2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Lebron has a different hand shake for everyone on the team and they all are executed seamlessly 
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Cavaliers better stop screwing around and lock up the number one seed :rolleyes

Or the Celtics need to climb up to the top seed :lol:
Seeding probably means little to nothing to Cle.

They aren't going to catch Sas or Gsw and can win on the road against anybody in the East so............................

Lue Bron should Popovich it and start resting random players for the last month and a half and piss people off even more. **** he's gonna sit when he feels like it anyway :lol:
He said, "A lot of players back off Lebron with that shot (3-pointer), because they respect his drive to the basket"

Or...... or.... they don't respevt his shot 
I wouldn't bet. Losing to a bad team has been the Warriors m.o. this season :lol:

I should probably put 1000 dollars on the Lakers tomorrow :nerd:


Oh the game is at home?

Nvm. I take back everything I've said.


Oh it's at Los Angeles? Yea there's still a chance.
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I had no idea that Golden State is undefeated at home

They've had some close calls, like Brooklyn back in November. Brook Lopez missed a wide open gimme lay-up at the buzzer and the Warriors won in OT.
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