2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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I was about to say the same. Like, besides Dirk and Monta, two dudes who obviously Dallas would've give up, who do they have on that roster that's even worth offering??
Maybe Houston's tries to force Lin on Dallas and just make it one big move for them? Maybe? I don't know.
At a certain point, though, if you're LeBron, you look at what just happened in the Finals. You look at Wade. And realize that team just isn't going to get better. They can't afford it with three guys deserving of max (or near-max deals). It has more to do with that than Riley.
Oh no, I totally get it. But SAS was saying how LBJ was agitated that Riles kept shooting down a lot of his personal requests having to do with his family/crew/Gloria. And how he would find out at the last minute that Wade was not even playing that night. Meaning Bron would have to carry the load again. Supposedly a lot of other little things.

The impression SAS gave was that if Riles had acted a bit differently, LBJ would have an even harder time making his decision.
Pretty sure Brian Windhorst has a Bron shrine in his closet like Helga does of Arnold.

He probably does an aside after every convo he has with Bron too.
Bron to Cleveland.
Bosh to Houston.
Wade to Bulls.
Melo to Knicks.

That was my guess a few days ago when Ska posted that... Maybe the Bulls see a window if the Big 3 splits and makes a move on Wade. Would be interesting, albeit risky.

And why would LeBron need police patrol outside his Ohio home if he was announcing for Cleveland? Likely nothing, but Just seems weird.
What are Houston and Dallas even discussing?!
Donnie gotta be on the phone like "We can give you Felton. No? What about Ricky Ledo? Not him either? Brendan Wright? Damn."

About to **** around and punt on next year's draft, too.
Dallas could keep their cap space this way...
He's not humbled he probably just thinks lebron is a coward which is what he implied when he talked to the media.
You and I both know that if LeBron walks, Riley is gonna feel as salty as some of the Knicks fans did the first time around. :lol:

Riles will no doubt feel as if he messed up somehow.
Wade probably at home looking in mirror....wondering where it all went wrong :smh:

Might have to reach out to Rio for some understanding.
I still dont understand why knicks fans were mad at Bron

dudes really thought he was going to play for the knicks?
Dallas could keep their cap space this way...
But why would Houston give them that flexibility? And what are we gonna trade that Houston would actually want to take back in exchange for handing us Parsons?

Seems like it would make more sense for Houston to say "OK, there's what you're going to war with." and walk away.
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