2014-15 Official Lakers Season Thread, Vol: We Love Each Other

How Many Wins This Season?

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I said HELPED Boston they weren't there. It obviously helped that two of our starters were out DURING THE FINALS. :lol:

You just makin stuff up now dude, and that's fine. You have your agenda. Meanwhile, other people have shown, a million times that there are mitigating factors into why a team does, or does not win.

You point to Doc as some beacon, and I point out, not 9 months before his title, he had the worst record in the East.

You sittin here like, oh, they beat the Lakers with Smush, and Luke, etc, no worries about having your second best player, cuz that don't matter. :lol:

Come on Mamba, you're better than this. Don't be one of those guys.
I have a perfect example, current too.

Kevin McHale, getting beat down by his fanbase.

Jeremy Lin, drives for a wide open layup, up 3, misses. Batum 3 ties it.
Jeremy Lin, rebound, up 2, loses the ball for no reason, Mo 3 ties it.

Both, in the final 45 seconds. They were UP, both times.

Lin makes a layup, and Lin stops dribbling recklessly, and suddenly, the Rockets are up 3-1, instead of down 3-1.

So, McHale sucks, right? And Stotts is a genius? How does it work?
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I seem to have accidentally stumbled into an episode of first take starring nt's version of skip bayless. I shall politely excuse myself. Good day :pimp:
Also MDA went from 21 wins in 2004 to 62 wins in 2005, did he learn to coach overnight, or did Nash come in and make his career? I mean he had Matrix, Stat and Joe Johnson in 2004.

Exactly, my, God, damn, point.

Thank you.

Coaching only matters when you have the talent to perform what you want. Mike, and Doc, both jumped up big time, once they had solid rosters.

Give him players, and he'll have success. The Suns gave him 85%, WE need to give him the full 100%, and he'll deliver his part of the equation.

Just like Doc did (with Thibs help)

Just like Eric Spolestra did.

Put Mike on OKC, tell me how much better that team gets with real plays, and a true offense.
It's possible the Lakers might be keeping him because he's a bad coach, or a coach who falls shot but you can always find an excuse for.

(I'm not agreeing with that btw)
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I wasn't specifically saying YOU said that CP. It's been said before by Laker fans.

And as I said MDA won 21 games in 2004 with Matrix, STAT, Joe he should have been able to get more than 21 wins out of that squad.

Nash comes in and they win 62, 54, 61, and 55. MDA leaves, PHX wins 46, 54, and 40 wins with Nash still there no MDA.

Meanwhile MDA goes to NY and wins 32, 29, 42, and 18 games before quitting with no Nash. Comes here and wins 40 and 27. Those are facts. Go through all the mitigating circumstances you want. Bottom line, he doesn't have a prime Steve Nash, he hasn't done ****.

That's my point. He's not a good coach, he lucked into having one of the greatest PGs of all time fall into his lap making him look a lot better than he was.

The reason I was using Doc is he has coached a bunch of scrubs to respectability see 2000 Orlando Magic and has changed the Clippers culture this season. And when he's had the loaded squad he's won. He's done it on all spectrums.
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Top 5 Moments/Performances of the Season:





Doc has changed the Clippers culture this season.
he coached his team to one more regular season win than vinny del negro :rolleyes

With Chris Paul out of the line up for 20 games.
In other words the best player on his team was out 1/4th the season.
Yet they kept winning games, as he turned Blake into a legit #1 option.

But you just conveniently "forgot" to take that into account right? :wink:
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Yea whoopty damn do. You beat a team with Smush Parker, Luke Walton and Chris Mihm starting that won 42 games, I'm so impressed.

I think Steve Nash made MDA not the other way around, he did nothing before him and nothing of note after.

It's just amazing to me the excuses people pick and chose. Oh we didn't have Bynum and Ariza in 2008 other wise we'd have won, then we get mad a people for saying yea right sure, yet and Perkins gets injured in 2010 and it's hey we'd have won anyway. The realities are what they are, he didn't win or even get to the Finals for all his masterful offensive prowess.

It's just convenient to use it in what argument your making at the time, don't be a hypocrite.

