2014 NFL Draft Thread

I hope/bet Sam's jersey is a high seller.

Wasn't Jason Collins jersey selling a lot?

He'll be cut before his jersey goes into circulation.

It's already happening.

Michael Sam Rams Jerseys Are Already For Sale And The Demand Is Reportedly 'Ridiculous'

After waiting through almost the entire 2014 NFL draft to hear Michael Sam's name called, #SamFans -- and Rams fans -- didn't waste time in showing their support. There was reportedly an "avalanche" of orders for Sam's St. Louis Rams jersey after he became the first openly gay player ever selected in the NFL draft.

As noted by Darren Rovell of ESPN, it took less than three hours from the Rams selecting Sam with the 249th pick in the seventh round of the 2014 draft for his jersey to be on sale. With his jersey number yet to be determined, the blue sample jersey viewable at NFLShop.com initially had No. 10 on the front and back as Sam was the Rams' tenth selection in the 2014 NFL draft.

Citing an unnamed source, Dan Bernstein of CBSChicago.com reported on Saturday evening that the jersey was immediately a popular item.

Per source w/#NFL merchandising: Avalanche of Rams "Sam" jersey orders has them scrambling. Calls quantity "ridiculous." @YouCanPlayTeam
— Dan Bernstein (@dan_bernstein) May 11, 2014
While Sam was waiting to hear his name called, Cyd Zeigler of Outsports.com predicted the jersey would be a huge seller.

My best guess is Michael Sam's new team will sell 25k jerseys the first week they're available.
— Cyd Zeigler (@CydZeigler) May 10, 2014
After Bernstein's tweet, Zeigler suspected he had underestimated demand.

I had predicted the #NFL would sell 20k @MikeSamFootball jerseys this week. I think I underestimated... http://t.co/SWX83ue9Es
— Cyd Zeigler (@CydZeigler) May 11, 2014


Pretty sure you're saying the same thing I did except mine was in direct response to another poster, in which I clarified the situation based on their logic. Nice try though. Read everything next time.

Your response was: Now, since they don't feel Sammy will bust, then they obviously believe he will be that huge difference maker that most expect him to be, which completely justifies that trade.

What I'm saying is what NFL team is drafting any player thinking they will be a bust? You're trying to justify the Bills moves by saying they feel as though Watkins will not be a bust so they traded up and took him. That's not a good argument on drafting a player because no NFL team is going to draft a player, much less trade up in a draft on the simple premise of feeling he won't be a bust.


I still think you're missing the point of my post because I completely agree. To clarify, I said what I said in response to 10027 mentioning how many top 10 receivers busted, so I was pointing out that they wouldn't trade up to draft him if they felt he would be a bust. It was backtracking on my part to reset the mindset I was coming from with my initial stance.

We can go in more circles here, but I think you should pick a different battle. Sorry if my post wasn't clear, which I had a feeling it wasn't.
Charles Rogers, Mike Williams, Braylon Edwards, Roy Williams etc. were all supposed to be sure stars for years to come.

You could add Blackmon to that list too.

It's funny, cause like I said earlier, those teams that drafted WRs that high were still bad years after.

Looking at the Super Bowl winners for the past what, 10 years? No super star , highly paid WRs.

That is honestly why I'm not too concerned with Gordon being out. I was just thinking about that recently actually.

Even with his record setting season last year, we missed the playoffs completely. Young, competent WR's are good enough to get you by in this league as long as you have depth.

Look at the WR corp that Seattle put together for Wilson to win. To my knowledge, none of those WR's were even a 1st round selection. So you can actually win with just slightly above average WR's.

I trust Farmer's calm demeanor about this whole Gordon situation. The way the Alex Maxk situation played out, I have full trust and support that Farmer will make the right decisions to place a weapon or two for Manziel.
I don't know what young, competent receivers the Browns have on roster though besides Hawkins. Burleson is old and barely ever healthy and Greg Little is Greg Little.

Cameron probably gonna put up some numbers though.
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You're right. But it may not be too late to add a decent wide receiver via trade or FA.

Travis Benjamin could see more time as a WR this year, and that kid is lightning fast.

We'll see. But I'm not letting the Gordon thing bring my hopes down for Manziel.
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Cleveland will be heavy rushing and ball control anyways. Rookie QB and great defense.
Yeah I mean I think those are fair points/expectations for Cleveland. Losing Gordon sucks because he may have been their best player, but it doesn't mean bust for Manziel. Their defense should be very good. They're at least going to try to feature the run game heavily.

For the record I don't believe that WRs are useless or not important to have for a QB's development, just that it's a position where you can find productive players Iater rounds that are good enough for you to win. Unlike, say, LT.

