBS Seen a lot of tweets assuming Maryland can just lawyer its way out of $50M exit fee. Not so sure. ACC feels it's pretty darn iron clad.
Even if the fee doesn't get reduced (and I'm sure it will), word is that Maryland will just have the Big 10 front them the $50mil and let them pay it back over time. They'll still come out on top financially.

The writing is on the wall for the ACC. You can bet FSU and Clemson are next, especially if the ACC replaces Maryland with another basketball school.
CFB is a tough business. Best of luck to Tedford.

Crossing my fingers that the jinx comes through this weekend

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Even if the fee doesn't get reduced (and I'm sure it will), word is that Maryland will just have the Big 10 front them the $50mil and let them pay it back over time. They'll still come out on top financially.
The writing is on the wall for the ACC. You can bet FSU and Clemson are next, especially if the ACC replaces Maryland with another basketball school.

What's the buyout?

Probably the same answer for these two different situations. Boosters will pay for it.

Best job Nike has ever done with O$U gear
I am the first to admit, I dont know every detail of the BCS and college football is a distant 5th in my favorite sports.....

But can someone please explain to me how Notre Dame is different from the great Boise State teams of the past? How is Notre Dame currently ranked where they are when Boise State came no where near that ranking with an undefeated record too?

I'm sure there is a reason....but on the surface, it doesnt make sense to me at all. (I would love to see Notre Dame play Bama in the championship game and see them get SMASHED.)
On the record, I think ND gets beat down in the NC vs Bama, or Georgia as well. Not by 30, but a solid 17 point type beating.

Really I just want to be on Allen's next post with the sniper rifle. :lol:
im not even a notre dame fan but why do people assume they would get smashed?

bama would probably be favored by 10-13 from what i'm reading, but stranger things have happened
frNotre Dame will have played and beaten 10 BCS conference opponents this season if they win Saturday night... That's the difference between them and Boise.

Whereas Boise was playing Idaho, Fresno State, Louisiana Tech and UC-Davis in 2009, Notre Dame is playing Michigan, Miami, Oklahoma, and USC this season... Notre Dame has played more BCS conference opponents this season than Boise has total during the regular season since like 2006.

Like it or not, that perception matters. 
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ND also beat Stanford.

Their schedule is indeed legit. I just don't have confidence in them in a game of NC magnitude, especially against Saban. Now, if they face Georgia, then I like ND's chances a little better but still not enough to favor them. But I don't trust Richt much either. Or Murray vs that defense.
I am the first to admit, I dont know every detail of the BCS and college football is a distant 5th in my favorite sports.....
But can someone please explain to me how Notre Dame is different from the great Boise State teams of the past? How is Notre Dame currently ranked where they are when Boise State came no where near that ranking with an undefeated record too?
I'm sure there is a reason....but on the surface, it doesnt make sense to me at all. (I would love to see Notre Dame play Bama in the championship game and see them get SMASHED.)

ND might play some teams here and there

but lets be honest College football is about that money Notre Dame is top dog in that area across the country!

plus they bring tons of fans/media/money to the BCS if they in the title game

if you see ND undefeated at the end of a BCS season more then likely they will be in the title game unless a SEC team is undefeated or someone who has a hard schedule is also undefeated
They were going to get left out this year if K-State and Oregon won out. So...?

Other teams have lost games, ND hasn't. It's really that simple right now.
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