And yes I think it is important that you validate it with something when guys in here are beating the drum that he's the best available and that nobody outside of Phil Jax or Pop is a real upgrade or at least as good. I'm sitting here like why? What has he done that makes him such a great coach? What validates him being better than Mike Brown who's an idiot but had LBJ and scrubs and went to the Finals. Or a SVG who went to the Finals with an unconventional offensive philosophy or Byron Scott whose been to the Finals twice with similar or lesser talent. What makes MDA so damn good that he deserves this squad if he doesn't have a prime Steve Nash running his show?
I agree.  I think we all know LA's management made a mistake, and this season serves as a lesson to not only LA, but to all the teams out there.  You can't mix and match and expect positive, let alone similar results.  I think most would also agree that players do play a bigger rule in success/failure type scenarios, but to that aspect, we should also remember to look at the 'WHOLE' team as well.  

I won't say the obvious, but what I dislike about DANTONI is that HE FAILS to REALIZE and FAILS to CHANGE his style of coaching.  It's been 2 years already, and fails to 'change' his coaching approach.  If guys get hurt, you IMPROVISE and make ADJUSTMENTS, but D'ANTONI has not even ATTEMPTED to do so.  His method of approach was basically tweak the lineup every game.  SO DUMB!
Doc has changed the Clippers culture this season.
he coached his team to one more regular season win than vinny del negro 
With Chris Paul out of the line up for 20 games.
In other words the best player on his team was out 1/4th the season.
Yet they kept winning games, as he turned Blake into a legit #1 option.

But you just conveniently "forgot" to take that into account right?
10 less chris paul games this year

better bench this year

better deandre jordan this year

one more win is not a big difference
People are going to see what they want to see if it benefits their point of view.

Funny noone is addressing my assertion that MDA was a product of Steve Nash's greatness and not the other way around. The numbers don't lie.
Doc has changed the Clippers culture this season.
he coached his team to one more regular season win than vinny del negro :rolleyes

With Chris Paul out of the line up for 20 games.
In other words the best player on his team was out 1/4th the season.
Yet they kept winning games, as he turned Blake into a legit #1 option.

But you just conveniently "forgot" to take that into account right? :wink:

Like Stat missing a whole year?

CP3 misses 20 games, that matters. Stat misses 80, Mike sucks, no account need be taken.

People are going to see what they want to see if it benefits their point of view.

Funny noone is addressing my assertion that MDA was a product of Steve Nash's greatness and not the other way around. The numbers don't lie.

Your assertion was baseless, and flawed. I just gave up for a while. :lol:

15 and 11. Barely better than his stats in Dallas.

NY's ineptitude trading half their team for a guy they coulda signed 3 months later is their stupidity, Mike simply became the fall guy for it.
Nash was an all star in Dallas before MDA. MDA was in NY for a full two seasons before they got Melo, 50 games in Denver in which he won 14 games.

Just crazy how many bad circumstances this guy has. If only he'd had Rondo, Gortat, LBJ, a Saudi prince, and the blood moon surely he'd have done something.
Very, very interesting if the Clipper players are allowed out of their contracts if Sterling can't be forced out.

Paul, Blake, Jordan all hitting the market would change an awful lot.

Sign Paul, Jordan, draft Gordon, Kobe back, wouldn't be the young core I wanted, but it would be a viable core with a future.
Doc has changed the Clippers culture this season.
he coached his team to one more regular season win than vinny del negro :rolleyes

With Chris Paul out of the line up for 20 games.

In other words the best player on his team was out 1/4th the season.

Yet they kept winning games, as he turned Blake into a legit #1 option.

But you just conveniently "forgot" to take that into account right? :wink:
better bench this year
better deandre jordan this year

Oh, so... coaching has nothing to do with that?

Players got better over the course of one year...with a new coach.
I guess...thats just, a coincidence?

HAS TO BE! Definitely not any help from Doc.


Cmon seaman. you're better than this.
Seriously... you usually make great points. Sometimes your points make so much sense they shut me up for the night.

But what kind of kindergarden points are you making right now?
Since the team only won 1 regular season game more than last year that means coaching has made no difference on the players on the team?