Edit: kind of like RB but to a lesser degree
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^ lee was the guy that scared me the most out of guys I heard mentioned for the eagles at 22
We'll see what happens. That was the main bugaboo with Cordarelle Patterson as well and he ended up surprising me immensely with some of the hands-catches he made.

Thinking about it...I'm curious how many receivers had questions about their hands coming into the NFL to either live up to that billing or shuck it.
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this is why "expert" opinions are irrelevant to me

Richard Sherman's draft profile

Sherman is a size prospect with some good intangibles that will help him mold into a contributing backup corner for a press-heavy team. However, he does not possess the natural coverage instincts, fluidity or burst to be considered a future starter. Is comfortable and capable in press man, using his size to disrupt receivers' releases off the line, but doesn't show enough make up speed to consistently recover when beaten. Awareness in zone and off-man are only adequate. Has average ball skills but some upside as a playmaker. Tough against the run but still developing from a technical standpoint. Sherman is a Day 3 prospect.
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part of that is true though :lol:

He heavily relies on being physical, but he's so good at it that it overshadows speed being a potential factor. Whoever made that profile just undervalued how strong hos press skills are and couldn't project his immense growth as a player.
The profile of Sherman is still accurate. He was simply able to go to the perfect scheme and has one of the better DB coaches in the L that has allowed him to reach that next level. Not like they said he didn't have a future or any upside
If that profile didn't say " that will help him mold into a contributing backup corner," it would be spot on, in my opinion. I think you run into this a lot with an individual analysis of a player. It's based solely on the individual and can't take into the account the team that drafts the player and the scheme they run.

Completely agree with Dre...He came into the absolute ideal situation.
My point was the article started out saying the ceiling is a back up; that's the first thing you read
I don't know or care if grades matter, and I doubt none of you care either, but since this thread is here for a reason, I'll type.

Buffalo did some good, and some head scratching. LOVE Sammy, and their offensive core is solid right now, adding Bryce Brown is a good move, but they have given up like 3 future draft picks. A 1 in 15, a 4 in 15, and a possible 3 in 16. That's crazy to me.
But Sammy, and the 3 Olineman they pulled could be great. Cyrus, Cyril, and Seantrel, if they get anything out of those 3, they could be a lot of fun on offense. Like the core, hate the moves on future picks.

Arizona, love them getting even deeper on defense, they are going to be brutal like everyone else in the NFC West, and loved the TE they pulled, but they did little else imo. Logan Thomas still might be better than Carson Palmer tho, so I guess there's hope. :lol:

Atl did alright with Mathews and Hageman plus Freeman. But their draft was a lot of "meh" to me.

Baltimore and their God damn lucky value drafting. :smh: Defense has been tough for a decade and a half, starts to show some cracks, and they pull Mosely, Jernigan, and Brooks just like that. :lol: They didn't do much for their offense, but pulling Steve Smith will help a little, so they should be fine as usual.

Panthers could be real smart, or real bust. Benji, Ealy, Turner, Boston and Gaffney are all guys I like. If they coach them well, they will do fine, if not, this class won't help and they will suffer. Not a wow draft, but certainly that boom or bust type draft.

Bears went all defense, even took a punter to help with field position. Can't be mad at that. Their offense will be ok, they needed to start rebuilding that defense, Fuller, Ego, and Sutton is a good start.

Bengals were quiet to me this year. Loved the Dennard pick, and even like AJ McCarron, but outside that, they didn't do anything to excite me for the first time in 3-4 years. However, if Gio and Eifert take big steps in year 2, it won't matter I suppose.

Clevland........started out well trading down, love getting extra picks next year, but for just Gilbert and Manziel? :\ Bitonio could be nice, but I don't like them not taking a WR, especially with Gordon in doubt. What looked like a great draft, has all the makings of yet another Cleveland let down. They needed to keep that mid round pick they gave away to move up 1 damn spot for a 2nd corner. :smh:

Dallas, I almost always dismiss cuz Jerry. But, Martin is good, another DeMarcus, love Devin Street, and Gardener and Mitchell could be nice finds for their defense, so it's a fairly decent draft by Cowboy standards. They'll screw it up somehow tho.

Denver did ok with Roby, not sure on Latimer, but with Peyton, he'll probably be amazing for as long as Peyton is there, then he'll turn into Cinderella.

Detroit.....not sure. Love Ebron, I love that guy, and he will be great in Detroit with those tools, and then Van Noy is a nice pick, but....why didn't they keep building on the secondary after that? They took a kicker (?) another WR, MORE Dline help (?) but only 1 corner, and no safety? Huh? Ebron may be great, but they could have spread the wealth a little I would think.

Typical God damn Packers. Sit tight, and just collect solid talent. Ha Ha, Adams, Bradford, Abbrederis, Janis, and even another guy or two that fill needs they can develop in time. :smh: God I hate you Ted Thompson. God I love you Ted Thompson. :lol:

Loved the first 3 rounds for Houston, but they were 1 pick from pulling Clowney AND Teddy. :smh: Still, love Clowney, the UCLA guard I will never learn to spell, Fedora, and Nix. Not sold on Savage, I wish they would have gone with AJ. We talked last year that he would be the perfect fill in behind Schaub. Savage, meh.

Not many picks for the Colts, so they couldn't really do much for me. They have to hope Mewhort and Moncrief work out or they're in some trouble.

Man, I LOVED the Jags draft. Serious, can't think of any year I ever said that. I don't love Bortles, but Lee, Robinson, Linder, Colvin, Telvin, and Storm is a nice haul. If they do get something out of Bortles, this was a great class.

Chiefs were ok, but nothing mind blowing. D'Anthony and Murray are guys they can develop, and Dee Ford is nice, but that's a small class to work with, and some of them are already limited. So I don't expect much of a boost for them.

Miami did like Carolina. They either did very well, or they will tank like hell. LOVE the Landry pick, I can not express that enough. And the rest, just fine. A 4 year starter at RT who is 6-6 311. And a Guard that is 6-5 315 and can move to tackle in an emergency. That's what was needed. Add to that Lynch who is an inline blocker with some skills to grab a pass or two, and it's clear they built around Tannehill getting help. After that, like 4-5 small school guys I have no idea if they will help or not. Either we did great, or we bust like hell. :lol:

Loved the Vikes, Barr and Teddy completes an INSANE 3 year first round run. God I hate them for that. Crichton, Yankey, Exum is just icing, and that's a solid class.

Pats didn't scare me like usual after Easley. Hate that they got him, so not fair, but I could care less about that QB they took and Stork is solid, but doesn't scare me, and the rest, meh. I do like Gallon tho, Tom could use him for a year or two before he dies. They worked on the trenches tho, so that's telling I think.

Not real high on the Saints. I don't really see why they need MORE at WR. Yes, Cooks will flourish, so? They been great on O, getting yet another one, eh.....the rest of their picks on D will help with depth, but I don't love this class for them. They could have done more imo. And hell, they traded up to take the WR, giving away picks they needed. I don't agree with the approach.

Giants had a solid draft to me. Love OBJ, like Williams, like the value they got late in Kennard and Jackson, got some line help, solid, not great class.

Jets got their QB of the future, and a good TE, and a solid Safety. Outside that, jack ****. Jalen and Shaq better be real good, or they were a complete waste in one of the deepest WR classes ever, if the Jets manage to screw this up, I don't know what to tell people. I mean, did the Pats in round 7 do better with Gallon, than the Jets did in round 4 with TWO picks? How?

Raiders did ok, but I don't think highly of Carr, or their ability to develop talent. I like Mack, and I like Gabe, Ellis and McGill even do somethin for me, but I don't trust them, or Carr. If Carr pans out, they might have had a solid draft.

Weird, but I really like what the Eagles did, outside their first round pick. (like Jax) I don't agree with the Smith pick, but I love Mathews, Huff, Watkins and Hart. Hell, even Ed Reynolds. I just don't get Smith. But maybe he'll beast and I look stupid. Won't be the first time.

The Steelers are like the Packers and Baltimore. Just steady. Love Shazier, Archer, Bryant, Tuitt, you just know they will find a way to work those guys into good players.

SD was quiet, but after stealing Allen last year, they don't need to big splash. Like Verrett, and Attaochu, and even Tevin Reece late could be nice with Philip.

Screw the damn 9ers. This crap was just brutal. Ward, Hyde, Martin, Borland, Thomas, Ellington, Lynch, and 3 CB's for them to dissect and develop. Man, ****.

Seattle, I don't see much I like outside the 2 WR's But, I trust them enough to know they can and will develop the young D guys and make them useful, but compared to the 9ers, and Rams, they were 3rd best in the division for my taste.

LOVED the Rams, again. They added bulk to both lines, Tre Mason and Joyner (who should fight alot over the title game :lol: ) then add Gaines and Sam as guys they can develop and patch in. Love it. The RG3 trade could cripple the Skins, and build the Rams in time. Just need to develop them.

TB went all offense. I can respect that. If I agree or not don't matter, they tried to put players around Glennon to see what can happen. Evans, ASJ, Sims, and some OL depth, that's how you help your young QB.

For the Titans only having 6 picks, they made the most of them. Lewan, Sankey, Jones, and Mettenberger is a nice haul imo. They don't get a great draft based on short picks, but they could get these guys right and grow from them. Depends on Metter and Sankey imo.

Skins did ok for not having a 1. Trading down helped. Moses, Lache, Murphy and Long are all good gets, Grant and Breeland might help as well.
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