CMON seaman. You're too smart for these type of statements.

I never took you as the kind of guy to judge a game based off of only the box score.
Saying stuff like that is the same as judging a teams performance solely based off of looking at the stat sheet and not even watching the games.

Dont be one of those guys.

improvements and regressions are more than just regular season records.
Anyone with 2 eyes can see the improvements in these players under Doc's tutelage...in only 1 year.

I HATE the clippers and im saying that. I dont want to be giving them any sort of props... so why would i lie? Just to hype doc up?
I hated the guy when he was coaching our nemisis Celtics.
But i respect what hes done for Blake's game.
i respect what hes doing for the Clippers even though i hope they lose.

How can you judge Doc's FIRST YEAR with the team based off of them only having "1 more win than last year"... especially with CP hurt a quarter of the season :lol:

You're better than that my dude.
Very, very interesting if the Clipper players are allowed out of their contracts if Sterling can't be forced out.

Paul, Blake, Jordan all hitting the market would change an awful lot.

Sign Paul, Jordan, draft Gordon, Kobe back, wouldn't be the young core I wanted, but it would be a viable core with a future.

Where are you hearing this? :nerd:
Rockets owner is pushing for it. Silver says he'll consider it, doubt it'll happen.
And CP... who the hell was talking Stat and MDA right now? :lol:
Doc has changed the Clippers culture this season.
he coached his team to one more regular season win than vinny del negro :rolleyes

With Chris Paul out of the line up for 20 games.
In other words the best player on his team was out 1/4th the season.
Yet they kept winning games, as he turned Blake into a legit #1 option.

But you just conveniently "forgot" to take that into account right? :wink:

Like Stat missing a whole year?

CP3 misses 20 games, that matters. Stat misses 80, Mike sucks, no account need be taken.


Hey genius.
Since you want to compare these situations that are totally opposite... (and makes your case even worse)... lets do it. :lol:

The Clippers had 1 MORE win than they had LAST SEASON, WITHOUT CP3 for 25% of the season.
That means... they IMPROVED. Even with their best player out. Not just record wise, but play wise... like Seaman admitted, "better bench, better deandre", and of course a better Blake.

Thats... coaching. He coached that team to a better record than they had the last year, without his best player for 20 games.

What did Mike do?
Struggle without Stat. Did his teams record improve? no... of course not, because he lost his pick and roll stud.

Who is mad at him for that? most coaches wouldnt improve their record losing their player for the whole season. So whose getting on him for that ONE season? not me.
But did he do anything special? Did he improve his record? Did his team play better without stat?


How about the clippers? Were they winning games without CP3? YES.
Against good teams? Yup.
Did their record improve even with him out for those games? Yes.

So im giving credit to him for that.

If MDA had done the same, i would of given him credit as well.
But he DIDNT. So im not.

So why are you bringing that up? :lol:

I bring up an accomplishment, you bring up a failure.
An understandable failure for that 1 season, one many coaches would endure as well.
But nonetheless, you just compared an achievement to a failure.

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If the .00001% chance that happens, I'll want to off Jeanie and Mitch, cause we could have room for CP3 & Blake but Bean is taking up a third of the cap.
Very, very interesting if the Clipper players are allowed out of their contracts if Sterling can't be forced out.

Paul, Blake, Jordan all hitting the market would change an awful lot.

Sign Paul, Jordan, draft Gordon, Kobe back, wouldn't be the young core I wanted, but it would be a viable core with a future.

Doubt Paul & Blake would leave each other, even if it signals some sort of pass to Sterling's statements.

CP3, Kobe, DeAndre = $55mil
Nash stretch provision = $3.3mil
Draft Pick 1-8 could be anywhere from $2.2mil - 4.5mil
Sacre - $915K
$4.2mil worth of unguaranteed contracts (Swaggy, Bazemore, Kelly & Marshall)

Still wouldn't be enough. If we got #1pick, stretched Nash, tried to pair those 3, not enough with Roster Space Salary Holds.

Even if we got the 8th pick, still would not be enough.
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